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Been a couple of long days recently. No specific reason other than they've dragged on a bit. Have been frantically searching for books for Uni and having little luck. Not great when I have a tutorial class on one of them on thursday and a worksheet due the same day for another class. Luckily, due to their nature I've found them available to read online so that'll do and gives me some more breathing space/time to find the actual books.


Went for a wander round the shops earlier today. Had money I would have liked to have spent but because of the book situation I didn't spend any. But because I've now found online versions, I can spend it so think I might go out again tomorrow. Depends on if my leg is up to it. It's much better than it was, swelling having gone down and the redness having gone but it's still a way from healing fully. Need more dressings but all the ones they sell in the likes of Boots and Superdrug are too small. :nono: Typical. I'd make the mother go and find me some but the parents are away again this weekend after telling me at like 8pm on Thursday that they were going to a cat show somewhere with one of our cats, whose name is Altai. So I'm having to watch over the house and the other cats and they're starting to annoy me already.

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Kinda really bored at the moment heh...

Got up early to go to town with my sis to help her look for new shoes, but she didn't buy any yet (she ended up buying a cheap handbag instead). Been trying to work on a project but it's kinda boring.


Also been trying to think of what to do for my masterproject this year but can't think of anything, so I'm getting a bit worried/ stressing out over it, booh. Not looking forward to first day of school on Tuesday heh. X3

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Weird day. Kinda sad in a way.


Decided not to go ahead with my tattoo, it would leave me incredibly poor, so I rang up Kirsty the receptionist and told her it'd be awesome if I could postpone it til next year, like usual they were awesome. I feel sad about that really, I want it but financially its silly!


Otherwise, fun day ^_^, drove back to Sheffield, bought myself some pillows, duvet cover and a new monitor, so not having my tattoo does mean I can enjoy myself this term and not worry about money so much, which is nice.


Everybody has moved into the house now, except the one we don't really know has been gone for almost a month, we aren't sure if she's coming back, considering freshers week is like monday..0.o


Been looking into moving abroad, mainly canada, (I'm debating whether to have a placement and go straight to france to work for blizzard and then go to canada). if anybody has any tips that'd be awesome.

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Been looking into moving abroad, mainly canada, (I'm debating whether to have a placement and go straight to france to work for blizzard and then go to canada). if anybody has any tips that'd be awesome.


Canada eh?


Someone had to say it.


My throat is beginning to hurt. Its at that 'I can feel a slight something' stage and I'm hoping its due to a fucked up sleep pattern the last few days resulting in not much sleep. Dosed myself up, tried all the old wives tales to help and drank lots and lots of water. I need to be better for this interview on Monday.


Gonna curl up in bed, put Howl's Moving Castle on (as I can fall asleep to that) and hope I can sweat this thing out.

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Canada eh?


Someone had to say it.


My throat is beginning to hurt. Its at that 'I can feel a slight something' stage and I'm hoping its due to a fucked up sleep pattern the last few days resulting in not much sleep. Dosed myself up, tried all the old wives tales to help and drank lots and lots of water. I need to be better for this interview on Monday.


Gonna curl up in bed, put Howl's Moving Castle on (as I can fall asleep to that) and hope I can sweat this thing out.


hope you get better for tomorrow ashmon!




I officially have a car!!! (kind of)


Basically I'm buying my mums car off her (trade in value) and she's getting a new car. The dealer said it was either 10 days or 3 months (which would be too long) for her new car. So I gave her the money now even though I haven't passed my test. Feeling the pressure to pass now :heh:


2 thousand pound later and I'm now extremely broke, got my overdraft extended as a precaution =( I've got £300 to last me til the end of the month.. which will include 1/ paying for my test. (£100) 2/ forking out for at least a months insurance (if I pass - anything between £100 and £200) 3/ surviving 'til the end of the month...


I've basically got NO money saved that I can get into..


Must. manage. money. better.


My bank gave me an overdraft of £2,000. No questions. D:

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Today was one of those days, the type of day in which you wake up at a stupid hour, 8 hours later you cook something badly so your stomache is rumbling and also you're quite tired even though you've only been awake for 9 hours.

Totally going for a walk tomorrow to find a job so that I'm not in my overdraft by October. Also so that I'm not extremely bored.

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Been looking into moving abroad, mainly canada, (I'm debating whether to have a placement and go straight to france to work for blizzard and then go to canada). if anybody has any tips that'd be awesome.


I don't have any advice as of such (although I did do a placement year) but if you move to Canada I would love to come!!! Been meaning to go back there for some time now but money/time has been a serious constraint! Roomies???

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Been looking into moving abroad, mainly canada, (I'm debating whether to have a placement and go straight to france to work for blizzard and then go to canada). if anybody has any tips that'd be awesome.


If you've been offered a job at Blizzard then go for it, crazy fool!

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Welcome Back, Stefkov.


I'm in paaaaaain today. My calves still fucking ache, and I can barely walk. It sucks. When I get up from a lying down or sitting down position, it takes like a minute to adjust and start walking, and even then, I'm walking like I've got Justin Timberlake stuck up my arse.


Damn you, Gym!


Today was ok, though. Just mainly watched Gilette Soccer Saturday, tidied up around the house and...did very little else. A quiet day. Tomorrow will be much busier I expect though, as I have tons of family coming around. It just so happens that they'll be around on the same day as the Manchester Derby...noooo.

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