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I didn't get to see the Cranbourne Houses today we got on the wrong bus. :p But I did see the student Village on the actual talbot? campus which I didn't mind!

The student village does indeed look cool. I was in one of the houses last week though and it felt..odd. I don't think I'd want to not live in halls for my first year, if that makes sense? :smile:

I do love the fact that there are facilities Open 24/7 I'd been in there at 3 O'clock in the morning just for the sheer hell of it. (and I'm a bit of an insomniac, though a selective one it has to be said.)

Likewise - I'm sure I'd be using them at night if I

  • Lived closer!
  • Actually had any work to do at the moment!
  • Didn't have a desktop in my room! :heh:

30 minute walk or bus ride doesn't really bother me that would be know problem though I wouldn't mind just rolling out of bed! much less effort needed there. :heh:

It's really not much hassle at all, and the walk is really nice, assuming the weather isn't too bad. It's so colourful and leafy :D


I had a great Campus tour and I did love the modern feel to it and I definately got a good vibe from the place but I have done from 4 others I visited not so much from Glasgow, not thatit was bad just not what I was looking for. (not that I could even get it in I found out.)


Good to hear! Only you can make the right decision of what uni is best for you, though. These are just pointers. I personally love BU, it's an awesome place. Portsmouth originally felt right for me until I came to see Bournemouth, in hindsight Portsmouth seems way too disjointed as a uni but I do have friends there who are loving it! (and one that's not enjoying it as much as others..)

Also I've realised I do not do enough sitting cross legged on the floor it is underated as an activity. :grin:


Hmm..good idea. Wonder if it'll help with my cold? :D

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Woke up this morning feeling very groggy after last nights big 6 hour piss-up. Doesn't regret a thing what-so-ever. Invited 2 mates over for a few beers, only one showed up. Spend the afternoon playin Mario Kart and Smash Brothers.


And now very slowly getting ready for another night out tonight.

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There was a recruitment day at the White Rose Centre, handed in a couple of CVs but I'm still hoping GAME will get back to me.


The rest of my day has been spent watching Heroes, I'm now up to date with season 3 (as far as Wednesday's BBC3 episode). :D

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The student village does indeed look cool. I was in one of the houses last week though and it felt..odd. I don't think I'd want to not live in halls for my first year, if that makes sense? :smile:


Likewise - I'm sure I'd be using them at night if I

  • Lived closer!
  • Actually had any work to do at the moment!
  • Didn't have a desktop in my room! :heh:

It's really not much hassle at all, and the walk is really nice, assuming the weather isn't too bad. It's so colourful and leafy :D


I quite liked the idea of the house. :D Though I know what you mean about wanting to live in Halls!


Hehe, I'd use them anyway despite having my laptop with me would just be weird and unsettling with no one about. :) Yes I noticed that today the surrounding area is really beautiful and the leaves were all sorts of different lovely colours!




Good to hear! Only you can make the right decision of what uni is best for you, though. These are just pointers. I personally love BU, it's an awesome place. Portsmouth originally felt right for me until I came to see Bournemouth, in hindsight Portsmouth seems way too disjointed as a uni but I do have friends there who are loving it! (and one that's not enjoying it as much as others..)


I looked at Portsmouth as well and it has a different feel to it but I do not see it as dijointed at first it was confusing but everything is closer than I orginally realised once I knew my bearings!


Hmm..good idea. Wonder if it'll help with my cold? :D


I'm not sure but it is definately an awesome way to sit! :grin: I've been sitting like it most of the evening as I'm trying to tiy up my room.

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Guest Stefkov

Today's been such a lazy day. Got up at midday, played Army of Two, instead of cooking some Beef an Ale thing in the oven for an hour cooked it on the hob for 15 minutes. It was noice.

Productive much.

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Had a fairly good night out. Went to the bar enar me, saw some people I know they were doing some three legged bar crawl (teams of two, tape your legs together).. They headed off to some bar, saw some people I met at the Rock Soc crawl, hanged with them and we headed off to K-Bar, they had some cool music, but the cafe thing next to it (Dolce Vita) had some brilliant dubstep, and I actually danced (very rare), which was fun. Tiring though.

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Yarr. Went out last night t'pub with a few folk. Dan and his merry men appeared at some point, and I managed to meet gARY gREATIE *adds to list* and everything! Swollen glands made drinking a painful experience, too. a genial night out, I'd say! Woken early as a buddy from brighton's been texting me, so I guess I'll battlestar-it-up for a bit, then get some reading in.

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Had a fairly good night out. Went to the bar enar me, saw some people I know they were doing some three legged bar crawl (teams of two, tape your legs together).. They headed off to some bar, saw some people I met at the Rock Soc crawl, hanged with them and we headed off to K-Bar, they had some cool music, but the cafe thing next to it (Dolce Vita) had some brilliant dubstep, and I actually danced (very rare), which was fun. Tiring though.


It was pretty darn good dubstep wasn't it, mind you, i give props to the k bar dj for mixing justice with daft punk! That was a quality sound.

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Finally woke up, it was an effort trying to open my eyes, full of sleep, yummeh.


Not feeling so good, need to get some work in and grab my bag back! So I can continue typing up my storyline for my game, whoopie..


Not going to do much else it seems, had a bad dream last night about somebody leaving me and another about my mum dying. What a lovely evening... >_>

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Finally woke up, it was an effort trying to open my eyes, full of sleep, yummeh.


Not feeling so good, need to get some work in and grab my bag back! So I can continue typing up my storyline for my game, whoopie..


Not going to do much else it seems, had a bad dream last night about somebody leaving me and another about my mum dying. What a lovely evening... >_>


Last night turned into nothingness except drinking and talking to people in the halls.


Today is all about getting some clothes washed, however the stupid machines demand £1 and 2x 20p which is ridiculous! I don't have that exact change....baaaastards!

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Last night turned into nothingness except drinking and talking to people in the halls.


Today is all about getting some clothes washed, however the stupid machines demand £1 and 2x 20p which is ridiculous! I don't have that exact change....baaaastards!


haha, well everybody else I know went out, I think anyway, I wasn't planning to go out, so I'm not bothered by that!


It costs us £2 here, rather than £1.40! :shakehead

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Been up for hours and I'm bored outta my mind. I'm just sitting watching episodes of the OC (I'm nearly finished season 3 now so not much left to watch). Would go out but really can't be bothered and it's a sunday so getting anywhere would be a pain in the arse (it's times like these that I wish I was able to drive but then I realise I don't need to). Managed to get a replacement copy of Billy Hatcher yesterday but don't think I'll spend the day playing that or anything. Just don't really seem to be in the mood to do anything at all. It's a sad state of affairs, I'll tell you that.

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Got up early to watch the F1, not got any plans until later tonight. Trying to work my way through some of the music on my iTunes that i've not giving a proper listen too. I'm failing miserably however, can't stop listening to John Mayer.

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just woke up, its noon.


my life is litteraly the epitemy of pointless.


gotta redouble my efforts to find a job.

Me too, there seems to be fuck all out there. I might move to London or something, see if I can become a runner.


However I think I'll be going to the Guardian London Graduate Fair on Tuesday... See what I can get there.

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Guest Stefkov

We made (read: I thought most of it) a brilliant game last night. Kitchen tennis.

Frying pans as rackets, chairs as a net, and 3 bored guys at 1 in the morning. Brilliant.

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We made (read: I thought most of it) a brilliant game last night. Kitchen tennis.

Frying pans as rackets, chairs as a net, and 3 bored guys at 1 in the morning. Brilliant.



Eggs as ball?


Soo tired this morning when I was rudely awoken by my alarm clock. Badly need some more sleep-been doing 8 hrs shifts these past couple of days followed by canvassing straight afterwards. I don't think I'II bother with canvassing again next year-while the extra money is nice the lack of sleep isn't so fun.


Also thinking of ordering 30 of these




to celebrate a milestone age in a couple of weeks. (Damm I'm feeling old)

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