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Today was...meh. I've realised if a certain person wasn't my mate anymore then everyday would probably be a whole lot better. I know that sounds incredibly harsh, but it's just everytime I'm worrying about something, or angry at someone it's ALWAYS them. They're a great mate, but damn are they annoying to be friends with. Anyone know anyone like that?


I mean I sit down at home at just worry continuously about things that might be said, or something that might be done and it's always because of him. But it's so strange, even though he does all this it's like he has a really odd hold on me and I can't help but really love him as a mate. How random.




Was sports day today, so spent the afternoon getting burnt in the sun ans screaming for people running. Fun times aye?

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Guest Jordan

I've had the most stressful day of my life! Huzzah :D


Released the new version of our software and its just been one problem after another for me.


Ah well.

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I got to bed about 3 last Night. (having had some hilariously fun games of Brawl with Eenuh :yay:)


Suprisingly not at all tired today either. Maybe it's because it was another day lazing about in the glow of the several films I watched in my lessons. :p


Man it's hot today which I didn't notice until I was forced to play football in the sun for an hour. which just kept going,


AND GOING! @_______@

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Just been informed that the other guy who was involved in the car crash on saturday night after the party has had his life support machine turned off. It's terrible, god knows how his family are feeling at the moment. Why he got in the car with an obviously drunk driver I don't know.

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Just been informed that the other guy who was involved in the car crash on saturday night after the party has had his life support machine turned off. It's terrible, god knows how his family are feeling at the moment. Why he got in the car with an obviously drunk driver I don't know.


That's awful. I've driven with my friend when I probably shouldn't have. The problem is, you never think these things are going to happen to you.


I've been a lot more wary since someone I knew at school went of the road in the early hours of the morning and wasn't found until a couple hours later.


It's a horrible thought.

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That's awful. I've driven with my friend when I probably shouldn't have. The problem is, you never think these things are going to happen to you.


I've been a lot more wary since someone I knew at school went of the road in the early hours of the morning and wasn't found until a couple hours later.


It's a horrible thought.


I was completely wankered that night, but when I was offered a lift I straight off refused it. I stayed at the party instead knowing I was too drunk to travel home. I just don't see how they didn't realise driving was a bad idea, or furthermore why someone that saw him getting into the car didn't stop them.

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I was completely wankered that night, but when I was offered a lift I straight off refused it. I stayed at the party instead knowing I was too drunk to travel home. I just don't see how they didn't realise driving was a bad idea, or furthermore why someone that saw him getting into the car didn't stop them.


Edit: Yes I can read, but I've been doing it all day on a tiny DS screen so please forgive me!


In the end its just tragic. I guess things don't always seem like bad ideas until the shit hits the fan.


If they'd got home fine, I doubt anyone would have given it another thought.

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Yeah its freezing over here :blank:


I want a heatwave dammit!


Please, have ours. My face is bright red, but where my hair was covering is still my usual pale self. It hurts! *Yes, this was a sly attempt in asking for sympathy*


I've never had sunburn like this before, I really hope my face doesn't peel. :(

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Please, have ours. My face is bright red, but where my hair was covering is still my usual pale self. It hurts! *Yes, this was a sly attempt in asking for sympathy*


I've never had sunburn like this before, I really hope my face doesn't peel. :(


yikesss. I've had sunburn so severe MY WHOLE BODY peeled. I had to apply moisturiser every half hour to stop the pain ;_;


But I still hate the cold :heh:

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Guest Stefkov

Today's been a mighty fine day. Got up at about mid dayish. Seems to be the cycle I'm in now. Went to bed at about 4 though after watchign Shaolin Soccer.

Transferred a character on WoW, played some Top Spin 3 and some eternal Sonata which I love again once more. Learned sa, shi, su, se, so Hiragana. Gradually will come to know them off by heart like the k's and the vowels.

S'all good.

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yikesss. I've had sunburn so severe MY WHOLE BODY peeled. I had to apply moisturiser every half hour to stop the pain ;_;


But I still hate the cold :heh:


Woah! Suddenly I feel as if I'm moaning about a situation that could probably of turned out alot worse had I not been wearing a jumper. It's my fault for not wearing suncream - though to be fair to myself I wasn't actually aware I'd be outside all afternoon.

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Had a good but in a way awkward day. My friend from uni came to visit and it's all been good. We watched Pom Poko, Doctor Who, ordered an Indian and did a 40 minute walk to town to go to Nero then back again, but the walk is along a canal so it was a nice trip.


But my nan went out this morning and we saw her as she was coming back and we were leaving and she said "I tried to give you as much free time as I could" (or words to that effect) and later said to me "you're friend can come round whenever you know." -_- Yes, friend. No benefits. lols


Also I made new friends:



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ive come to the conclusion that my hair will never stay tidy

even if you brush it - 10 seconds later its messy again


damn hair


That is the exact same with my hair. :)


My evening has been great. Started off with having a Limo parked in front of my house and me being able to go inside it before it moved on. :D


Then I've had some great Brawl matches and sunk my Teeth into Pokemon Stadium on the N64 for the awesome appreciation week. :grin:

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I played smash Bros on the N64 for about 3 hours solid trying to speed run it by getting all characters. Easy...kinda :o


Brawl is much better (by sheer wealth and gfx) but Smash Bros on the N64 still feels tighter and there's no instances of losing the on-screen characters thanks to the chunky low-poly characters.


A great game though and I still love the N64 controller. It will always be incredible!


Then I did some MORE GTA4 (still not completed it since launch day) then I went to work, sat on my till for about three hours thinking that there should be more gameshows in Supermarkets....


Then I came home and upped everyone's N64 impressions from today.

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Had a good but in a way awkward day. My friend from uni came to visit and it's all been good. We watched Pom Poko, Doctor Who, ordered an Indian and did a 40 minute walk to town to go to Nero then back again, but the walk is along a canal so it was a nice trip.


Hmm...I didn't like Pom Poko. I think it's the only Ghibli film apart from Porco Rosso I didn't really like.


In a Ghibli mood, so I'm gonna go watch Grave of the Fireflies.

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Hmm...I didn't like Pom Poko. I think it's the only Ghibli film apart from Porco Rosso I didn't really like.


In a Ghibli mood, so I'm gonna go watch Grave of the Fireflies.


I like Pom Poko but there is something about the middle, it drags a bit. I think as its a nice gentle plot it does make me feel sleepy. I enjoy it but yeah, sleepy feeling.

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Well, I'm a lot more calmer now than I was this morning. Still pretty pissed off and just generally not very happy.


On the upside, this N64 week has really cheered me up, I've loved playing my games, again.


Still, it's 10 minutes to midnight, and all I really wanna do right now is go to bed and have a cuddle. Maybe that's what it is more than anything. Hmm.


I really don't suit the FIERCE part in my name.

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Today I: won the league cup in PES and got promoted to the next league, went out to lunch at Wagamama's with my mum and sister, got horrifically delayed coming back by the shite trains, did nothing all evening, spent over an hour on the phone to a friend, and then realised I'd hardly been on here all day, so I came and posted this!


My holiday's have been reasonably interesting so far. :D

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I need to be in 6 hours for the first day of my new job, so naturally I'm more awake than a cat rolling down a hill in a barrel.


For some reason my family seems to think I should be excited, but this doesn't make sense to me. Sure, it's good that have a new job, but I certainly don't expect it to make me happy; the pay is pretty rubbish, the work is dull, breaks are few and far between, etcetera. It's a bit like chemotherapy: in the long run it's a good and beneficial thing, but every visit will result in your returning drained and rather miserable. I'm not ungrateful, although it might sound like it, I simply don't consider work as something to look forward to by definition.


The only thing worse than looking for a job is having one.

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