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This morning I got mauled in Hard Rock cafe by a whole bunch of kids while I was dressed as Bearemy the Bear for some promotion thing they were doing... They gave us free breakfast after which was super ace!


Then I went back to my actual work and did a pretty awesome party for some kids who were all really chatty and sociable and best of all - WELL BEHAVED.


Now I am at home freezing my arse off and celebrating easter with a nice bottle of wine.

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Claire and I's three year anniversary today. We went to *drum roll* ...London! Wheeee. We went on the London Eye. It was pretty great because it snowed when we were at the top, and we could see gushes of extremely fast snow everywhere, it was extremely impressive. Snowed on and off throughout the day!




We then went shopping and had lunch at Pizza Express. I had an American with extra mozzerella. I bought lots of nice things.




Heroclix (Got one I really wanted...no super duper mega rare Supes though :() A comic alternative printing cover, stuff I won from the Namco arcade tickets place.




Jelly Bellys! Halo 3 figure, pistachio marzipan. Non me stuff - easter egg for sis. Heres those figures.




Cup cakes and stuff from Selfridges too. Choc, Rocky Road, Pistachio and a Portuguese Custar tart.




Has been a great day!

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Congrats on three years Rez.


I was planning on staying in tonight, but now am off out this time to sort myself out. Just came off from talking to my ex, which was a bad idea now i look back on it. She just bought all the memories back which took me 3 months to get over it. And also my mates don't give a monkeys about me.

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Was alright. Woke up and tidied the house (is becoming routine-ey) and then once everyone gathered in the living room we all agreed we didn't want to go home but felt obliged. So we all went out ways. Went straight to my nans and was there for about four hours fixing her PC. Went for a catchup with people I used to work with and came home early because a few of us were feeling sleepy. Was nice to see them all, has been a good night.

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i've had a nice day. a good (and well deserved) lie in followed by a double header at the cinema (horton hears a who & the spiderwick chronicles. Then an evening of 6 feet under and baking muffins.


i have to tidy the flat tomorrow, its getting way way out of hand.

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oo. the next day i realised i can get my haircut (as in the next day im off apart from tomorrow and tuesday - but the hairdressers is shut) .. as in the next day i dont have work or uni... is the frickin 26th april


how not good is that?

thats like a month away




On the bright side, at least you get paid for half of it!


*hugs MBAM*

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I had mad deja vu earlier, whilst watching The Iron Giant. About six months ago I had a dream in which I was watching The Iron Giant on my laptop, laying on my bed. I had not seen the film in ages, yet all of the details of the section I saw in my dream were entirely correct. Bizarre thing is I had a sense of deja vu in the dream as well.


I get this quite a lot, where everything is exactly the same, including my thoughts. I know what is going to happen for the next few seconds, in this case it was thirty seconds and consider doing something different, but some fear deep down causes me not to. I'd love to be able to remember every section of my dreams, so that I can write these things down and prove that I'm not just making it up, but alas I cannot.


Just wish that the deja vu would be useful, rather than just these banal occurances. Perhaps they're just there as a reminder that I should make more of an effort to write down my dreams so that if I see something important I can do something about it.

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Guy, youcant, I just had 3 cans of cider and I'm on top pof the world :D


I don't even drink that much and I can handle that amount of cider. :heh: Spent my night drinking cider with the Irish, thrashing old people at a movie soundtrack quiz, winning large quantities of easter eggs and being told that I'm a 'hunk'.

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Guest bluey
Awesome. How super-fast is your internets over there then? The cake filled ape was hilarious also.


it's good for skype and streaming episodes of eureka seven... so i'm happy :smile: the landlord doesn't seem to know about bandwidth stuff ~ so i can totally hog it! haha.

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three cans of cider and already you've lost control of your motor functions?


Dude the meet-up is going to be HI-larious.


If I come I'll be bringing to bottles of drink with me.


Buckfast, just for the banter, can't stand the stuff myself but I need to show you guys the Scottish chav culture. A bottle of that and you'll be on your way, the effect is phenomenal as there's so much caffiene in it.


A 70cl of Tamova Export Strength Vodka. 43%!


(And obviously a huge supply of Irn Bru as I couldn't find it anywhere when I was in London in January)

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If I come I'll be bringing to bottles of drink with me.


Buckfast, just for the banter, can't stand the stuff myself but I need to show you guys the Scottish chav culture. A bottle of that and you'll be on your way, the effect is phenomenal as there's so much caffiene in it.


A 70cl of Tamova Export Strength Vodka. 43%!


(And obviously a huge supply of Irn Bru as I couldn't find it anywhere when I was in London in January)

My local iceland had 2 ltr bottles for 99p the otherday, and i am in london. I have binged on about 3 bottles.

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