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You want the girl?


What good reason could this be?

I wouldn't mind, she's a nice girl with a cracking rack.


My brother on the other hand seems to enjoy using the ladies for one night stands, which we both know she isn't a fan of. So I send her a delightful message asking her if she's going to be the next conquest. Naturally she has no sense of privacy thus told mu brother, cue the insulting texts off him saying "I like her". I told him I welcome him to prove me wrong. No reply off him since.

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I wouldn't mind, she's a nice girl with a cracking rack.


My brother on the other hand seems to enjoy using the ladies for one night stands, which we both know she isn't a fan of. So I send her a delightful message asking her if she's going to be the next conquest. Naturally she has no sense of privacy thus told mu brother, cue the insulting texts off him saying "I like her". I told him I welcome him to prove me wrong. No reply off him since.


What happened to the current gf? :heh:

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i had a FANTASTIC day today.

...well, -ish.


the teaching recruitment place have a possible job for me ALREADY ^__^ gunna hear more about that soon-ish mayhapse.


and, while i was at work today i had a fantastic chat with a 5 year old kid - who came in with his mum, dressed as a knight.


me: (after taking their sushi order) so, are you here on dragon slaying business or just a regular quest?

him: i'm on a quest. i'm actually a king.

me: ahh thats good! not enough kings get their hands dirty with the knight-work. it's good to take such a hands-on role with your kingdom.

him: yes but my subjects aren't very clever

me: oh really?

him: yes. we're looking for magical ravens but they havent seen any for FIFTY SEVEN YEARS!

me: what?! thats crazy! they must not be looking hard at all. you should fire them.

him: but i saw one just a few days ago. i think when you're LOOKING for magical ravens, they know - and then they stay at home.

me: ahh yes - they're like that. thats the trouble with this area - not enough magical raven SIGHTING information out there.

him: they should have it on the news.

me: yes! like, after the weather report. weather - pollen count - magical raven sightings report.

him: and you know what? i didnt even have anywhere to put my horse!

me: parking in london is terrible....

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Sorry to hear GP :(


Had an amazing morning. Wake up to the sound of Daft Punk and spent all morning listening to all their albums while lounging around. Forgot to ring around banks like I was supposed to because I've been trying to get this ruddy iPhone scheme to work. Things I do for you folks :p


Haha that's amazing Bluey.

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sorry about losing your cat gp.


today hasnt been to bad, i had a driving lesson at 10 which pretty much went perfect. just need to pass my theory test soon so i go book my test.

the rest of the day has been spent lounging around, needing to find something else to do with my time at the moment.

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today had more training in new job (tesco warehouse) its soooo shite and tedious. Been missing my g/f so much today :( havent seen her since sunday..only 2 days but still :(


I havn't seen my last g/f (now ex) for a long time. I got fed-up with her excuses, and last Saturday was the final straw.


At least u have a job dude, i don't have one just yet. But am due a redundancy payment soon. :yay:

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I was originally coming in here to post how I'd been feeling better today after yesterday but the last 30 minutes have been horrible.


Got news regarding the cat that's ill and is at the vets. News I really didn't want to hear. I won't bother with the details but it's come to the last resort which is chemo and the vets have said that even with it, it's very unlikely he'd pull through it. So we decided it's better to not put him through that. Haven't been able to stop crying for the last 30 mins and my brother, who owns the cats, was so upset I had to leave the room.


Genuinely feel like shit now. Has taken ages just to write this. :(


Sorry dude, how you're ok. :(


I'm feeling pretty crap. Been arguing with my parents for the last five hours or something. I wish they weren't Asian, stupid and ignorant.

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So bollock bollocks bollocks - yes another house rant ahoy!


Bought some paint for the wheelie bin that should be OURS arriving this week, I got alittle white paint pot which amused me because they were all kinda cute.


Bought some gloves to pick up the shit outside and only got through half of it, the rest must have been there at least 6 months because its infested and smells like somebody has actually peed there - which given everything wouldn't surprise me. So I've cleaned the newer bits and left it, I aint touching that OR the shed thing.


Decided against getting the train to liverpool, I grabbed some balls and I'm gonna drive there, hopefully avoiding motorways, as a rule I don't mind motorways but they are so boring and it doesn't take much longer to go around them anyway.



My day is now going to be spent playing games and cleaning my room and ignoring the mess that is the front door. (well its a back door but you know my meaning).

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i had a FANTASTIC day today.

...well, -ish.


the teaching recruitment place have a possible job for me ALREADY ^__^ gunna hear more about that soon-ish mayhapse.


and, while i was at work today i had a fantastic chat with a 5 year old kid - who came in with his mum, dressed as a knight.


me: (after taking their sushi order) so, are you here on dragon slaying business or just a regular quest?

him: i'm on a quest. i'm actually a king.

me: ahh thats good! not enough kings get their hands dirty with the knight-work. it's good to take such a hands-on role with your kingdom.

him: yes but my subjects aren't very clever

me: oh really?

him: yes. we're looking for magical ravens but they havent seen any for FIFTY SEVEN YEARS!

me: what?! thats crazy! they must not be looking hard at all. you should fire them.

him: but i saw one just a few days ago. i think when you're LOOKING for magical ravens, they know - and then they stay at home.

me: ahh yes - they're like that. thats the trouble with this area - not enough magical raven SIGHTING information out there.

him: they should have it on the news.

me: yes! like, after the weather report. weather - pollen count - magical raven sightings report.

him: and you know what? i didnt even have anywhere to put my horse!

me: parking in london is terrible....


I actually want to make that in to a kids book. right now.

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Feeling a bit down today. Most things just seem to go wrong lately and it's starting to really annoy me now.


Also, so far, this has been one of my worst summers ever. Someone send some good luck my way? =(

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it doesn't take much longer to go around them anyway.


Untill you get stuck behind that dreaded tractor that is...


Work has been boring as usual, all I have left to do is sweep and mop the floor, I've got an hour and a half to do that in... oh well, at least I've got a job, can't really complain when there's so many people without!


Football training tonight, can't fucking wait, still don't know what position to try out for though!

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Has anyone ever been as bored as I am right now in the history of humanity.


I mean, I have loads to do. Couple books that need read, couple games that need played, couple movies that need watched. Yet I just cannot be fucked with anything. It doesn't help that my friends are a bunch of useless pricks, none of whom want to do anything. Nobody will play football, nobody will go to the shops, nobody will go to the cinema. What the fuck did I do.

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