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After tomorrow I never want to see an invoice again.


Work was alright, had to file a mess of invoices because mum had been backlogged since monday, bit crappy, the actual filing, but mum bought me a subway, so you can't really complain too much, specially not about free sandwiches!She'd never been to subway before, she was so excited to choose her own sub, hehe.


Sorted stuff out with Nine in Brighton, everything was abit confusing, but basically James is ringing me saturday to discuss when I should have my first appointment then I'm sending a cheque over, woo. He seemed to think it would be ok to do four straight days of tattooing - ouch! Although he didn't realise its my very first tattoo and that I can't actually afford four straight days.


One last day at work, payday, then back to the madhouse in Sheffield, apprently my last housemate is moving in then and my other housemate has her mum over, so I'm going to go hide in a shopping and going to join the gym, :yay:.

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I love all my new friends at college. Too many jokes going on at once to do any work.


During lunch hour, I was chatting with people in the smoking bit, and this homeless (I assume, but might not be) woman who is one of those people who ramble at strangers and have a cast on their arm appeared. I call this woman Catwoman, as she talks to the cats around my area. So yeah, a girl I was with started chatting with Catwoman too well, we learnt so much. (Although it was all lies, since she said her son went to "that church!", pointing at the church that houses my art college, and has done for 20 years or something)

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Stop speaking in riddles man!


Anyways, whatever to your loser card game shop job, because today I was promoted at work. Woo! A big move from statistician grade 2 to statistician grade 3.


That's right, I can officially think outside of the box.


Not found out the associated payrise yet, but pretty chuffed overall.


Woohoo! Congrats odders! =D


Thinking outside of the box comes with responsibility, in that you think out of the box the way you are supposed to! :heh:

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Stop speaking in riddles man!


Anyways, whatever to your loser card game shop job, because today I was promoted at work. Woo! A big move from statistician grade 2 to statistician grade 3.


Grade 2:



Grade 3:



That's right, I can officially think outside of the box.


Not found out the associated payrise yet, but pretty chuffed overall.


Congrats. Are grade 2 and 3 qualifications or just stages in your job/career?

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My leg is itchy! Can't scratch it though because, typically, it's the area covered with a dressing and I can't take it off as I don't have any more. Oh well, I'll have to live with it but it's irritating.


I had to go into Uni for an hour at 4pm. How ridiculous is that. My thursdays from next week onwards will require me to attend tutorials at 10am and 4pm. A 5 hour gap between one finishing and the other starting. Can't get it changed either so I'll have to make it work. As for the actual tutorial today, it was for philosophy and it went alright. Only one doing any talking was the tutor and we all sat in silence, not a word said to each other. I think it's going to be one of those subjects that really annoys me with all this ambiguity and subjectivity.

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Yay for payrise, well done Odders!


I'm having one of those moments where you think getting your dream job is impossible, what if I leave uni and don't know anything about being an animator?!




Yay for payrise, well done Odders!


I'm having one of those moments where you think getting your dream job is impossible, what if I leave uni and don't know anything about being an animator?!



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Yay for payrise, well done Odders!


I'm having one of those moments where you think getting your dream job is impossible, what if I leave uni and don't know anything about being an animator?!




I think I know how you feel heh. I still feel like I don't know how to be an illustrator, and am farrrrrr from capable of ever being a good one. I had the same feeling when I did animation and ended up not finishing the course as I thought I would never be good enough. But I think if you really like what you're doing, and you keep being passionate about it and are willing to learn new things, you'll do fine and get where you want to be. =)


Also, congrats Odwin! =D


My day has been okay, had an unplanned shopping trip with my sister and mom today, ended up with some nice clothes. Always fun! ^____^

Now time for work!

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I think I know how you feel heh. I still feel like I don't know how to be an illustrator, and am farrrrrr from capable of ever being a good one. I had the same feeling when I did animation and ended up not finishing the course as I thought I would never be good enough. But I think if you really like what you're doing, and you keep being passionate about it and are willing to learn new things, you'll do fine and get where you want to be. =)



Wise lady!


You're right of course, its just a pain, I love animating since I started last uni year but I don't think I've ever be good at a professional level, not in just two years!


Oh and your an amazing illustrator damnit!

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Wise lady!


You're right of course, its just a pain, I love animating since I started last uni year but I don't think I've ever be good at a professional level, not in just two years!


Oh and your an amazing illustrator damnit!


The amount of time you study your course at uni is never enough to make you into a talented professional. However, it gives you the basics which you will need to become a professional later on once you have a job. I think that you won't actually start becoming great/confident at it until you actually get to do it as a job. Uni can only teach you so much, but it's in the world out there where you will actually start improving and getting better over the years. It takes time, you're not gonna become great in just a few years, but you'll get there.


I don't know if that makes sense haha. Basically, don't focus too much on how you're doing in uni, as you'll still get to improve a lot once you're out there and actually doing it as a job.




Someday I should listen to my own words I think. X3

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The amount of time you study your course at uni is never enough to make you into a talented professional. However, it gives you the basics which you will need to become a professional later on once you have a job. I think that you won't actually start becoming great/confident at it until you actually get to do it as a job. Uni can only teach you so much, but it's in the world out there where you will actually start improving and getting better over the years. It takes time, you're not gonna become great in just a few years, but you'll get there.


I don't know if that makes sense haha. Basically, don't focus too much on how you're doing in uni, as you'll still get to improve a lot once you're out there and actually doing it as a job.


Someday I should listen to my own words I think. X3




Qualifications get you the starting point, but you gotta get experience to climb the ladder. Nobody is ever gonna be a professional artist off the bat straight outta uni.


Doing stuff like you are doing now (redbubble comps), Ine, is the absolute best way to get practice and experience in. :smile:




in other news; my mum got steroid injections in her knee today, apparently it was mega painful, and they hit the bone with the needle, yick! But she's able to walk without the stick! woohoo! She reckons its a lot better but how long it lasts we won't know. Thank god she's feeling a bit more normal though =)

Edited by Raining_again
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@ ReZ - GH5 is £39.99 in store for the game on it's own at all three stores I believe (I presume you'd be getting it on the PS3 so that's what I'm going on) and the guitar bundle is £74.99. Don't know about any of the other instruments but I'd guess you'd either have those already or wouldn't be bothered about them much.

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Congrats Odders!


This woman in another department (A in TS, ReZ) is always awful to everyone, she's rude and basically refuses to do her job. No one ever does anything about it. Today she hung up on me to get out of doing something, so today I made a stand. Well, I emailed her manager. Her manager didn't take anything on board and said he's only ever had good feedback, total bollocks. So one of my managers is meeting him tomorrow with audio evidence (Yours, ReZ) to perform a smack down. I'm proud.


Anyway I feel like I'm obsessively exercising. But it's probably just what a fit person would call normal.

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Went to friend's girlfriend's Birthday party. Came back early since I REALLY REALLY need to pack for uni and sister was on her way back anyway. Basically since I'm the only decent (apparently) looking single out of our group left, so the whole night was my lot being annoying and trying to set me up with someone.


Really annoyed me since I could have gotten on with the girl if they didn't make it awkward. Instead I never got to speak to her. Apparently someone asked her and she asked if I liked her meaning she probably liked me? I don't know. Really annoying. Funny at points but mainly annoying. Hate being one of the only singles left.

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Congratulations, Odders. You might be a Grade 3 Statatatstisitiiciticotorres, but you are a Grade A Cool dude. On our scale, the numbers go up to 11, and then the letters go up to A. Just thought I'd give you a sense of the scale that we use...in here. I'm glad you understand now.


Today was un good dag. Although, I woke up at a silly time in the morning, when the sun was not making an appearance, and my cat walked into my room. It trotted in, and for some reason that woke me up. Then, the bastard jumped on my bed. I said to him "oi, you cat, whaddya doing? I sleep in here. Go back to your cat bed!" and picked him up and put him in my doorway. I only have a tiny bed, and I don't have much room to maneuver in there, because I sleep at a funny angle with just me there. So, I moved him.


Theeeen, I heard him in the doorway, still there, and now he was purring. So, I couldn't sleep because of the purring. My room is pretty small, so I leave the door open. He just walked back in, went up to my window, looked at it, then walked back out. What the hell? Cat's on drugs or something.


When I woke up, I printed off my finished job application, along with cover letter and CV, and then took them to the post office for recorded delivery. Then, I walked home, got about halfway and thought....did I sign my cover letter? So, I went back to the post office, asked for my letter back...and a pen. Opened up my letter, signed the cover letter, then resealed it using cellotape. The woman must've thought I was stupid, or crazy, or both.


My brother also took me to Cardiff to visit my supply teaching agency, as I needed to show them some certificates. The woman there was nice, and we had a quick chat, and then I got in the car and popped back home. So, hopefully that's all done, and should be getting some work through soon.


The rest of the day consisted of me feeling a bit of sore backness from my workout at the gym yesterday. I went tonight as well, and did some ab and leg work. Both felt like they wanted to drop off. I do feel a bit tired now. I yawned when typing that sentence.

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Today was un good dag. Although, I woke up at a silly time in the morning, when the sun was not making an appearance, and my cat walked into my room. It trotted in, and for some reason that woke me up. Then, the bastard jumped on my bed. I said to him "oi, you cat, whaddya doing? I sleep in here. Go back to your cat bed!" and picked him up and put him in my doorway. I only have a tiny bed, and I don't have much room to maneuver in there, because I sleep at a funny angle with just me there. So, I moved him.


How could you? Cats sleeping with you in your bed is such a lovely feeling. For some reason, all cats seem to jump into bed with me the instant I arrive. :yay:


My (sadly deceased) inbred antisocial one even.

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Had my last weekly trip to the cinema with Chan and Han for 3 months tonight. It was quite sad thinking it'll never quite be the same again. Once we dropped off Han, "I Want You To Want Me" came on shuffle on my iPhone, so Chan proceeded to burst into death metal screams. I couldn't breathe, and then let out a hideously loud snort which almost caused her to pull over because she wasn't able to stop laughing.


I love tonight.

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How could you? Cats sleeping with you in your bed is such a lovely feeling. For some reason, all cats seem to jump into bed with me the instant I arrive. :yay:


My (sadly deceased) inbred antisocial one even.


Haha, I felt a little mean, but the bed is absolutely tiny. I also have the box-room in the house, and struggle to sleep in there. And, this cat is pretty big! Takes up so much room, and I felt like I was being kicked out of my bed. :heh:


Ine's cats are nice, they would be your "stroke whilst you sleep" cats. Small and slender. My Cat is the elephant of cats.

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Ine's cats are nice, they would be your "stroke whilst you sleep" cats. Small and slender. My Cat is the elephant of cats.


I know what you mean. I wouldn't be able to breathe if Figaro (my fat cat) tried to sleep on me, but it's nice when Sparkle and Nero do so. Especially Nero, he's softer than a cuddly toy.

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