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Pfffff hot! Today could be the hottest day of the year, with about 32-33°C here. D:


It's too hot to do anything haha. I tried playing my DS outside but the top screen started getting a weird mark on it from the sun. Seems they're not made to be played in the hot sun heh. =P


Also, first day in a longggg time that I managed to wake up before noon (9:30 to be precise)! Hooray!

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Yesterday at work a Large Coke EXPLODED everywhere All over the till and the popcorn boxes and I had to serve customers while it was dripping onto my shoes! :)


Then after that the computer froze. It keeps doing that!


I have today and tomorrow off! :yay: Also I can't use the internet at work which I think was a small topic of discussion!


Today I'mma put my Paycheck in the bank, that's about it! :p

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Yesterday and the day before that was good, as some friends and I visited another friend from "the clique" in her new small apartment. She has recently moved to the Danish city Aarhus where she will be studying classical philology at uni. We played Trivial Pursuit all evening, and I had a laughing fit over nothing in particular. I think I was overly exhausted. :heh: We went to bed at about 2 o'clock in the morning, stuffed together 6 people in a room smaller than mine.


The next day we went home, but not before one of the friends and I went to a meeting in the local department of the Socialist People's Party's Youth, where the two of us and two to three other friends are the only current members. We discussed a recruiting campaign for the first day of school on Tuesday.


Today is my dad's birthday, and so tonight we're going out to eat somewhere fancy. Tomorrow I plan on meeting up with my best friend, and tomorrow night we're both going to a pirate-themed party at another friend's.

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but...are you sick? :p


Gotta try and prepare for an MA interview today. I need to bring my A Game to this one, or at least I would if I was some kind of frat brother shit for brains that uses a phrase like 'A Game'.


Regardless, I really want on this course.

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Nah, I prefer spirits now, or the weird ciders, like Brother's or Kopparberg. I'm a bit happier now, but that's prolly just the Jager kicking in, plus I got a couple of friends sticking up for me. :)


Well, if we are on about spirits here i believe Vodka is for the win. Shows you have great mates if they support you in the line of work.


I was pulled aside by the boss today "for a quick word". I thought they were going to fire me on some bullshit pretence but really because they're mad I pimpsmacked them with government approved workers' rights legislation. However it was apparently my attitude which some customers have complained about. I wanted to learn more:


pr0 Derek: Are there any specific words?

Boss: Yes there have been.

pr0 Derek: What are they?

Boss refused to tell me, and when a customer/s complained he said to give it in writing, which they did. So I have nothing to go on as to what to improve, as I believed I was doing alright [apart from one instance]. When I thought he was done I asked him if his wife had finished with her glass, which was on the table we were sitting at. He said that's irrelevant and practically said that was part of the problem [i didn't know doing my job was an issue]. I had to cut it short as I needed to serve a customer, returned to him:


pr0 Derek: Anything else?

Boss: No, we'll just leave it at that.

pr0 Derek: Ok, now has she finished with her glass?


However he said my coworker had recieved some complaints [A lie I daresay to throw me off the scent] and had a "chat" with him afterwards.


Righteo, sounds to me that this boss doesn't like the legend known as Derek Wheatley. It also sounds like you are doing your job and not lazing about as such.

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Righteo, sounds to me that this boss doesn't like the legend known as Derek Wheatley. It also sounds like you are doing your job and not lazing about as such.

No joke of a lie, I practically hold that place when I work at night, because I work with two lazy people who both smoke and simply have to leave at least 2/3 times for a break. Naturally if I tried it I'd be told off.

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Yesterday was a good day. First time ever, amazing night out in Manchester. Pulled a fat bird. Win.


Today was better. I came online to find out that Blender was FINALLY in another castle!!! :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:


What surprises will tomorrow bring? ::shrug:;)

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I'm sat opposite my girlfriend pretending to do work and procrastinating. But you lot keep making me laugh, whether through Kemp-folds, the news thread faggots or Goafer's description of charity work. I can't laugh though or she'll know I'm not working, so I have to hold it in, which makes it worse and I end up looking constipated. You gits.

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I think it sounds better.


It doesn't. Watch Iron Man.




Remember how I said on Sunday that my Paypal was hacked. Well PayPal got back to me saying it wasn't so I checked into it and its the company that does Anime Studio. So looked on their site and if you don't cancel your FREE demo within 30 days they charge you. I'm fucking furious. Yes it says it in small print but thats fucking awful.


Shit, epic phail. Gotta check the print dewd. Exploit the fuck out of the emails.


See, to me, the only way one could pronounce it as Arrowsmith would be that one had an irish/one of those places in midlands acent. Not poshness.


Posh people know exactly how to pronounce Aero. :awesome:


Booo, go back to Berlin. :P


Lol. Watch Iron Man.


Just rang in sick at work. I don't think they believed me.


I was quite convincing.




I just made some money on the stock market! I feel like I should be wearing a suit and yelling "BUY WAFFLES! WAFFLES!".


I'm a real player.


Stock market FTW. If anyone wants a tip, invest in Octopus Absolute Return Acc A. Its epicly fucking sweet. In 14 months of recession, it has gone down twice (with the fall not being as large as the previous months growth)





Spell checker.




So my DS Spanish learny games arrived and I have started to learn Spanish. Going pretty well so far, I must say. (Albeit I've not learnt a huge amount) but its sticking/etc.


Erm...what else? Yeah. Pokemafia is going well I believe. :)

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Don't know entirely what's wrong but my wrist is hurting like hell. It's either Repetitive Strain Injury or tendinitis (it is swelling up a bit) from the feel of it though so any gaming for work is off the cards for the next few days which has sort of wrecked my plans.


Day has been as subdued as ever though. Very little going on. Did a bit of writing and finally got sent something I should have weeks ago. Need to sort out posting something I recently bought back because it's broken which is kinda crappy but I'm getting a full refund and I've found another that works so I'm happy.

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Don't know entirely what's wrong but my wrist is hurting like hell. It's either Repetitive Strain Injury or tendinitis (it is swelling up a bit) from the feel of it though so any gaming for work is off the cards for the next few days which has sort of wrecked my plans.


Day has been as subdued as ever though. Very little going on. Did a bit of writing and finally got sent something I should have weeks ago. Need to sort out posting something I recently bought back because it's broken which is kinda crappy but I'm getting a full refund and I've found another that works so I'm happy.


if you have pains going up your arm its tendinitis (cause the tendons go all the way up your arm, its not tendinitis without that) but even RSI is a bitch. Massive hugs to j00000 =) take it easy!


I had a fail day at work. Twitter was down, so I did an e-awareness session on swine fluuuu on the works intranet service, apparently immuno-suppressed, old people, and children are most at risk.


We get the vaccine when its available for free through the trust, yay. I'll be put on the absolute-priority-must-give list because of my immuno-suppressed state. Huh, there you go, probably the only benefit has surfaced :heh:

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Today was...painful. There's 58,000 people expected in town over the next few days because of the massive event here that is the traction rally. The winebar was utterly freaking packed with people demanding food asap, so I've not stopped walking for the past 8 and a half hours. Eurgh. Plus, the smell of onion will not remove itself from my hands. Preparing food is such a bitch.

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Sorry to hear Daft :(


My mother's partner asks me when he returns to work how my day was and I always give a "meh average" approach to which he tends to say "same as yesterday and same as tomorrow" which I think sums up my life nicely at the moment. Still, random phone call which may lead somewhere (if they freaking email me!) and I had a cool new idea I'm developing in my head.

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I'm single again. I'm kind of upset. I think I'm going to play Arkham Asylum.


Unlucky dude :( hope Arkham eases the pain abit! :)


I had PC World training today before I start my work for Advent PC's (puke) Tomorrow is the last day of training and apparently we will be doing 'speed dating'....wtf is that? anyone had job training which they had to do that? I'm not very good at group based activities etc etc :blush:

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