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So i was out on my lesson today, driving around like a good little boy when i see a guy aproaching a junction wanting to turn into my road. So i keep going down my road thinking the guy would give way to me...but no. the guy come flying out of the junction right infront of me, causing me to slam the breaks on. Then the idiots behind me start blairing their horns shouting at me to get a move on!! fuck everyone on the road, fuck them all!

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I find myself constantly caught up between Ted and Barney (not in any kind of literal way of course). While I do like a good romantic gesture and would love to do something like a two minute date or making it rain for someone...but then I don't think I'd like to follow through after that :p


Every day that passes it seems less and less likely I'll be going to London. I canne really find any job suitable to cover my costs and I don't want to move there and then bankrupt myself and have to come back again. So maybe staying local but then...fuck it nobody wants to hear my ramble but its definately a emo-style rant. Even so, bleak/depressing.


Oh and last night we changed the oven and found out the previous one had nearly completely burnt through the shelf supporting it and the power cable. Good thing my mother pestered the landlord to change it when she did, could have easily burnt down 0_o.


Come to Sheffield! :p

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So I was totally just on the phone to my dad, and he told me a funny story. I only slightly remember this, but it is proof of my legendary status.


I think you were about 10 or 11, and we were in Boots, in Worthing I believe, and there was a banner on the wall saying "Breast Awareness Week" and you said to the cashier "I'm already aware of breasts" she said to me, "He's growing up fast".



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Rats foiled again! And I would have gotten away with it to if it wasn't for you pestering kid (and your mother)!


Going to my local hometown with my boyos. they never ever come here so I'll have to show them its not a complete turd-hole.


But you live there, ergo turd-hole.


Come to Sheffield! :p


Doesn't Sheffield have the highest unemployment rate though? Although im sure I heard as a county the West Midlands has been hit the worse. From both the economy and swine flu. Double win!


I've done something somewhat productive today! I have decided to turn my tumblr into a visual scrapbook (as I can't see a point in tumblr). And I'm going to start writing later. MUSTMUSTMUST.

Edited by Ashley
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Hmm so like, for a week or two (I think) I had been worried a bit about some part of my wound/scar that didn't seem to be healing up properly. I noticed something small was sticking out from my skin there that was preventing the wound to close up. I showed my parents but they said it was probably nothing. So I waited a while to see if it would close up, but it didn't.


Yesterday and today a tiny bit of puss came out of the wound when I touched the skin around it, so I figured it was time to see a doctor. After ages of sitting in a boiling hot waiting room, she saw me and started messing around in the wound with tweezers and needles, and after a while she pulled out a bit of black suture which apparently didn't dissolve. D:

She kept digging around a bit longer but we're not sure anything else is in there as it kept bleeding so she couldn't see.


But yeah, good thing I went. Downside is that now I have to disinfect it again for a few days (and see if it will close up now), and keep it dry. So no swimming for meeeee, and they're predicting +30°C this week. =(


Oh and I also managed to get a sunburn on my arms, shoulders and upper legs. Joy! =P

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A boring day for me but a nice one as it involved me not having to go to work. A day off now and again is always nice.


Went to the gym earlier and I seem to be getting stronger so hopefully I'll be back up to my best performance soon! Otherwise, I'm debating whether or not to do something tonight, hmmm....

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Hmm so like, for a week or two (I think) I had been worried a bit about some part of my wound/scar that didn't seem to be healing up properly. I noticed something small was sticking out from my skin there that was preventing the wound to close up. I showed my parents but they said it was probably nothing. So I waited a while to see if it would close up, but it didn't.


Yesterday and today a tiny bit of puss came out of the wound when I touched the skin around it, so I figured it was time to see a doctor. After ages of sitting in a boiling hot waiting room, she saw me and started messing around in the wound with tweezers and needles, and after a while she pulled out a bit of black suture which apparently didn't dissolve. D:

She kept digging around a bit longer but we're not sure anything else is in there as it kept bleeding so she couldn't see.


But yeah, good thing I went. Downside is that now I have to disinfect it again for a few days (and see if it will close up now), and keep it dry. So no swimming for meeeee, and they're predicting +30°C this week. =(


Oh and I also managed to get a sunburn on my arms, shoulders and upper legs. Joy! =P











... love you.

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... love you.


Ah sorry, that probably sounded a lot worse than it really was. I mean it was just a tiny hole in my wound with part of the suture sticking out. And I didn't feel too much from her poking around in there either, and the bleeding wasn't bad or anything. So it's not that bad really. =P


Just had yummy BBQ food, combined with a bit of white wine. =)

I also did a bit of Wii Fit for the first time in 48 days. Did the step up thing a few times and the boxing thingie once and my leg didn't hurt much, yay! Also no longer on antibiotics, and crutches don't seem to be necessary any more either! :yay:

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Ah sorry, that probably sounded a lot worse than it really was. I mean it was just a tiny hole in my wound with part of the suture sticking out. And I didn't feel too much from her poking around in there either, and the bleeding wasn't bad or anything. So it's not that bad really. =P


Just had yummy BBQ food, combined with a bit of white wine. =)

I also did a bit of Wii Fit for the first time in 48 days. Did the step up thing a few times and the boxing thingie once and my leg didn't hurt much, yay! Also no longer on antibiotics, and crutches don't seem to be necessary any more either! :yay:

Good to hear you're recovering well. :)

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Ah sorry, that probably sounded a lot worse than it really was. I mean it was just a tiny hole in my wound with part of the suture sticking out. And I didn't feel too much from her poking around in there either, and the bleeding wasn't bad or anything. So it's not that bad really. =P


Just had yummy BBQ food, combined with a bit of white wine. =)

I also did a bit of Wii Fit for the first time in 48 days. Did the step up thing a few times and the boxing thingie once and my leg didn't hurt much, yay! Also no longer on antibiotics, and crutches don't seem to be necessary any more either! :yay:

haha, no worries...


good to hear you're doing well.

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Was only meant to be working 11 till 5 today, but ended up working until almost 8 instead because it got so busy. Fail. Still, the extra money is useful I suppose. Other than that, it's been a pretty uneventful today. Tomorrow is going to be spent mostly in bed, before getting up and lounging about watching trashy movies. Yay.

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My day has been shit, my best friend is moving to London tomorrow and it sucks.


I actually feel like I have no one up here :(


I feel your pain homeboy. My brother is moving away at the end of the month, and it's gonna be a big wrench. I just keep telling myself its to better his self (which it is).

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Been listening to Little Boots throughout the day since her album came in the post today, also had work in the afternoon which seems to go quickly on a Monday. Finished off the evening with watching Hot Fuzz for the first time. Really enjoyed it!

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Had myself an interesting night so far.


Witnessed a fight in the local shop car-park opposite the pub where i happened to be sitting on a bench outside. Had to give details i.e. telephone number, name and address to give a witness statement at some point.

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I'm glad they figured out what it was, Ine. Although, I still say I was close with my suggestion that it was a scab that had not cleared away. Hehe. ;)


I had my graduation family get-together yesterday, and it actually went a lot better than I thought it was going to. Everyone just seemed to...get on. Although, I did spend most of my time doing two things:


1. Standing in photos with different people. We took some really nice ones, including a group photo in my aunty's garden, which turned out really nice. Can't wait to see that when it's uploaded onto computer.


2. Playing cricket with my little cousin's and some of my cousins who are bigger than the little ones, but still younger than me. The little ones were about 5 years old, so we didn't try spinning the ball or bowling it at 100 miles an hour. Although, me and my brother did put on a good show and tried to make it as realistic as possible. We "appealed" everytime the ball came close, and looked towards each other. One would appeal, and the other would pretend to be the umpire who would shake his head. A few times we did the "video replay" signal with our hands, haha. It was pretty funny. :)


It was knackering, though. Kids have so much energy. We were playing for houuurs.


Today has thankfully been quieter. I watched some classic football on the telly, then played some Fifa 2008 online, on the Wii. I was surprised as to how many people were actually online with it, and how easy it was to find a game. I played about 6 games, and won them all, only conceding one goal. :D

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Why are you spelling utilising like a yank.




I loved you once.


I blame Activision for announcing it as such. Trust me it felt dirty to write :heh: We'll see if they localise it for European shores but I doubt it.

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