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Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. FML.







Congrats by the way.





Edit: I just watched an advert for the Co-Op and they had a stir fry on it. There was an object in the stir fry that I can only decribe as "suspiciously penis shaped".

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Well despite the drama of the day it has ended on a high - just got an email from UCAS. Unconditional for Glasgow :D Probably my first choice place too :)


It's not all bad!


University / College

University of Glasgow (G28)



Theoretical Physics (F340)





Entry point



Course start date



Live at home



Further details



Deferred entry year






Teh sex.

Edited by Gizmo
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Ceeeeeeeelebrate good times. COME ON!


You should play some Hollywood Undead for your first dance :heh:


:o... AWESOME.. i would so totally do that... unfortunately I think greg has to have a say in that as well :(



THANKS everyone for your kind messages.... you're all invited :D


the the idea of the live stream - is also a possibility :P

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oo that would hurt...go on.. i dare you :P


.. goafter i dont mind if you upstage me... i dont like bein the centre of attention so any distraction to get the focus off me is welcome :P


I think you're underestimating how obscene this hat is going to be.

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OF COURSE THERE WILL BE....(im already thinking of a pokemon/mario themed tier to the cake...)


That's all I needed to hear. :) That is an awesome Idea by the way. Nothing beats Video game related cakes.


Ah the days of my youth like the scent of fresh lemons you see!


I will be there. Munching on the cake. :p


I've been to several weddings!





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C'mon Jay, lets go buy bridesmaid dresses! :hehe: *prances off through a field of wafting dandelions*

Ok! *heads to the thrift store, with Marla as his muse*

OMG! MBAM to become Mrs. Nando. Awesome news! :hug:




For serious? You know the forum is going to hold you to that.

MBAM will have to change her name to "My Buttons are Nando"

ahhhh its gonna be a few years down the line yet... (after uni and all is past...)..


...you'll all have forgotten bout the invite :P...


NOT A CHANCE! For starters you'll be posting on here about the struggle to get teh flowers and catering that you want, then we'll all remember and be forced to ruin your seating plans!

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