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Letty; so you're moving in with jordan and you're quitting your job? :P You r winnar!


I got my noo phone through today. It's PURPLE. The new cable meant I could rip the pics off of my old phone and now facebook is heffalumped.


Been playing PURE for a bit; mighty fun. Got about 30 mins to kill before I hit up the pub with my mad-crazy clumsiness. Watch out pints! Here I come! *bump*


A complete waste of time. What's the point in doing work in a group project. I was the one, out of 4, who last night did the entire design document while no one did anything. Yet everyone leaves with the same credit. Fucking hate group work.


I'm in a completely foul mood. Uni was utterly pointless today. English involved trying to stay awake while someone went over the dramatics of King Lear which we had already covered, extensively. Because of that, my neck hurts. Then psychology was a bore as well. To top it all, I've been home for about an hour and a half and my brother decided before I got home that he'd have a friend over and has purposely positioned himself and his friend so I can't get in the room to drop my stuff off. W**ker. Could really use some alcohol right now....

Well I still need to lose about 4-6 kilo (depending on what scale is used). So still a bit to go.

Heh yeah, the books are great. I don't really follow the Weightwatchers diet, but their recipes are still good to follow because you know they'll be quite low in calories and all that stuff. =)


Ya one of my friends gave me the recipe books. She said she only ended up putting full fat versions of all the ingredients in it anyway!


I was actually at my meeting today, I lost 11 pounds in a week. Go me. First week, so its usually a big'un. :yay:


Day has been good, got 2 nice little surprises in work. 1 being a pay rise to my normal pay and 2 a cost of living payrise to the already risen pay (4.6% to be exact). Plus overtime (5 hours) and a £60 tax rebate again. So a nice little nest-egg of money coming my way in less than 2 hours.


Other than that. Its been a good day.


Question. What colour T-shirt would go with this? The topman website says "Orange" but I think that would look retarded. Any suggestions? Help!






Today was meh. I came home at lunch because I felt so utterly tired, and I ended up falling asleep on the floor whilst doing some work. How odd.

Question. What colour T-shirt would go with this? The topman website says "Orange" but I think that would look retarded. Any suggestions? Help!







I can see orange working with that, but it'd have to be a gamecube spice kinda orange.


I kinda hate cardigans though (except grey/black) on guys...they just remind me of really annoying shops.


I just wish TopMan wasn't the universal "trendy" shop. I've bought a few stuff in there, as they do good stuff, but it seems rubbish when you see other people in the same clothes as each other (you).

I can see orange working with that, but it'd have to be a gamecube spice kinda orange.


Any other colour? The orange shirt available is a deep v-neck, and I'd rather not get that. There's Green, Red, White..stuff like that. I'm thinking maybe green, but I could be utterly wrong.


I kinda hate cardigans though (except grey/black) on guys...they just remind me of really annoying shops.


I just wish TopMan wasn't the universal "trendy" shop. I've bought a few stuff in there, as they do good stuff, but it seems rubbish when you see other people in the same clothes as each other (you).


I own both a grey and black (and green) cardigan. This would be the first different colour cardi I'd of bought. Always wanted a blue one, but never got round to getting one. I don't get why cardigans get so much stick, I love them.


well today has been odd. My systems were slow at work so the day dragged, in the morning I was accidently logged into Kylie Minogue's profile on her website, so that was really odd, had a nosey at her fan mail. This evening i've been playing on WoW and i'm now in an emotional mood and fed up of the love life.


My day has been knackering. A nice early start with French Comedies - believe me, they're not funny at all. However, the lecturer is hilarious so he makes up for it. Then this afternoon I took the time to have a nap for the first time in ages, was actually rather lovely! Then it was back to Uni followed with an unplanned trip to work so that I could earn a bit of extra cash. All in all not too shabby.


Otherwise my friend cut my hair about at about 12 30am on monday and surprisingly it's been very well received! It was just the standard, shave all over (but not too short!) as I'm getting a bit fed up of having it grow back so quickly, being bothered to do stuff with it. I think it suits me quite well. I suppose I shall have to add a picture to the user image gallery sometime in the near future!

Any other colour? The orange shirt available is a deep v-neck, and I'd rather not get that. There's Green, Red, White..stuff like that. I'm thinking maybe green, but I could be utterly wrong.



A pastel green colour could potentially work. Dunno how you'd lok as different people suit different colours, but just going by the shirt pica pastel green is nice.


Even a turqoisey blue would be alright.


At least have it open, with a white T-shirt or something.


Done up cardigans remind of granny-chic. Which is all kinds of wrong. Or that anorexic-man-looks-cool trend.


Man, I got a lift home from my mate's dad earlier and casually asked said mate when he was gonna get a job, out of interest and idle conversation not meaning anything by it, and man did I touch a fucking nerve. Said friend fell quite silent, said dad got quite vocal, and I felt incredibly awkward. I don't even care if he doesn't have or want a job! I later found out from someone who's known him for 16+ years(shit, they have pictures of each other as kids on their fridges) that this is indeed an issue for him. I feel like such a tard, and such an idiot, it's the sort of thing I should have known not to bring up in front of his dad! I also am annoyed as I have a slightly dicky foot, a gammy hand, and generally feel a bit ill.

Also in the last few days I've discovered a girl I knew and became quite good friends with, and was arguably 'seeing' over the summer was never happy and apparently it was all a lie, and she has no real desire to ever know me again. A girl I think I may even have fallen in love with a bit, who sold me out for a guy she knew for 2 weeks. A girl who brought a fair bit of happiness to my life. A girl who, constantly for all that time, assured me otherwise and actually made me think she cared, but it seems she was just using me. A girl I've been cut up about for the past month.

Yet strangely, I feel incredibly liberated and not so bothered having found all this out. I feel like I should feel worse than I do, but I don't and don't know why. I feel much worse for the fact I've probably gotten my mate into a sticky situation with his family. I should remember to call him tomorrow!


OK day I suppose, kinda sad to be alone all day at home for my birthday, but I went out to dinner with 2 friends, had good ramen and some warm sake, at the very least I cleared my mind a bit of all the shit that's going on.


Last night was unusual. My brother brought this lass round, who's 26 [five years older than him] who's got 2 kids [she started at 15 it seems] and had those awful black smokers' teeth.


I then heard them plowing on three seperate occasions, he can't last for shit.


This morning at half 6 when everyone [except me] gets up for work, I can hear Mum telling my brother to get out of bed, with his whiny excuse, most likely "I'm too tired! waah" which ended with a royal door slam from Mummy, if I wasn't awake, I think it would've done the trick.

What does Deborah Meaden say when shes had enough time in the Jacuzzi.

Pass the champagne Duncan.

Question. What colour T-shirt would go with this? The topman website says "Orange" but I think that would look retarded. Any suggestions? Help!




I SO bought that cardigan last week :D And I'm also having a matching t-shirt trouble. Seems to go well enough with a white t-shirt. But I was wearing it with a stripy bauge t-shirt the other day and, looking at a couple of photos of me, it didn't work :P


I'd say black, but thats just my opinion :)


I never usually wear just a black t-shirt but my parents bought me a prada one which I now wear quite a bit O.o


Got woken up by a silly text when I thought they was in trouble. Blasted hooligans.


Going pretty well today, wrote 70% of an article I need to finish by the end of the day already, and am going to chuck a few games on Ebay later for a bit of extra spending money.


Not a bad day today, sat in bed most of the morning, woo! Got a lecture at 3 though for 3 hours, not particularly looking forward to it.


Will have to come home and read some more of the digital gaming as text and then head out again later, more than enough time really (as it's only highlighting up about 10pages!). Knackered, I did sleep quite alot, maybe too much? oh well.


It's amazing how messy my room gets when I'm hardly ever here..annoying.


managed to arange a trip to the gym with a mate. nice to ahve some one to go with, most of my mates are busy with gfs and outher sports. i have neither, the gym is beeing seen as my ticket to a girl so i get fed up of no one wanthing to go.


outher then that, ive just be woundering how i hurt my ear, i must have done somthing cos now im having to wear my contacts all day to avoid the disscomfort of glasses on a cut.

Going pretty well today, wrote 70% of an article I need to finish by the end of the day already, and am going to chuck a few games on Ebay later for a bit of extra spending money.


Wait till the weekend, free listings if starting bid 99p or under :)

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