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Guest Stefkov

I kept waking up this morning, one form cramp behind my knee and another time with a dead arm.

Then I got up at 11 and went to work at 12. Finished at 5, came home and did nothing.

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my day was good.

i gardened.

i baked cookies.

i played phoenix wright & muchos contra4 (i phailed :cry:)

i went to my friends house and watched princess mononoke

roll on tomorrow! christmas grocery shopping and such. *cringe*

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Man what a busy say. Got up early-ish at midday. Then I had to wrap up my Xmas presents to people, shower clean house a bit then go to my grans to have our sort of 'Xmas' there since we won't see them till next week. Then was late home and when I arrived home a few minutes later my girlfriend and her step mum and dad arrived and I stil had to write her card and wrap up her last present then set the Wii up downstairs and get changed to go out to a party with my girlfriend.


Then got home played some Wii with everyone and bow i'm here. Hecticly fun day, always is when your somewhat under pressure.

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yesterday my day was great after work anyway. I was at a partaaaaaaaaaaay!


This christmas is immense! I've done stuff everyday since tuesday O.o I'm tired :( Time for work :(


I had to model some trousers at work for some lady the other day looking to buy some trousres for her son. She kept telling me to turn around so she could look at my bum. And then kept checking the waist. I kept thinking how it would make sexual harassment panda a sad panda =] Made me laugh on my own at nothing which the lady was a bit weirded out by.

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Had a busy day, so far I've cooked breakfast, done the dishes, done the laundry, walked the dog, taken out the rubbish and recycling, done the shopping, done more dishes. Now I've finally got some time to myself I can crack open a few beers and roll a couple of joints, until teatime when I've got to cook again, plus more dishes and god knows what else, a maids work is never done.

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Gawdamn beds!

My day WAS good, until i banged my shin on my parents fucking wooden bed.

I have a slight "bulge" on my shin now.

If it´s the the same thing that happened to my foot a few years ago i´m not supposed to walk a lot for the next 2-3 days.

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Saturday I woke at 9, despite being unable to sleep until around 4am. Double-checked I had everything, and only noticed when I'd gotten to the station that I'd forgotten the sheet of paper detailing what train and when I should get...


First stage of journey was alright, except for my backsack falling from the shelf and nearly beheading someone. Then when I got to St. Pancras... well it went downhill. I went to the kings x thameslink, thinking I could make my journey simpler by getting a direct train to brighton there -- even the electronic timetable in St Pancras said I could -- only to find that that entrance was closed until jan 2nd... I didn't even know that they had another entrance... So I walked around the block, then back to Kings Cross, deciding to head for Victoria and work my way home from there only to discover, once I was on it, that the Victoria Line WAS NOT STOPPING AT VICTORIA TODAY... SO then i had to get another tube back to Kings X, then got on the district line northbound instead of southbound (or whatever), and in getting on another one to get back to kings X, a fat man (reaaally fat) fell on me.


Then i finally got onto the circle line and made my way to victoria. Added way over an hour to my journey.


But once I was home, I unpacked my shizzle just as some friends arrived - ended up with 8 of us squished into my lounge, drinking, eating pizza, and watching some good and bad films on a laptop while debating time travel and sustainability. FUNZ! Definitely a nice end to the day.


Now my mum's home and already it's rules, rules rules... No shoes on inside the house (litereally... not one step into teh front door...) shower before breakfast or no breakfast at all (so i shower and don't have breakfast out of SPITE!), a list of things i must do while i am in brighton (opticians, dentists, get trousers, haircut, die) and so on. So much for chillaxing and doing some revision on the fly. Oh Noo! It must be made awkward by having a zillion priorities before. cannotcoherateself

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hello all! miss me?



i had a great day. i ment for a christmas lunch with some friend at pizza express and had a great time. not to expensive either, so good all round.


I am currently experienting with my secret santa gift - Carlsberd Special brew. Never had it before, not so sure I like it. I like Carlsberg export, but special brew is too sweet and there is no need for beer to be that strong.

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woke up. showered. finished packing. got lift to work via home.


work was okay. we set guitar hero up in the stockroom but that meant everyone sodded off. after we shut everyone was like "lets just go home" and I said no because while they may not be in tomorrow I am.


a friend came in which is always nice. good break from having to speak loudly and slowly to idiots. and on my lunch bumped into another friend.


afterwards i came home. ate. unpacked bits. now i am going to wrap.


overall, not bad.

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Went and got some last minute xmas presents today. GOD DAMN people are crazy out there, it was just like that arnie thing jingle all the way!


Anyway I now have everything and they're all wrapped and under the tree! AWESOME!


I have work tomorrow and finish at 8pm then it's straight down the pub for xmas drinks and laughs! :D

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Guest Stefkov

Today I got up at 11 again. Watched the rest of Who framed Roger Rabbit.


Then I watched the United game.

I spent the time between that end and dinner palying Gears. Then I sat down and poured out the contents of my lego bag and started to build.

I make something which resembles something from a Ghibli film.

Now I'm waiting for my dad to come home with my Auntie who has come over from Germany for Christmas.

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Today I met up with three of my secondary school friends. I hadn't seen them in well over a year and two of them invited me to their choir concert. So I went to that today and said hello to them. Though two hours of sitting on a cold and hard wooden bank in a church listening to choir christmas songs isn't the greatest kind of fun. =P

But was nice to see them again. Plus we went to the home of one of them and had a piece of pie! We'll be trying to meet up again in the future sometimes. Hopefully.



Also, when cleaning up my room today, I found my pencil case again, which I'd lost earlier this week (and contains all my drawing pencils)! Yay! =D


And I'm re-watching the entire season 2 of Desperate Housewives. That's always a good thing. =3

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Guest Stefkov

That's a shit hot amount of cables right there.


Just an update to my day. My auntie is here bringing her unique voice to England. Also sparking memories in me and my brother of past years abroad in Germania.

Also I had a realy big shock in the discussion.



The girl on the left, Julia, is about 20 ish now which means she's was about 15 or so then...I know wth. She looks 20 there.

Anway the bigger shock is that she just snapped one day, it had been brewing up in her but she snapped and now she's in a mental home.

I mean wow, I was actually in a state of shock. I've never spoken to here since then, well I hardly remember anything about her. But we played Labrynth together...I was sat there just thinking how I couldn't believe it.

By the way that's me on the far left with the cheeky grin. ;)

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last night -


had a really good night with mates down a friends house watched "good luck chuck" then after 4 cans of fosters i drove half of the way home down backroads. Stopped then walked the 2 miles reminder home at 3am. couldnt be bothered to drink last night....was having fun last night but lately inside ive been really angry and frustrated. o i dont know it will pass.


7 weeks until move out...i prob will ave to leave forum for a while as dont have own pc and flatmate doesnt either. may get internet so can surf on wii dunno yet

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