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Haha, how rude... :heh:


When was the last time I posted a picture which wasn't just of the head though (well, you don't need to see anything else after looking at that glorious mug do you)?



Even though you may not have posted it, our fine bods were shown in the meet pics.


Especially our cool belts.

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Even though you may not have posted it, our fine bods were shown in the meet pics.


Especially our cool belts.


Well yes this is true, but I was offended by the accusation that I'll use any excuse to show off my body (not that there's much to show... :heh:), if dearest cousin had simply suggested that it would be accompanied by my face then none of this palaver would have ever happened...



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I got offered a pretty cool job today. Totally out of the blue. Always nice. If I can do this, shadow a barrister for a week doing a mini pupilage and finish off by going to Cairo for 10 days before heading back to uni... Well that would be the most insanely brilliant and unplanned Summer ever.


For someone who's only ever applied to one job, my CV is looking pretty funky, and I mean funky Town funk, not cheese funk.


My sister also told me I should try and barge my way into one of the ad agencies and volunteer. I'm pretty sure they'd love my degree so I think that will be my aim for next summer.


Also, I think I might have managed to book one of the coolest places ever to have my birthday party. It's going to be epic. Fingers crossed.


If all goes to plan I am a happy chappy. Shit does frequently happen though so I'm not holding my breath.

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went swimming, spent most of my time staring at women in bikinies wondering if they were legal or not. Then went wondering around town, thought about going into the BHF to see if gaggle was there but i thought i better not. Then went into HMV and bought a new ipod for no apparent reason. Now i'm back here!

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went swimming, spent most of my time staring at women in bikinies wondering if they were legal or not.


but it's been so hot and the water in the pool looked so inviting (even with all the dirt and sand in there) that I just had to go in there today.


I got to swimmmmm, even if only for a few minutes haha. =D


Holy Sheeeet!


Today has been a quiet day. Although, I have been drinking large amounts of teeeeea. Somebody stop meee.

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I totally had my balls busted at work for using hax forums, so can't come on here at work naw. Major lose.


So I applied for another job, lol.


In other news, I discovered today that Molly, a person I admire and respect for her unrelenting intelligence, pronunces "Aerosmith" as "Arrowsmith" and was suprised that this was not the correct pronounciation.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Waddaya means? It's hard to tell these days! :(


I'm not sure if that was aimed at the comment or the wording myself.


If he was staring at women, then by the very nature of being women, not children, they must be of the legal age of consent.

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In other news, I discovered today that Molly, a person I admire and respect for her unrelenting intelligence, pronunces "Aerosmith" as "Arrowsmith" and was suprised that this was not the correct pronounciation.


That is quite honestly the funniest thing I have ever seen you post. I believe the term is 'LMFAO'.




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I totally had my balls busted at work for using hax forums, so can't come on here at work naw. Major lose.


So I applied for another job, lol.


You realise most people can't access the internet for funsies at work? Man up.


Douche chill. Text my friend saying "I'm in the mood to enjoy this nice weather, why do you have to live so far away? :p x" (although its me that lives away from everyone else but whatever) and she rang me back a few minutes later in tears after having just split up with her partner of 3 1/2 years.

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You realise most people can't access the internet for funsies at work? Man up.


Douche chill. Text my friend saying "I'm in the mood to enjoy this nice weather, why do you have to live so far away? :p x" (although its me that lives away from everyone else but whatever) and she rang me back a few minutes later in tears after having just split up with her partner of 3 1/2 years.


Wow bet you weren't expecting that :/ That must've been awkward. I find it so hard to talk to someone about something like that when it comes as such a shock to you.

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You realise most people can't access the internet for funsies at work? Man up.


I am aware of this, but the job itself is unbearable without this place, so I'd rather be doing something where my brain isn't turning into mush.


We weren't allowed on the internet at all earlier, (due to visitors) and Molly was close to suicide. Literally had to talk her out of it.

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Wow bet you weren't expecting that :/ That must've been awkward. I find it so hard to talk to someone about something like that when it comes as such a shock to you.


She seemed okay. But to make it worse she said "I'm just being a big fat girl" to which I replied "well you were born that way...urr a girl, you were born a girl!" Smooooth.



I am aware of this, but the job itself is unbearable without this place, so I'd rather be doing something where my brain isn't turning into mush.


We weren't allowed on the internet at all earlier, (due to visitors) and Molly was close to suicide. Literally had to talk her out of it.


Because every other job is superfunhappyyaytimes? :p

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