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Unlucky, my copy was posted today, £24 for play asia, I don't need no stinking wireless guitar.


Yeah, but I need a wireless guitar...


Reversal of fate, I was going to have to wait until xmas for my GH3 fix, but turns out I didn't have to in the end and got it a few days ago.


Tables have turned my friend!


You're getting it on the wii right?...Right? :(


Afraid not, I'm getting it for 360. Sorry :(

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Good news, even though my diet is still kinda bad. Because i'm doing so much excerise i now weigh:


12 stone 7 3/4.


I used to be 13 stone 4 when i first moved here. Me happyz :)

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Good news, even though my diet is still kinda bad. Because i'm doing so much excerise i now weigh:


12 stone 7 3/4.


I used to be 13 stone 4 when i first moved here. Me happyz :)


Who ate all the pies?

Burgers and the fries?

I had one, you had one,

Jordan had Fifty-five.


I thank you. : peace:

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o_0. Eight stone? Jaaaaysus.


Yeah, I have like, no body fat left, at all that I can find, mainly cause I spend excessive amounts of time climbing/ at the gym, and I think the only thing I've eaten today is 2 pieces of shredded wheat, and a few cups of tea. I'm 10 stone and 2 pounds...used to be 14 stone 6 months ago. Self five. I could never get down to 8 stone my frame is pretty beefy. Mam thinks I'm bolemic though...I just have no appetite.

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Got punched in the face and body by my ex girlfriends boyfriend, turns out she wasn't telling the truth about being single. Good job my mates were at hand to help pull him away and separate both of us. Got a nice cut on my cheek which hurts.




As you can see


Other than that, work was great as usual. Kept digging into the planning department about things.

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Got punched in the face and body by my ex girlfriends boyfriend, turns out she wasn't telling the truth about being single. Good job my mates were at hand to help pull him away and separate both of us. Got a nice cut on my cheek which hurts.


Other than that, work was great as usual. Kept digging into the planning department about things.


So she told you she was single, and then you got attacked by her boyfriend?


Bluddy women. See! SEE!


Urge to kill, rising.


I have 20 minutes remaining of this day, I think I may do some weights. :D

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I lay in which was nice (yay for cancelled lectures). My other lecture was one of those "go do some work" kinda ones so I ran away to the library and shockingly did some. Done a bit of reading, went to the co-op, cooked a curry, watched nip/tuck, uploaded photos on facebook from two months back and just watched pushing daises, which guarantees a big goofy smile on my face for forty-five minutes.


All in all a good day.


And today has started in a cruely amusing manner. Woke up at 7am and found two random girls trying to get out the house, so I let them out and they drunkenly shouted "good night!". Then went and had a shower and such and bumped into a housemate and his friend who were just going to bed, while im just going to work -_-

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Finally got a nice amount of sleep (like, 8 hours or even 9 =O ), though I wouldn't object to even more.


Spent the morning taking pics of myself (for school). Some involved food and chocolate spread, and now I feel kinda sick. Uh oh. X3

As long as it all stays down (it almost didn't a minute ago... >.>; ) it's all good. Still have two lectures to go to in the afternoon, so I better not get sick. And well if I do, it's a good reason to stay home I guess. Though I was planning on copying a friend's notes on Dreamweaver... Hmmm.






>.> <.<

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Jesus sweet baby Christ, I could just murder some people on Ebay.


I won something on like...Monday or Tuesday, and got a message saying "Thanks for the payment, your item will be despatched on Saturday :-)"


....Its like...why're you smiling at me? Thats ages away. n00b.


And again today. I paid on Wednesday, get a message today saying it will be sent on Monday. Do they think thats speedy? Ill obviously be giving them 1 star on delivery.


Oh well. At least its FRIDAY!


And my Transformers on Special Edition Two Disk High Definition Digital Versatile Disk has been despatched from teh hax play xors (yesterday) which is a big woot.

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Jesus sweet baby Christ, I could just murder some people on Ebay.


I won something on like...Monday or Tuesday, and got a message saying "Thanks for the payment, your item will be despatched on Saturday :-)"


....Its like...why're you smiling at me? Thats ages away. n00b.


And again today. I paid on Wednesday, get a message today saying it will be sent on Monday. Do they think thats speedy? Ill obviously be giving them 1 star on delivery.


Oh well. At least its FRIDAY!


And my Transformers on Special Edition Two Disk High Definition Digital Versatile Disk has been despatched from teh hax play xors (yesterday) which is a big woot.


You think that's bad? I paid for something on the 8th of November. I emailed her last Friday asking where the hell it was and she said she'd only just received payment from PayPal which is BS and would send it out the next day. Haven't heard anything since so I've opened a complaint-thing with PayPal and still haven't heard anything.

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I hear that. It seems that 70% of Ebay users are n00berskanks.


My day just got legendary. I had an upset Jamaican man on the phone (Not happy that he was paid by cheque, which is incidentally the option he ticked on his form.)


Anyway, he became increasingly annoyed and ended the call ;


"Fuck you man!"


It was literal awesomeness delivered in verbal win form.

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Well my day started with a tonne of bricks dropping on my head.


Jeff Gerstmann (the guy who gave Zelda an 8.8) has been fired from his job, because he gave a game a low score.


Now, Gamespot own CNET, CNET want money. The game that Jeff gave a low score was Kane and Lynch by Edios. There is a crap load of K&L ads on Gamespot, Edios threatened to pull the ads unless Jeff was either sacked or he raised the score.


He refused, he's been fired and i refuse to use anything to do with CNET ever again. I've been a paying GS member for years because of their amazing staff, alot of members are leaving the site. A hell of alot.

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Well my day started with a tonne of bricks dropping on my head.


Jeff Gerstmann (the guy who gave Zelda an 8.8) has been fired from his job, because he gave a game a low score.


Now, Gamespot own CNET, CNET want money. The game that Jeff gave a low score was Kane and Lynch by Edios. There is a crap load of K&L ads on Gamespot, Edios threatened to pull the ads unless Jeff was either sacked or he raised the score.


He refused, he's been fired and i refuse to use anything to do with CNET ever again. I've been a paying GS member for years because of their amazing staff, alot of members are leaving the site. A hell of alot.

That sounds pretty absurd. What was the score he gave it?

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Penny-Arcade has even done a comic, I think Gabe knew as he was posting stuff about it on the PA forums. Poor Jeff, bloody sucks that's for sure. Something else has come up too, Tim Tracy the guy who does the video editing and stuff has also left, O_o


The Eidos forums are in a right state, goatse and split willies everywhere! :))

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Bill Bailey, was fantastic. Only issue was that the seats we had weren't great. Due to the daft layout of Wembley everyone on the right or left has to spend the entire time with their heads turned in order to see the stage leading to sore necks. Still, Dueling Banjos done with sitars makes everything definately worth it.

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MY ex told me something last night.

She fucked her boss in the brief time we have been broken up.

She then asked me to get back together with her.

I feel as if i am in hollyoaks!


Hmm, do I say "unlucky, dude" or do I say "well done for getting back with her"?




Did anyone die?


...during sex?


It is 2:33, and I am wearing a towel. I've done some internet banking this morning, cancelled some direct debits, which means no more unneccesary monies will be taken from my account...YEAH!

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