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Been going down in my house today, I tell you. Brother has left without and explanation as to why or where is now going to live. Seeing as he doesn't have a job or hasn't had once since he dropped out of school nearly a year ago, he ain't going very far. Anyway, was interesting. He had disappeared on Tuesday and came home last night at about 11pm. Turned on his computer for like 20 minutes, switched it off and went downstairs, not to return until the morning. Apparently he's been stealing money from the parents and stuff. Bloody disgrace. But anyway, he's gone now. For how long is the next question. He's such an ass. On the upside, I now have the biggest room in the house to myself now :yay:


Elsewhere, I've done a bit of writing and went out twice, once to get stamps and the other to post something but sort of lingered/meandered home because the weather is beautiful. Nice and sunny and considerably warmer than it has been. Hope it stays like this for a little while. Also wrecked my right shoulder playing Tiger Woods. What with my left wrist screwed up and hurting, I thought that I could at least have a go on that as you can use one arm to do the swing. And it works but it just kept wrenching the shoulder to the point where it was unbearable to play or move it anymore. Well done me :awesome:

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I feels like shit. I've managed to get a little better now, but earlier... fuck, in the words of Han Solo "I feel terrible" proper hungover shizzle, the kind where you know you have to eat but when you do you eat slowly and can't eat it all. Went to bed at about 6ish, woke at 2ish... work is going to suck dick tonight.

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Say what. You havn't vomitted in 16 years?

I don't find not vomiting that weird really. I mean I hadn't done it since probably 15 or 16 (honestly don't even remember it), and the only reason I did vomit recently was because of my surgery. =P


I've not read much on animals having the shits, so I'll take your word for it. :)

Oooh talking about animals having the shits, I currently am in the possession of two tiny cute little kittens! Sadly it's only for today, as my cousin found them recently and is taking care of them and left them with us for the day. But yeah me and dad took them to the vets and apparently their tummy's are fulllll (all bloated) and so I've had to rub their tummies and... anus to get the poop to come out. And it did! In yellow liquidy form. Glad I was wearing a plastic glove. >.>;










Apart from the kittens, this was a pretty gross post. =P

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Le sigh.


Turns out my cat has Leukemia :(


We can give him an injection that'll give him a boost for a month or two but after that it's not looking good. Poor old sod.


The vet didn't mention that he would be in pain though, so that's good. At least we can help him a little bit and make him comfortable for a while.

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Le sigh.


Turns out my cat has Leukemia :(


We can give him an injection that'll give him a boost for a month or two but after that it's not looking good. Poor old sod.


The vet didn't mention that he would be in pain though, so that's good. At least we can help him a little bit and make him comfortable for a while.


Ah crud, i feel so sorry for you there Dan. At least he won't suffer in pain, which is kind of a relief i guess.


Had a chill-out day today played a lot of Mario Galaxy, and half my stuff arrived today including the 250gb HDD, the 160gb PHDD and the 1gb RAM. And also a collectors edition of Pulp Fiction as well.

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Le sigh.


Turns out my cat has Leukemia :(



That sucks Dan :( *hugs* one of our cats had a cancerous tumour before she eventually went, lived for nearly a year after diagnosis though, theres not much you can do when a pet has something like that but at least you can make them comfortable for a while by taking them to the vet for injections.


Wow. I was having a cup of tea at work, and noticed the amount of milk in the fridge. 34 litres. What the bloody hell.




Most of that is sooo gonna go off before it gets used surely? :heh:

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Most of that is sooo gonna go off before it gets used surely? :heh:


It doesn't - there are people in my work premises 24/7.


weekend call centre staff

evening call centre staff

overnight call centre staff

emergency care day staff (for admin from the previous night)

emergency on call doctors

emergency on call nurses

ourselves (day call centre)

dentist during the day (and dental nursing/admin staff)

emergency dental staff at night.



That's a lot of people! :heh:

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well I don't think it was swine flu (despite everybody around suddenly becoming an expert on the subject), but I've certainly had something wrong with me this week.


To be honest, I looked up the symptoms and failed to see what distinguished it from any other type of flu or virus. I had the fever, sore throat, blocked sinuses, headache and general all round tiredness, but then a bad cold can give you that.


So I felt pretty bad on Tuesday (it seemed to just come on part way through the day), it got worse on Wednesday and then come yesterday I was at my worst. Today though, I feel a lot better but then lying in bed for 14 hours should have some positive effects on me.


Still, I didn't miss a day of work despite my condition. Everyone was telling me to go home but this time I think it was out of sympathy and fear of catching it. But if I can make it in, then they've got no excuse.


Hypochondriacs really annoy me and there is no way I was going to put myself in a position to let someone accuse me of being one.

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Today, my boyfriend who likes to get high was driving me insisting he wasn't currently high. A family of deer was standing on the side of the road and he pulled over by them waited until they walked closer to us and said, "What seems to be the problem officers?" He wasn't kidding. FML


This made my day.

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was woekn by my mate saying he was outside to pick me up to go to town. i quickly got dressed. went to town with mates, met up with anouther mate. she was in a dress that made her boobies look hot. had frankie and bennys for lunch. bought the wolverine files in HMV, then regretted it when i started reading it at home (its really dull inside)


ordered a few more graphic novels. if any one wants to gimmi some recomendations id happily read em, ive read a couple and would like to get more into it.

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Went in to my new workplace for a pre employment meeting. Nothing special, just got given a letter with the details and had a chat with the boss. He is exactly the same as Ricky Gervais in the office. It's uncanny, he even looks like him. He actually referred to me as "my main man" whilst greeting me. It was awesome.


At work last night, there was a guy who comes in regularly. He knows a guy I work with (Matt) and stays for a chat once in a while. He's a fucking mental though. A girl who works with us comes in as well. The 4 of us are chatting away and the mental asks how much discount we get and if we could discount stuff for him. The girl offers too and the guy thinks she is going to pay as well and he pay her back. She says no, there's some messing about and then she leaves. On the way out there is still some chatting, then she says "You have some weird friends Matt", laughs and walks out. He says to me and Matt "What does she mean by that?" and walks out after her, starts a row and then she drives off. He comes back in and keeps on saying how he was about to kick her car to bits. He is a complete spacker. Plus I think he may have stolen some shit. Meh, not my problem I guess.


I'll be glad when 2 weeks are up and I can leave that shit hole. Although I will miss some aspects of it. Mainly the good customers, which to be fair are the majority. I won't miss the boredom of working quiet nights and the arsehole customers.

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Went in to my new workplace for a pre employment meeting. Nothing special, just got given a letter with the details and had a chat with the boss. He is exactly the same as Ricky Gervais in the office. It's uncanny, he even looks like him. He actually referred to me as "my main man" whilst greeting me. It was awesome.


Hahaha. I've now got this image of David Brent saying to you "I can make dreams come true to a.k.a. for you." and many other Brent-isms. INCLUDING pointing to some Des'Ree lyrics on his wall. :laughing:

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Went in to my new workplace for a pre employment meeting. Nothing special, just got given a letter with the details and had a chat with the boss. He is exactly the same as Ricky Gervais in the office. It's uncanny, he even looks like him. He actually referred to me as "my main man" whilst greeting me. It was awesome.


At work last night, there was a guy who comes in regularly. He knows a guy I work with (Matt) and stays for a chat once in a while. He's a fucking mental though. A girl who works with us comes in as well. The 4 of us are chatting away and the mental asks how much discount we get and if we could discount stuff for him. The girl offers too and the guy thinks she is going to pay as well and he pay her back. She says no, there's some messing about and then she leaves. On the way out there is still some chatting, then she says "You have some weird friends Matt", laughs and walks out. He says to me and Matt "What does she mean by that?" and walks out after her, starts a row and then she drives off. He comes back in and keeps on saying how he was about to kick her car to bits. He is a complete spacker. Plus I think he may have stolen some shit. Meh, not my problem I guess.


I'll be glad when 2 weeks are up and I can leave that shit hole. Although I will miss some aspects of it. Mainly the good customers, which to be fair are the majority. I won't miss the boredom of working quiet nights and the arsehole customers.


That guy sounds like a tart. :(

You should have kicked hiiiim to bits. And then, poured little bits of him into a vinegar pot, then sprinkled him all over your chips. That would touch the fecker.

I had a boss who reminded me of a Ricky Gervais and Richard Attenborough when he was in The Great Escape. Maybe we should get these two guys to meet. I heard that was the ending of Ghostbusters that they wanted to write, but went with the whole Zuul, Gozer and Keymaster/Gatekeeper thing instead.


My day has been ok. Watching England collapse in the cricket was pretty strange. Pretty poor score. And, I'm knackered from the gym. My arms want to just sleep. They are tired, bless them.


Also been emailing back and forth to a job agency regarding one of the jobs. I bet the woman who is looking after me is sick of the sight of me by now.

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That guy sounds like a tart. :(

You should have kicked hiiiim to bits. And then, poured little bits of him into a vinegar pot, then sprinkled him all over your chips. That would touch the fecker.


True, but God knows what his "mates" are like. Scrotes like that always come back with mates and even though I'm safely locked inside the place at night, my car isn't. Plus he seems to come in when I start my shift and the door is still open. It's not worth the hassle to be honest. Best to just keep him sweet and pray he doesn't kick up a stink. Might twat him one on my last night though for a laugh. "Hey, hows things?" *THWACK!*

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