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Strider's Day:


Because of my car insurance and everything going up in price we decided we were going to cancel Sky to save some cash each month. Now when we got through to the cancellations department they could magically offer us a free sky+ box and installation (which they're coming to do on Friday), free phone and interweb and the whole 6 mixes for £20. Bargain. So if you're on Sky it pays to 'cancel' then get free stuff, although it would seem you actually have to get to the cancellation department for it to be offered.


Also there's just been a powercut for a whole 1.5 hour! Then i got bored and went out for a drive (I'm getting good again!) Hurray! I got overtaken by 5 police cars heading somewhere very fast, although i couldn't see which way they went to follow them... Yes i'm nosey.

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There is a Spider up on my ceiling, It's been there for days sitting, waiting. I killed his brother and it wants revenge, it seeks my blood. It's only a matter of time before it launches its attack. I have to prepare!


I stare up at the ceiling and wonder what it's thinking, I've been asleep it had time to get me then. What is he waiting for?


I made the mistake of opening my window the other night due to the heat, and was invaded by a daddy long legs! He then proceeded to hide under my bed for a few hours, until suddenly, without warning, he attacked! Luckily I had my TV remote in my hand so I brutally beat him to death with it. I had Daddy's long legs lying all amputated like on my bed, I had to brush them off with a sock:blank:


That'll teach 'em to mess with me.

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I made the mistake of opening my window the other night due to the heat, and was invaded by a daddy long legs! He then proceeded to hide under my bed for a few hours, until suddenly, without warning, he attacked! Luckily I had my TV remote in my hand so I brutally beat him to death with it. I had Daddy's long legs lying all amputated like on my bed, I had to brush them off with a sock:blank:


That'll teach 'em to mess with me.


Daddy long legs are fucking creepy. I think I would genuinely rather DIE than be faced with a room full of daddy long legs. ¬_¬

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My day was knackering. I had to get up early to leave Leicster, as an anime convention I went to this weekend ended last night. The weekend was great though, but parts of the convention could have been better. I'll post a thread on it once I've uploaded my 200+ pics to my photobucket account. :heh:

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well i just did somethingI never thought i'd do in a million years!


I rang up the RAF careers line, and I am awaiting a call back to arrange an appointment at the careers office.


I am still a bit amazed. How can the only job I want that i'm actually qualified to do be in the RAF?! The job seems really good. Most importantly it involves zero killing. You also work towards a degree, the pays good, the cost of living is low, the extra curricular activites look fantastic, the pension is good...


Only downside really is that although I would have a laboratory based role (i'm applying to be a Laboratory Technician) I would still have to do the 9 weeks basic training which seems pretty hellish, and live a pretty regimented lifestyle. But to be fair my lifestyle is hardly a barrel of laughs and free time anyway, and office work is killing me.

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Dropped my phone in a cup of tea at work >_< It won't work. Won't turn on anything but it does now act as a vibrator. Plug the battery in and it just vibrates non stop. Going to take it to the market tomorrow and see if they'll let me try a new battery.


But as daft as I felt for doing that someone else did it a few hours later.


Other than that I was again doing everything at work as the two girls that were on are useless.

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I'm in a pretty bad mood, really.


Woke up this morning, getting ready for work, and because of our arguments yesterday, my brother refused to give me a lift. He's doing nothing all day as well, and it would've taken him five minutes to drop me off to work, whereas it takes me 45 to actually walk there.


In the end, I had to call a taxi as I was running late. Cost me a fiver, and it means I'll be walking to work all week, which is pretty crap, as its a bit of a trek (its not exactly walking along a flat surface for half an hour...). Haven't spoken to him or anyone else in my family all day, and I'm just waiting for one of them to set me off so I can rip the shit into him.


Work itself was alright, I guess. Only person to hit my target, which was pretty cool. That cheered me up a little bit. Got home, and was knackered, so sat down to play a little guitar, and fell asleep. When I woke up, I couldn't find my plectrum anywhere...and I still can't find it. It's like my lucky plectrum, really like using it. I've got a second one, but its not the right one for me, too thick and clumsy to use. Losing that one has pretty much just rounded off my day really.

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Heh oops. I was sort of taking a nap again tonight, from 19:45 until 20:20. Somehow though I ended up turning off my alarm and sleeping lots longer (apart from waking up a couple of times).

I just woke up five minutes ago, super confused about what on earth is going on and finding the house all silent and empty. Turns out it's midnight already and everyone has gone to bed. Felt so weirdddd. X3


So yeah, I missed my entire evening, yay! And no one missed me, whooo! XD

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I'm in a pretty bad mood, really.


Woke up this morning, getting ready for work, and because of our arguments yesterday, my brother refused to give me a lift. He's doing nothing all day as well, and it would've taken him five minutes to drop me off to work, whereas it takes me 45 to actually walk there.


In the end, I had to call a taxi as I was running late. Cost me a fiver, and it means I'll be walking to work all week, which is pretty crap, as its a bit of a trek (its not exactly walking along a flat surface for half an hour...). Haven't spoken to him or anyone else in my family all day, and I'm just waiting for one of them to set me off so I can rip the shit into him.


Work itself was alright, I guess. Only person to hit my target, which was pretty cool. That cheered me up a little bit. Got home, and was knackered, so sat down to play a little guitar, and fell asleep. When I woke up, I couldn't find my plectrum anywhere...and I still can't find it. It's like my lucky plectrum, really like using it. I've got a second one, but its not the right one for me, too thick and clumsy to use. Losing that one has pretty much just rounded off my day really.


everything will turn out ok.. maybe.. i dunno

(im not the best person for giving out good advice.. or cheering people up.)


well ive no motivation for my uni exam. none at all. its depressing. got a driving lesson tomorrow that ive no motivation for. been in a stupidly crap mood tonight. i should sleep but i have no motivation


got to love having no motivation. im just aiming to pass with 40% thats it. i never even signed up for film studies n i dont want to do it next year. at least first year doesnt count towards your degeee cause id be screwed .. like a screwdriver.


media studies i like. film studies is AWFUL



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I don't know why you and your brother are arguing, but seeing as you referred to it as "petty" yesterday I think it's safe to say that you aren't doing yourself any favours by letting it get to you.


I can be incredibly stubborn, but I learnt a long time ago that sometimes you just have to grease the family wheels to keep things moving on. So, rather than holing yourself up in your room brooding over how you want to "rip the shit into him", just go and talk to him. Well, not right this second as that would probably just exacerbate things, but the only way to combat the ridiculous is to point out how ridiculous it is. I know it's easy to get worked up about little things that don't really matter — Hell, just look at the venom that's flung around on forums such as these — but all it takes is for you to take a step back to appreciate how needless it all is.


Now, it might be that your brother won't share your enlightenment, but it's not the end of the world. Sure you'll still be walking to work, but at least you won't have the world weighing on your shoulders.


Also, check your shoe.

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Guest Jordan

Indeed. I'm a whore.


I spent way, way too much money in Aberdeen. I ended up buying Letty a PSP, a 2GB memory stick, went to the cinemas, went out to eat most days... All i bought for myself was a 2100 points card.


I'm now at work, having had 3 hours sleep on a floor of a boat and i'm feeling really, really dizzy.

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[career talk]


Sounds perfect, and im sure you can put up with the nine week training thing. All the best with it :D


[sadface flinky]


Sorry to hear things are getting crummy. Things with your brother should pass, siblings were never made to get on. Least you're doing well at work :)


p.s. faceboooooooook :p


Indeed. I'm a whore.


I spent way, way too much money in Aberdeen. I ended up buying Letty a PSP, a 2GB memory stick, went to the cinemas, went out to eat most days... All i bought for myself was a 2100 points card.


I'm now at work, having had 3 hours sleep on a floor of a boat and i'm feeling really, really dizzy.


That explains how most of the staff got the clap...


But congrats you two anyway :D Letty, you deserve some epic medal :p


Phone's still not working. Well, it would make a nice vibrator but thats not what im looking for. Anyway off I go on my epic long day of organising everything. Although that date has been rescheduled which means I can get back around 6 rather than 11. Im all sleepy as next door are having a conservatory built and have the only builders in the world who start at exactly nine.

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Guest Jordan



I feel as if i'm moving and yet i'm sat down. I can hardly concentrate either. I don't think i shoud be at work today...

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bah! My friend is such a dumb fuck atm. He's thrown a hissy fit at my other friend and refused to talk to him. Now he's been kind enough to include me in his little pram fit.

I was going out last night with friends and knowing that Tom, who he's not speaking to, would be there he started fishing for an invite anyway. In short: fuck that. He's made himself unwelcome by acting like an eight year old and if he'd come out he'd only have talked to me all night and I had much, much better things to do that babysit a fucking 21 year old all night.




aaaaand relax.


At least I had a wicked time. Very funny.

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There's some insanity brewing there, Tom.


Congratz Letty for having a partner willing to spend LUDICROUS amounts of money on you. Congratz Jord for being a whore and getting away with it!


So I spent over 8 hours travelling yesterday. Got about 30 pages from the end of the book... Now I have approximately 3 hours til exam, in which I need to write quote sheets,print them (shorty's just discovered my printer is out of ink) and walk to uni then BAM! Exam. FuckI'mgoingtodie. Or cry. Whatever comes first.

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Exam in the middle of summer?


The fuck is this.



Anyone wanna do ReZ a favour? As I cannae access Google Earth right now, can someone search Chessington (world of adventureage) and snap a few of the Vampire (specifically the station if you can see it) and then upload that shizzle? Only do it if you're not busy, its not LYFE OR DEATH. Just want to have a gander at a supposed (but existent) house adjacent to teh station yo'

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Was searching through my game shelf first thing this morning (6:30am to be precise) to find one Gamecube game i havn't beat, the one game that i pre-ordered as it would be popular and i havn't beat it. Game in question is Twilight Princess. I've beaten all the other GC games i got inc Wind Waker and Metal Gear Solid but not this one. May play on it over the weekend when i have time or after i beat GTA IV in under 30 hours (mission 52 in 8 hours so far)


Still, only 2 weeks or so until i get the money together to get a Wii.

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