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My day has been slow, been working all day again on ut3.


Although I'm alot happier, spoke to a friend telling her how I didn't know how to import the models I'd made for a game. Not only did she step-by-step over msn tell me how she also gave me some neat tricks to texture it very easily too.


So now my level tomorrow will be so much better to make, alot of the stuff I can just model and then whack straight in, more marks for meee yay.


Writing my essay for another lesson, found that half of my word count is going to be the previous essay I made for that lesson and unfortunetly I can't finish until my tutor emails me back saying he's handed it into sheaf, unfortunetly its all on paper so I'll have to type it up, pain but it doesn't matter too much, not in til the 15th and I'm back the 11th, god 4days to round it off.


So I'm nearly there.


- ut3 game

- report for ut3 game

- essay

- flash game


the flash game worries me, but it also worries my friends..hmm...must bug teacher when I get back. That reminds me, must install flash on laptop.


quite frankly... im not :(.... final year is really stressin me out.. everythin seems to be gettin on top of me... cant wait tillt he end of flippin june when i can finally relax... hate uni!!!! and after 2 and a half years I think im doing the wrong course...meh

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This fucking pisses me off:


There's a gay bar in Edinburgh that has a weekly straight night on a Thursday (or maybe Wednesday... I forget), and because its genuinely a nice club (has brill booth-y things where you can sit and survey the scene, and has cool decor) that night is really well attended.


Then you get people on Facebook like "We went to a gay bar last night LOL! [insert text here to re-assert manliness and masculinity.]".


No you didn't. You went to a straight night AT a gay bar. You didn't actually go to a gay bar. We all know if you were actually in a room full of gay men and women, you'd probably crumble from the weight of your own awkwardness and insecurity, so stop pretending to be a fag stag, and GTFO.



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quite frankly... im not :(.... final year is really stressin me out.. everythin seems to be gettin on top of me... cant wait tillt he end of flippin june when i can finally relax... hate uni!!!! and after 2 and a half years I think im doing the wrong course...meh


*points to confession thread*


I unluckily know that feeling, work is abit too much and I feel I should be doing animation, but its too late now.


Your a smart woman MBAM! You can do this n-eee believes in yooooou. :love:

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My car was in at the car place (getting fixed) and they've sorted out my window (it was catching on the seals) but its still making the stupid noise. They cleaned and adjusted the brakes, so now I'm worrying that its worse, and its going to be expensive to fix it :(



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My day was ace, but cold.


I decided to finally get off my arse and go for a bike ride. I cracked out the bike, sprayed the moving parts with wet lube (LOL FTW BYOB ETC) then checked the tyre pressures and off I went.


I'm glad I took my Grandad satchels with me for 3 reasons:

1. It's put my mind at ease about how much they weigh the bike down.

2. The top bag fits my camera bag in it perfectly, allowing me to get some rad photos (see photography thread)

3. They allowed me to carry my purchase home safely (see purchases thread).


To give you an idea of how cold it was, there was a flooded field that had frozen over. I was wearing shorts. I didn't get as cold as I thought I would though, probably due to my obscene layer of fat. Good times.


I also saw a coat in town that I want. My parents offered to pay for some of it before Christmas, so I'm bloody well holding them to it. Good job too as the few I saw that I liked were £120ish.


Then went for a carvery. Marvelous.

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I spot a trend. =P



My day has been okay. Wanted to get up early but slept through my alarm (well, I heard it but kept turning it off) and woke up at noon. Oops. Been trying to do some work since then but I don't feel like I have anything worth showing tomorrow. Fail!


Did a bit of Wii Fit Plus for the first time. Some fun balance games in there. =)


Eating Reese's Pieces now and trying to do more work. Lesson planning for Thursday, first class I'll teach, ever ahhhh!

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Today has been quite successful.


Done quite abit for my level now, got some of my own designs in it (a campsite), even taught somebody else some stuff.


Being referred to the hospital to have my wisdom tooth taken out, might have it done in april when I'm next off. It takes pressure off to have it done at the hospital anyway and I can continue doing work without being in pain. Phew.

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Decent day really, first day back at work after 2 weeks off and didn't really have a lot to sort out. Got a fair bit of 2009 summary reporting to sort out but it should be simple enough. Been setting up templates for 2010 stuff throughout the day, hopefully with the aim of making the year efficient for myself!

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Holy crap, I just spoke to the cutest guys ever. Things went well however I burned at the end of the conversation and forgot to ask for a number. Noooooooo.


Just go to the kennel and ask. Everyone knows you're a dog person.


Nan's birthday. We all just went to her house for nibbles. Was nice and chilled out. Drank red wine, gin and tonic and Jack Daniels. And now got home and drinking white wine. Ahhh the holidays eh?

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I'm done paying exorbitant amounts of emotional energy to my conscience. I will henceforth do what so ever the fuck I please.


You know that thread earlier where you were talking about what you thought people looked like. Well, I think you're some kind of Shakespearean actor.


Christmas and New Yeeear was amazing. I loved seeing my Brighton peoples, and seeing the place again. But most of all, it was lovely being with the female, again. The highlight would possibly be New Years Eve. Making the traditional Christmas Lasagna, drinking fruity cider, and seeing the snow come down amongst the fireworks. I'll never forget that.


I got back in Newport pretty late last night, and I was looking forward to resting today, and taking eet easy. But then, I got a call at 9 o'clock, to go and supply teach in a Private School in Cardiff. In my head, I thought...piss off, I want to sleeeep. But, in my other head, I thought, it's money. So, I went. Thank you, head.


I asked my brother for a lift to the train station, and it turns out he's bought himself a new car. Well, an old car, but it's new to him. So, I may be using his old oneeeee. Just need to check out insurance stuffs. This should make getting to work a lot more easier and hopefully will mean I'll be able to work in a lot more schools for more money nowww. The school itself was nice. The highlight of the day was a pupil in my class of about 15 crying when trying to teach the art of rounding numbers up and down. It turns out one of the kids had told him that they didn't think Father Christmas/Santa Claus existed. One of the kids even suggested that Santa was working with the parents in some kind of partnership.


In the end, I just played along, and said that it was common knowledge that Santa reimbursed the parents after they bought the Christmas presents.


These kids are in year 6. YEAR 6. They'll be in High School in September. Well...they'll probably just go to the High School part of the Private School place they were already going to. But still. I was shocked.

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