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I have had a Great Weekend! I had Chinese on Friday which was delicious! :D


Then my friend! (Bluejay :heh:) came over and many a LOL was had/ sweets were consumed. :)


But now i'm finishing off some work for school and tidying my bedroom. Today is the last day off my half term! back to scholl tomorrow..

Hmm, has everyone just had half term?


I've still got 4 weeks to go until I get a break...

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- slept in

- listened to some music

- had my shower (hair smells kinda like raspberries now)

- went on the ol internet

- did food shopping for uni

- did normal up the town shopping

- visited greg in savers

- came home

- chattin on msn



then im going to gregs house tonight where he;s cooking me dinner (i hope) and then hes taking me up to uni



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She called. Was very strange... We haven't spoken for like months, and we spoke for practically 2 hours from 2am... Strange. Odd. Confusing. Bizarre. But slightly reassuring...


Can we kill Flink for having all teh secks?


Okay James. :)

Maybe she wants to get back to together with you.

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Went to Merry Hill (Big shopping centre) with 3 friends, went to Disney store :heart:, went on the massage chairs, the 2 girls sounded and looked like they were having orgasms, everybody was looking at us :shakehead


Went in a photo booth and took pictures with an awesome camera phone, printed them out on the boots kiosk thing. Thorntons for some chocolaty goodness!


Went into TK Max, and we saw this hanger FULL of clothes, like never ending. So recorded a video with Alice going in, pausing it so she could come out, looking for her in it then go back out, pause it, so she cud go back in, record and her coming out saying OMG NARNIA!


Youtube link later XD


And cuz we are a bunch of loons, we were laughing all day.


I think I had a Mr Paul day :yay:

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That sounds like a very Mr Paul day!


Unfortunately I haven't been having a very Mr Paul day :( Stupid English coursework. Transcribing things take soo long.


Last night was awesome though. Ice cream party dressed as a pirate with lots of drinking and LOLtastic fun, followed by sleepover with even more drink and superfunhappytime! :yay:


Only got a couple of hours sleep!

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Guest Stefkov
Eugh, there was a car crash near Somerfields today, and Ive just found out that the driver was one of my friends from childhood. He landed in someones garden too. : /

Is it wrong that I thought of that as a cartoon, and the guy flying through the air?

I'm sick minded sorry.



My day involved really struggling to stay awake at 9 in the morning. Watching Top Gear, I got 800 words of one of my essays done. Only 400 more, I'd done 800 originally out of a thousand so I need to make up the lost words. Then after I'd gotten to 1,600 words I played on Fifa, got a few achievements Scoring 10 goals against a proffesional side and scoring 5 goals against a world class side) Then I played Eternal Sonata while listening to the constant sound of fireworks going off.

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Well I got up late again today - watched tv all day and decided to bring the 360 and the Wii to Dublin to have a video games party with all my uni mates tomorrow night.


Just unpacked up here and realised I've forgotten batteries for the 360 controllers and the bloody remotes and nunchuks for the Wii. And I was really looking forward to playing Metroid tonight...



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Went to Merry Hill (Big shopping centre) with 3 friends, went to Disney store :heart:, went on the massage chairs, the 2 girls sounded and looked like they were having orgasms, everybody was looking at us :shakehead


Ain't been there for a while. Jonesing for a Burger King veggie burger though so may have to go soon.


My day was okay. Walked to my assistant managers house (over a field) in the wet fog and didn't really know the way but survived. Then after work we wrapped him in receipt roll and security tape. All kinds of fun. Then everyone started making their way back home so had a catch up session which was fun.


Now im finishing off assignments.

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yesterday was teh suck. basically my girlfriend has this useless housemate who can't be left at home alone at night because she reacts like a child and is scared that all the "pakis" and other "foreigners" will break in and attack her and steal the television :indeed: :indeed: :nono:


So since the other housemate has gone home to see her b/f for several days, my g/f has had to stay there. Night after night. And we thought we would get yesterday, but then apparently housemate 2 decided to stay one more night away. Effing ridiculous.


I know some people would consider my situation spoilt and that I don't have room to complain - but we've been together 4 months and the first couple was during the hols, we got all the time together we could ask for, and now uni and teh useless housemates that need babysitting are right in the way. I can see no break in sight!


In order to forget this I got drunk on 2l of cider, finished S6 of Smallville with jayseven then got all the way from Arrival to The Ark on Legendary Halo 3 co-op in one sitting. And we kicked ass, if I do say so myself. Well, I did anyway.


Hm what else did I do yesterday... ah, learnt 8 more hiragana I should've learnt ages ago.

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I know some people would consider my situation spoilt and that I don't have room to complain - but we've been together 4 months and the first couple was during the hols, we got all the time together we could ask for, and now uni and teh useless housemates that need babysitting are right in the way. I can see no break in sight!


In order to forget this I got drunk on 2l of cider, finished S6 of Smallville with jayseven then got all the way from Arrival to The Ark on Legendary Halo 3 co-op in one sitting. And we kicked ass, if I do say so myself. Well, I did anyway.


Hm what else did I do yesterday... ah, learnt 8 more hiragana I should've learnt ages ago.

OI! I r rox. And watch that pluralisation on 'housemates' there...


And the whole bit after "but" doesn't take away from the fact that you get to see your girlfriend pretty much every single day. Perhaps spend more time at hers? I can get drunk and complete halo 3 on legendary on my own :indeed:

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Woot, Quit a job this morning after trying for three full days, basically it was just a bit shit. I was working from 10am until about 9pm (even though technically the hours are meant to be 12am to 8pm) selling door to door with the pay being purely commision based at £30 per sale. I made precisely no sales over a three day period, which gave me a grand total of £0 in about 36 hours of work. Bugger that I thought.

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