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EEVIL: that does look pretty bad! Have you had a similar facesplosion before?

I've had similar carpet burns after having a fit before, but it's been never been as bad as this. As you can see it's swollen to the degree my vision is impaired.


I'm going to risk a bath, I don't think I could take the pressure of a shower.

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Ouch Eevil! That looks painful! Hope you're okay. =(



Mannnnn it's hot! Too hot! Yesterday was 32° outside and I bet today has been the same (at least the weather site says it's something like that). I'm seriously melting, and my room upstairs feels like a furnace or something. X3

Wish I could swim right now but alas, I'm not allowed to do that yet. =(


Just went to my normal doctor and she took a look at my wound. Removed the tape thingies that were on there so for the first time I got to take a look at the wound itself. It's a pretty big cut they made, but it seems to be healing up nicely I guess. Doctor removed the stitches (kinda stings now haha) and told me to keep putting ice on it as it's still very swollen. But yeah, it's all healing up nicely it seems. =)

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Hope it heals soon EEVIL, it does look quite painful...


I went for a free eye test today since I'm still in full time education, and apparently I'm short-sighted. I'll be getting a couple of pairs of glasses next week... I can no longer pride myself in my hawk-like vision. :(

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If it's not asking too much, why do you get the fits? Do you know?

Alcohol, normally I don't drink enough anymore to give me a fit, but yesterday I was nervous as fuck at the Gamecity event.


Plus I had a kangaroo burger at Walkabout yesterday... Don't think I'll have it again.

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*hugs for Eevil*


@Tellyn: It's downhill from here my friend... :p Well my mum blames my poor eyesight on all the "screens" I look at. (probably true!)


Anyway My day consisted of Sports Day. Which consisted of me in my suit looking elegant while everyone else feels summer is an excuse to dress as a complete douche bag. :heh:


Anyway I spent my day watching people dying in the sun as I sat in the stands listening to some musical treats. :) A lovely and sunny and I just love the overall spirit of the day!


Got back to find on Spotify a new A Fine Frenzy song. :grin: Which has taken my day up to Level 37! :yay:


So I've spent most of my time listening to that song continuously apart from when I went downstairs to make a tortilla.


OOH OOH OOH! and I've got a Job Interview for Saturday for a Summer Job!



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It's been a very warm day. Awesome. I like it warm. Could still do with getting a little warmer though so I can even the tan out (I tan unbelievably easily and as a result, one of my arms is darker than the other ::shrug:).


Didn't do anything today because of the weather. Really, on a day like this it's best not to do anything. I did find out that a bar like 2 minutes walk from my house is looking for a bar person so I'm gonna apply for that and really, I should be in with a good chance of getting that even though I have no bar experience. Have had a rather lacklustre dinner as, like the not doing anything thing, it's too warm to eat anything substantial. Gonna be hungry again in like 30 mins.

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I went for a free eye test today since I'm still in full time education, and apparently I'm short-sighted. I'll be getting a couple of pairs of glasses next week... I can no longer pride myself in my hawk-like vision. :(


I've never known anybody go for an eye test and come back not needing glasses.

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had a pretty awsome driving lesson. did my first turn in the road (3 point turns to you oldies) fucking nailed it, first one, text book. jesus himself could not have done any better. had a couple that werent so good after that, but still not bad, then a final super awsoem one, it wasnt just text book, i took the chapter on turns in the road, and re wrote it.


also, managed to divert my attention from pretty girls so the car did not end up in a ditch, upside down and on fire.

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It's been so amazingly hot over the past couple of days, to the point of it being uncomfortable. I spent the day at a friends local park yesterday, before heading off to see Ice Age 3 in the evening (Warning, it's shit). Then stayed at a mates, and we spent the day at Orchard Fields attempting to get a tan before Ibiza and generally being horrifically embarassing. I loved every second.

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Well, I think most people already know this, but I'm leaving for France tomorrow morning. :)


Me and my parents plus our friends, another couple with a son my age, are driving down to the southern part of France where we will be staying at a vineyard turned into holiday apartments. Sadly this probably means no Internet connection, so I'll most likely not be online for the next week.


We'll probably attempt to catch the Tour de France riders as they pass by Avignon, otherwise we haven't got a lot planned. We'll be coming home on the 12th, so keep the forums in order till I get back! :p

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Well there I was happily picking up my comics and my mate from college walks by (no reason to be in Chesham) or so I thought. Anyway turns out he was meeting another friend from college (who now lives there) and a guy from college I havn't seen in a year (although only seen him like twice in three years) was there. Legendary.


Some weird guy was staring at my friend though. He came and set next to us and stared at her underwear. He was soon asked to leave.

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todays been quite good, went and got a hair cut this mornning so now look quite diffreant with my new glasses on also. :) i then came home browsed the internet as always. i then went out with my dad to redcar for a game of football on the beach and a bit of ten pin bowling in the arcades, owned him as usual.

now im home trying to think why bbc's embeded videos arent working. (see the tech sub forum for more details if you can help).

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Got up way too early this morning and was sweating so I threw my quilt off and slept for a bit longer. It was awesome.

Then I've been sat around doing nothing at all it's depressing.

Saw my godmother because it was her birthday and I came home. I have the thoughts of wanting to do something, something productive but this heat doesn't help with my procrastinating.

Plus, this free scroll on my scroll wheel is addictive. I find myself spinning it just to hear the click of it setting back into place.

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Dude. Just make new threads for these things. This isn't a question thread!


True, i understand. I didn't see a need to create a thread for one of the questions. Now that i think about it, a GIMP thread would be a good idea. I shall commence immediatly.

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Have to go to this 18th tonight, it's some "Murder mystery" thing. Eurgh. Hans away, so I'm going to a party with people I've been looking forward to not seeing since leaving college, bar a maybe a couple of them at most. So not looking forward to tonight at all.

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My final day at school today. :grin: good times.


It was a fantastic last day as I got my new Pink Leaver's hoody which is awesome. :D and everything was jst great particular the last house assembly where our house master said something nice about everyone leaving! :)


He said I have a quirky mind and that I come up with the occasional pearls of wisdom! :heh: Oh and that he'd want to be me for a day JUST a day.. just to see what it's like...


Then the final Chapel service was wonderful! The last hymn was brilliant and we got these special prayer cards made for us which is a good gesture!


Everyone clapped us!!!


So that was a good end after 7 Years at the school.


I just had lunch then tonight is the Leavers Prom which I'm not going to BUT I am going to see Les Miserable. :yay:

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Oh thank the heavens, it's raining outside, it's actually raining! Whoooo!

The day I actually plan to walk to the bank to put some money away it decides to rain. It gave me an extra 4 hours in bed, but still I need to put the money away. I was disappointed.

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Went for a nice walk in the rain earlier today - well, it was nice until I noticed that my all-powerful umbrella failed to protect my left arm, which was totally drenched. Then I received a phonecall from the pub, I have to work even earlier tonight. Buggery.


On the bright side, SEGA tweeted me earlier. :heh:

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Raaaaaage! our house got hit by lightning at about 5am yesterday, turns out the post office got struck and then the lightning travelled alllll the way down every single power / phone-line in the street but it happened so fast that it just felt like the lightning had only struck our house, it was fucking loud though either way! :o


When we initially investigated there was a kind of burning smell, turns out it took out the earth trip, that was actually okay though but... it fried my router! :mad: part of the phoneline sockets are damaged atm but the main one is ok as the BT guy came round, got a dial tone on it and replaced the casing.


So atm I've resorted to setting up a crappy spare BT Voyager router, it's working now - after pissing about with various wireless settings - but I bet it overheats by the end of the day lol especially in this weather, those damn things overheat so easilly. :/


Meh, anyway I are back! for the moment at least, so yay. ^^

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