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  Eenuh said:
I'm currently in my hospital room, alone. Found out I have internet, yay.

Feel fucking miserable though. Went in at 10:30 am and waited in my room for aaaaages. They didn't come to get me until 4:30 pm. =/


Also seconds before surgery, doctor tells me he's going to keep me until Monday because he thinks surgery is too much to send me home after one night. Why does he always keep these things until last minute? Urgh.


Surgery went okay, I guess. Was fucking nervous when it happened, shivering all over while four people were busy doing stuff to my body. Woke up at 6 pm with a tube stuffed down my throat and someone telling me to try and breathe. Painful. Even more painful was the leg, felt like I had a knife stuck in there. Hurt so much it made me cry and they had to stuff me with painkillers (received everything I'm allowed). Pain is almost gone now unless I move my leg; feel really sick though.


Haha shit, right after typing that I threw up, twice. It was green liquid. Weird cause I haven't had food or water since last night (just had a sip of water though). >.>;


Anyway yeahhhh, doesn't seem like they took bone from my hip, but I haven't seen the doctor since the surgery so I don't know what they did instead. Now I just have to entertain myself until Mondayyyy.




Get better soon!


Sorry to hear its been an unexpected faff and painfully but hopefully its all for the best Ine. Hope you feel fighting fit soon.


As far as how to amuse yourself....learn to juggle.

Posted (edited)

glad to hear your still in one peice (mostly)!


id hate a tube down my throat, but i guess it beats dying right?


im sure you'l feel loads better tommorow, and when monday comes, you can have a big treat!


just think, from now on, things are only getting better, i mean, the scary parts over, now its just gonna be feeling better every day right?


sending you a telepathic hug for being brave!




in my life, my new toothbrush appears to heavy for my ducks :(

Edited by Chris the great

Jayseven, Ganepark, Molly...


I did the resit, and because it was in the afternoon, not in the morning like I thought, I actually revised. And it was OK. I realised I couldn't go in with the attitude I was going to, like writing intelligent but irrellevant crap. So yeah, I wasn't stuck for anything, but was mildly worried that I finished WITHIN the time, usually I need to use some of my extra time. Maybe I'm just super duper.


But yeah, realistically not going to get more than a C, as I think it was the analysis of the poem they give you that let me down last time, and probs will this time, but I included a few nice personal interps in both the critical appreciation and the general essay ("Blah blah at least two different romantic writers, what ways did they try and change the way people lived" or something like that. AKA lovely and vague.).


So I'm happy I did it. Thank you for kicking sense into me.


I'm now listening to Delta Goodrem's back catalogue in celebration.

Good man!


Which songings you got?


Um..her 3 albums? :yay:


The Innocent Eyes cover is possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Can't find a HQ pic anywhere.





  Paj Meen Ah said:
Um..her 3 albums? :yay:


The Innocent Eyes cover is possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Can't find a HQ pic anywhere.





pr0 hot.


You got the Delta album then? I've been thinking of getting it, any good?

pr0 hot.


You got the Delta album then? I've been thinking of getting it, any good?


Took me a while to get into (just cause I wasn't in the mood when I got it), but yeah, it's pretty good. Believe Again, In This Life, One Day, Brave Face (off the top of my head) are some faves. I love her voice (and face) though, so everything she's done is at least nice.

  Eenuh said:


That sounds really crappy, sorry to hear. Get better soon! One day your leg will be so strong you can kick Flinkys ass when he's being ghey.


My day has been okay, I'm at home for a week or so until I move into my new flat.

  Eenuh said:
I'm currently in my hospital room, alone. Found out I have internet, yay.

Feel fucking miserable though. Went in at 10:30 am and waited in my room for aaaaages. They didn't come to get me until 4:30 pm. =/


Also seconds before surgery, doctor tells me he's going to keep me until Monday because he thinks surgery is too much to send me home after one night. Why does he always keep these things until last minute? Urgh.


Surgery went okay, I guess. Was fucking nervous when it happened, shivering all over while four people were busy doing stuff to my body. Woke up at 6 pm with a tube stuffed down my throat and someone telling me to try and breathe. Painful. Even more painful was the leg, felt like I had a knife stuck in there. Hurt so much it made me cry and they had to stuff me with painkillers (received everything I'm allowed). Pain is almost gone now unless I move my leg; feel really sick though.


Haha shit, right after typing that I threw up, twice. It was green liquid. Weird cause I haven't had food or water since last night (just had a sip of water though). >.>;


Anyway yeahhhh, doesn't seem like they took bone from my hip, but I haven't seen the doctor since the surgery so I don't know what they did instead. Now I just have to entertain myself until Mondayyyy.

Bless you, eenuh. As I said before, I know what it's like to have surgery rescheduled (mine went from April to August, and for the worse). It'll be hard but worth it in the end. Thoughts are with you.

  Ashley said:
Sorry to hear its been an unexpected faff and painfully but hopefully its all for the best Ine. Hope you feel fighting fit soon.


As far as how to amuse yourself....learn to juggle.

If you go to the N-E meet, Eenuh, I can teach you! I tried to teach letty last year, she almost got it :P

  Paj Meen Ah said:
Jayseven, Ganepark, Molly...


I did the resit, and because it was in the afternoon, not in the morning like I thought, I actually revised. And it was OK. I realised I couldn't go in with the attitude I was going to, like writing intelligent but irrellevant crap. So yeah, I wasn't stuck for anything, but was mildly worried that I finished WITHIN the time, usually I need to use some of my extra time. Maybe I'm just super duper.


But yeah, realistically not going to get more than a C, as I think it was the analysis of the poem they give you that let me down last time, and probs will this time, but I included a few nice personal interps in both the critical appreciation and the general essay ("Blah blah at least two different romantic writers, what ways did they try and change the way people lived" or something like that. AKA lovely and vague.).


So I'm happy I did it. Thank you for kicking sense into me.


I'm now listening to Delta Goodrem's back catalogue in celebration.


Good man :) I'm glad you felt happy to do it. As I said, I've been in this situation a fair few times, and I've always felt better for at least trying again. Good luck with your results.

  Eenuh said:
I'm currently in my hospital room, alone. Found out I have internet, yay.

Feel fucking miserable though. Went in at 10:30 am and waited in my room for aaaaages. They didn't come to get me until 4:30 pm. =/


Also seconds before surgery, doctor tells me he's going to keep me until Monday because he thinks surgery is too much to send me home after one night. Why does he always keep these things until last minute? Urgh.


Surgery went okay, I guess. Was fucking nervous when it happened, shivering all over while four people were busy doing stuff to my body. Woke up at 6 pm with a tube stuffed down my throat and someone telling me to try and breathe. Painful. Even more painful was the leg, felt like I had a knife stuck in there. Hurt so much it made me cry and they had to stuff me with painkillers (received everything I'm allowed). Pain is almost gone now unless I move my leg; feel really sick though.


Haha shit, right after typing that I threw up, twice. It was green liquid. Weird cause I haven't had food or water since last night (just had a sip of water though). >.>;


Anyway yeahhhh, doesn't seem like they took bone from my hip, but I haven't seen the doctor since the surgery so I don't know what they did instead. Now I just have to entertain myself until Mondayyyy.


Aww, poor lass, have a hug! *hugs Ine*

  Caris said:
I'm currently in McDonalds spying at my local o2 store waiting for the new iPhone LOL.


Hahah, it sounds oddly familiar to me. Can't put my finger on what my circumstance was.


Anyway, todays t-shirt of choice? Transformers. Awwww yeeaaaahhhh.


Aww Ine! I'm sorry things are crappy, but I hope you are out quick!


So, er, yeah its ma burfday. I'm 19. Yay?


Ok so I'm alittle bit happier than my posts suggests, I got some awesome presents and got to spend time with some awesome people.


I'm tired just thinking about it all.


Somebody bought me a lottery ticket, something I have NO idea how to use, you'd think it'd be bought for my 16th when you can first buy them..strange people. Lets hope I get a tenner out of it! Cheap people.


Thanks everyone. =)

Wish I could say I feel better today but I don't, heh. But at least I ate something, after 35 hours of no food. Had to force it down my throat though: three slices of bread this morning, and a vanilla pudding with cookie just now for lunch (couldn't touch the soup or mashed potatoes and fish).

Trying to keep myself busy but am so bored haha. Also here's a picture of my legggg after I washed off all the red stuff that was on there. Good thing you can't see what's hiding beneath those bandages. =P




Jayseven: my sister tried to teach me to juggle once, but it didn't work out well. =P


Nightwolf: happy birthday again! =)


Paj: yay for you going to take your exam after all, well done!

Chrono Trigger not workings?


Have been feeling a bit too sick for games. Couldn't even properly use my laptop or watch tv until now, heh. So hopefulllllly I can game soon enough. Looking forward to playing it. =)


Went tew GAME to buy Lets Tap. Made the guy walk all the way downstairs for it and he came back and was like £24.99 and I was like....ahhh jeeeeez dude, I feel bad for making you walk all that way, but that shit be expensive yo/


Mega cheaper on Play, so I'll hit that.

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