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Today has been proper annoying, here is the reason why:



Basically, it's my brother's birthday. And he's being a bit more of a git today than he is every other day. (At least he isn't as bad as he was last year *shivers*)


However, I think he's going out tonight to celebrate. So hopefully there will be some peace and quiet in the house. Yay.

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Had an alright day, people walked out of Pyschology because it was so utterly boring (I wasn't one of them, I enjoy it).


I'm going out tonight with a group of mates, I've promised myself I won't get too drunk and embarrass myself like usual, we're then going back round one of theirs and staying over. I'm really hyper, I need a good night to forget all the crappy stuff going on. Woo for fun times.:yay:

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Going mad, I could deal with giving up smoking, but cutting the drink on top is too much for me. If I don't have a drink or smoke soon I won't be responsible for my actions.


Have a smoke on that sacred herb my friend.

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Two awards this February went to Oxigen_Waste for both Best Reply and the coveted award of Best Use Of Lylatwars Reference 2008.


The same phrase was better used when Jordan was about to take his driving test. :D

Classic times...


Anyway, my day has been good, especially as it's the last of this half of term!

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Can you get a scratch on your cornea? For the last few months, Ive noticed if I focus as close as possible to myself, I see a mark which moves as I move my eye.


I went to the Co-op today, and bought medicine for my cold legally :D

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Today has been pretty good. Barely slept last night and had to be up for a 9am lecture but after that met up with a friend and went to town and bought some food and ate it by the river, then went for a mile-long walk to a nice secluded park. Nice quiet and calm afternoon.


Been a good slow down after a busy but fun week. Tomorrow could be interesting, as im pretty sure im going to end up handing in my notice.

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At the weekend the wife said that she thought I had a scrotal/testicular lump. Made me mad paranoid so I booked an appointment with the doctor and had it today. Reasonably attractive lady felt my balls and basically told me it was just my manly pipe of semen transport and nothing bad.


Lesson: become more acquainted with testicles so that wife can't make me mental again.


The Doctor's office was COLD!!!!!!




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Music Technology is fucking awesome, I love the subject and if I could get away with doing one thing at college and only one thing, that being Music Tech, I'd do it. It's just so much fun and enjoyable and satisfying.


There's only one problem; and that's that..I'm not actually very good at it. We're working on a project at the moment and have been for 4 or 5 weeks now, and everyone has a decent minute and a half of stuff down with multiple tracks and reverb and other effects etc. Except me, I have 2 instrument tracks and 30 seconds worth of stuff.


Not to mention I'm completely unsatisfied with my end product work from this year so far.



So here's my dilemma. I love it to bits, but in reality I'm not very good at it. I've already applied for Uni, and furthermore, I don't want to do anything besides it there. However, am I wasting my time by not thinking about it thoroughly?


I don't know. :(

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Today has been a write off for me really. Didn't get up till 6 because I was horribly hungover after last night, went out to celebrate passing my exams. I gave my keys to my friend so I wouldn't lose them, and ended up forgetting to get them before I went home. Cut to me shouting down the phone at my brother who had to let me in at 4am.. Was meant to be in college at 11, but that didn't happen!

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day ended better than it began.,


- woke up at 11 to catch the 12 train home.. cue panic as i hadnt packed or tidied.. was read by 11.30 hurrah

- came home - nando tempted me up the town with a free subway during his lunch (woo)

- came home an talked on the internet for a while

- nando then came to my house - we drove to kfc - i had a fight (exaggeration) with the waitress/worker

- went up the town.: bought SHOES :D

- came home realised that my trusted dvd player doesnt work - with DEATHPROOF stuck in it (i mean it wouldnt turn on and we couldnt prise out the dvd..hmph..

- .. cue me..DEMOLISHING the dvd player wiht a screwdriver

PICTURES: (with my shoes on - my feet loook weally really tiny)






oh and heres a pic of my shoes minus the dvd player



see? tiny feet - and they arent that tiny


guess this means i have to buy a cheap dvd player

argos value range - woo

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Guest Stefkov

Last night I played some poker. I won, success.

Then we played 4 player pro evo, all of us on the same team, lost to Sporting Lisbon. Apparently I was the worst player.

Cue me and one of the other guys against the other two. 4-2 win to us. Who scores them all. Moi. Shut those two up.

Also we made our own curling lane thanks to a food bowl for cats and one of those brushes which are just rubber on the end. Then we had pizza.

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babycham shoes? yum


I've decided I hate work...alot. I'm sick of being a god damn cleaner when they should stop being so cheap and making me work 6-8:30 just so I can tidy up after the fucking elder ones who stay in all day.


Not only that but last night there was only me and cathy in (one of my managers) and who the fuck decides to shop at 7:55 when they KNOW that we shut at 8, I was stood there mopping and some stupid fat woman goes walking across it...-.-


I hate work and I want to leave and what is the point of a 2-6 shift like today?!


argh -.-

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