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Postal Strike every week between here and whenever one side gets their head out their arse.


Whats up with your company (Argos) BTW? Tried to order something but said out of stock but available some time between Fri-Mon so I go through the usual reserve and collect process then it says "not in stock" and has sent me an email titled "thank you for your reservation" then in the email says "this item has not been purchased or reserved."


DAN! New Mother should make things better ne?

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Postal fail!


I was gonna get borderlands this week but I decided that, on top of my balls to the wall crazy batshit workload, I'm going to wait for Modern Warfare 2 next week instead as buying both is dumb.


err! my day!


couldn't tihnk for fatigue in the lecture at 9. Coffee afterwards was like a brain reboot. Now I'm trying to research John Le Carré for a fake 'obituary' article I'm writing. Huurrm.


Decided that I rather fancy the idea of writing obits. Could be considered morbid but it's a nice form of research journalism that would tick all my brain boxes sufficiently.

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If you'd ordered from shopto you probably would've got it tomorrow. Postal strike isn't set to start up again til the end of the week. Although saying that, I'm still waiting for my Tax Disc to arrive, the previous one runs out on... last Saturday.


Postal fail!


Royal Fail.

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Today went quite well, had a presentation for uni that I had been worrying about for a while however it went without a hitch. Aside from this Sydney is having some kind of heatwave. Hit 38 C at the high point which is far too hot for me, now I can't sleep since it's still so warm. Also my laptop can't handle the heat so I'm having to write this on my iPod. Hummmm.

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Eenuh; man in a boot?! How far did you drive?


Was about an hour long drive getting back home. It's one of those boots where you can remove the top part though, so it's actually inside the car. But of course still uncomfortable. But he was a bit drunk and kept falling asleep, so should've been fine. Also, he had left his own car keys in the car from the guy who left early (since we drove with him when we went to the concert), meaning he couldn't drive home when we arrived where all our cars were. Hope he got home in the end. =P


And also, one of the people with us is actually a police person, heh. He kept joking saying he had texted the police to wait for us at certain points for alcohol tests and all that. He was a bit drunk himself.

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Postal Strike every week between here and whenever one side gets their head out their arse.


Whats up with your company (Argos) BTW? Tried to order something but said out of stock but available some time between Fri-Mon so I go through the usual reserve and collect process then it says "not in stock" and has sent me an email titled "thank you for your reservation" then in the email says "this item has not been purchased or reserved."


DAN! New Mother should make things better ne?


We did get some mail today so I guess shorty is right :)


Not sure about that email, to be honest! Sounds rather oxymoronic. Best bet is to call up your local store to check if you really have a reservation or not, I suppose...

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We did get some mail today so I guess shorty is right :)


Not sure about that email, to be honest! Sounds rather oxymoronic. Best bet is to call up your local store to check if you really have a reservation or not, I suppose...


Yeah it was Friday/Yesterday and more later on in the week, but obviously back log and what not. :)


I know its out of stock but they made it sound like I could reserve it so that when it does come in stock I can get it. IDK.


Just been for a jog. Guess I did overdue it yesterday as my legs are stiff and sore. I did stop when that came on though, not quite stupid enough to carry on in that state. Going to have a soak to try and help.


Then its ironing and packing for tomorrow! (because im staying in my uni town overnight for my graduation/apocalypse on Thursday)

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A good day!


My concept tutor liked my idea, saying it just needed to be refined; getting rid of needless rubbish.


Then I had my "first day" at the games studio.


I was told there wasn't much to be done and just hung out there chatting.


They were busy setting up my desk and offered me to go to a meeting about some marketing stuff.


But I came home instead to do some prograaamming.

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I've had a good day, after stressing out about my animation my tutor said my work was pretty damn good. Which considering I did a spinning person (on a balance beam later on) I'm quite happee.


Had a nap and missed my 3-6 lesson, luckily I can join onto the friday lesson 9-12, its self-directed learning anyway, so I'm not missing massive bits of information, but he's my favourite tutor so I'll be going anyway!


Now I have sushi and music to do some more animating.

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I was having a good day until the rest of the house came home. I just got told to "Bugger off" because i don't like fish, which so happens to be for dinner tonight. Parents know i don't like fish, so why offer it to me for tea. Idiots!!!!.


At least the new Bon Jovi CD arrived today, pity WMP doesn't recognize a track list for it. Windows Fail!!!.

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Read some Dan Brown? Maybe a bit too much like a 'sky dive' compared to a 'climb down' though.


I'm not sure you can actually "read" anything by Dan Brown, you just eat the pages and wait for the inks to dissolve your sensory cortex.

Edited by gaggle64
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Today I thought I'd do something different, so I made choc chip and nut coooookies! I followed the recipe to the smallest detail yet still they turned out crap, I just cannot bake/cook/make food at all.


I've also installed Garmin mobile on my phone (the one that comes installed is rubbish). After a lot of faffing around I've finally managed to get it to work! Woooo.

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Does anybody have any suggestions as to what I should spike my housemate's drink/food with? I want something that will turn her into a complete fool for when her parents come to visit as she's such a spoilt child and her parents think she's the most amazing thing in the world (They're all stuck up their own arses).

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Does anybody have any suggestions as to what I should spike my housemate's drink/food with? I want something that will turn her into a complete fool for when her parents come to visit as she's such a spoilt child and her parents think she's the most amazing thing in the world (They're all stuck up their own arses).


Yes, Cocaine.

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Does anybody have any suggestions as to what I should spike my housemate's drink/food with?


Shove some Potassium in there.


As this is the first year where I actually have money, I should start thinking about what to get people for Christmas. Mainly my four sisters, two brothers, Mum, Dad, Step Mum, Step Dad, Grandparents and Nephew. And I'm completely lost already. I'll think of something eventually.


Edit: Actually, three of my sisters have birthdays before Christmas.

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rawrghdfhf. nearly killed a postie today :heh:


was going down the road which was a 30 and changing to a 40, he must have seen me in the 30 zone and i then increased my speed (as you do) and he jumped out of the junction on me!! Had to slam the bloody brakes on (those emergency stops are so not the same as the test) and held the horn down for a while :D


Damn post office, what are they, IRISH?!?! (guess the reference)

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Not a bad day. Two lectures and they were alright, although my psychology one was going over genetics in the most basic of terms and I studied genetics last year, extensively, so that was a bore.


Tonight, I'm gonna have a few beers and catch up on some TV I think. Tomorrow, I have to research and write a 1500 word essay for psychology. Not going to be easy but it'll get done.


Trying to find out whether or not I still have my review writing job. My stuff is still getting posted but the guy's not emailing me back at all. Also, a new staff member was brought in for news posts and is now apparently doing reviews, which I had to discover myself seeing as they aren't communicating with me. ::shrug: I know I've moaned about it but I do enjoy it and... well, free stuff. If the reason for him doing reviews, if he's doing Wii ones, is because I'm not doing them quick enough, then heads will spin. My work output outshines the head reviewer. I'm on 6 for the last 5 days and he's on 0. :nono: Anyway, I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later what's going on.

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rawrghdfhf. nearly killed a postie today :heh:


was going down the road which was a 30 and changing to a 40, he must have seen me in the 30 zone and i then increased my speed (as you do) and he jumped out of the junction on me!! Had to slam the bloody brakes on (those emergency stops are so not the same as the test) and held the horn down for a while :D


Damn post office, what are they, IRISH?!?! (guess the reference)


The Unions must be stepping up their tactics - Kamikazee posties! :heh:

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I'm about a third of the way through my ER collection, first 5 seasons down - just the 10 more to go. I've almost starting to get confused between reality and the ER world. Pretty sure I saw someone who looked a lot like Carter last week.



Great stuff.

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