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Pizza! Shave! Haircut! Dole! town! Home! Dinner! Art Show! Party! Club! Win!


That is crazy win. Let's see how it works for me;


Cider! Pet shop! Cider! Train station! Tortoise! BBQ! Party! Pub! Sex! Sex! Cider! sex!



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I've payed hardly any attention to what you've posted above but judging by what you earn you shouldnt be on BR. I found out a couple a years ago that I was on that by mistake. Quick call to the Inland Revenue and it was sorted. I was £1800 richer the week later too.


Eh....isn't basic rate like....the lowest bracket though. The amount sounds right to me. (considering....well you're full time aren't you Bluester)



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A) Dan, my arse is an open door to you. You know that.


3) Theres an E in Jamieson. Consider my arse off limits.


C) Doesn't damnit have an N in? Not that I should be correcting anyone on spelling.....I did it once and I suffered from dieing of embarassment.


I'm still in shock from the lack of worship I got for the turtle joke tbf.


Oh in hilarious news, I got a quote from a guy I wanted to buy some art of (which was a one page cover of Thor and Frog Thor) and he said "$2000" ish or something.


Had to laugh in his face considering how much Ottley artwork I can get for that figure. Dude isn't even hugely well known, adn the piece is only good cos of Frog Thor. Plus it wasn't in colour which I didn't realise (foolish and naive of me lolzaphon).

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Damn you ReZ!




You've used Wynzaphon or however you spell it so much I've started saying it out loud! :p


There was a vicious wind outside just now, most bizarre. My kitchen looked as if it as trembling in front of a giant beast. Which I guess it was, Mother nature is a formidable foe!


On with the day and Revision for religious studies. Which is learning a two year course with a week to go until the exam. Exciting stuff. :yay: I like it when my brain is crammed with knowledge that just disappears before just after the exam!

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Damn you ReZ!




You've used Wynzaphon or however you spell it so much I've started saying it out loud! :p


You utter legend. (although its "whynzaphon" for epic continuuity) I say it outloud also....I practically say it or a "epic" "lulz" etc variation of it in most posts nowadays. Thats fine. :)


PS Ashley Tisdale


A) Looks so much more awe50me with brunette being a brown hair.


B) She looks ridiculously uber in your sig. Crazy porkable.

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I'm still in shock from the lack of worship I got for the turtle joke tbf.


Heh okies I think we can give you that much credit at least, that tortoise joke was pretty whynzaphon, made me literally lol anyway. :D

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thanks man!! i just called and asked and they said i should be on 647L cause this is my only job and first job after april 6th... i'm just calling again to ask what exactly the difference is between BR and 647L.. @__@

they're pretty helpful though!!


....i found out WHY i'm probably being taxed wrongly though... i just found my fucking P45 and P60 from the london print co in the filing here at the sushi shack... GRR!!!!!!!


...yep! post-phonecall i can confirm that i'm not getting my £125 per week tax free allowance CAUSE MY BOSS DIDNT SEND OFF MY FUCKING PAPERWORK!!


...words shall be exchanged when he starts his shift tonight. i'm such a ball-breaker, eh? :grin:

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...words shall be exchanged when he starts his shift tonight. i'm such a ball-breaker, eh? :grin:


Hehe, it's money that you are legally entitled to though and it sounds like your boss hasn't done what he should(?) have and sent it off much earlier than this so break-away I say! :D


Anyway, cool to hear that it's getting sorted. :smile:

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I just Arnie'd a few people. Some hang up straight away, which I think is very selfish and childish [¬_¬], some however believe it to be real, I managed to phone one chap [druggie friend of my brother, and a dick who was in my year at school, who I very nearly kicked the shit out of, thus remorse is most lacking] who kept telling me I had the wrong number.


He was smart about one thing... I kept asking for the drug dealer of the house and he was most quick to point out he was on a mobile.

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GO BLUEY!!! :yay:



You utter legend. (although its "whynzaphon" for epic continuuity) I say it outloud also....I practically say it or a "epic" "lulz" etc variation of it in most posts nowadays. Thats fine. :)


PS Ashley Tisdale


A) Looks so much more awe50me with brunette being a brown hair.


B) She looks ridiculously uber in your sig. Crazy porkable.






Okay I think I've got it! :heh:


I used to say COOLNESS BEARS but it never caught on as an actual phrase!


Thanks! Everything you say about Ashley Tisdale. I Agree. :)




On with the day and I had to contact Student Finance who are really useless. Cool waiting music though. The song from American Beauty and Girls Aloud kept me sane while I hung on pointlessly as even when you do get through they are not very helpful!


Also I thought there was a naked oldman outside in the garden. At first I feared it was my dad. Fortunately it was next door and they were only shirtless.

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It's a lovely day today so I'm sitting outside in the garden, hopefully to get a bit of colour on my skin (highly doubt it, only colour I'll get is red). =P


Decided to make today my lazy day, so I stayed in bed until 1-2 pm (forgot what time), though I did wake up a couple of times before that.

Made a call to the doctor's office to ask some questions but doctor wasn't in and won't be until Tuesday, boooh.


But yeah, sunnnnnnnn! =D

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Tis a lovely day indeed. Really nice outside. Today, I have decided, is a shit day. As are pretty much all of my days these days. I can't do this unemployed business much longer.


One more update on the Lucy sitch, texted her saying I know there were tickets free for tonight, she avoided the subject with her reply. My gut instinct tells me the whole thing with her just ain't gonna work, and has done for a few days.

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I woke up, put my itunes on random and poked my head of my bedroom window. Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) came on, and it was amazingly sunny. I loved how the song and the weather went so well together at that moment, it really hit me that summer was here.


Trying to start revision...but can't/don't want to. Eurgh.

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Don't know what the weather is like where everyone else is today but up here it's phenomenal. Have spent most of the day out in the sun. Really nice. Very strong sunshine though with a breeze cutting over so have to be careful. Have stuck some after sun stuff on for precaution because, even though I've only been sun burnt one I don't want to have it again as it made wearing shoes a nightmare (was my feet that got sunburnt as I forgot to put lotion on them. *facepalm*)


But yeh, really nice outside and allowed me some peace and quite for about 5 minutes before my mother came out with the cat cage and brought them outside and she sort of hung around and wouldn't go away. And then my brother and father appeared so my quiet reflection time was kind of mirred by them. Bit selfish to say that really but given that there are 6 people living in this house, the only place I can get some peace is the bathroom so was kinda hoping I'd get it outside. Oh well. Did some thinking about a piece of poetry I wrote last night which needs to be completely re-done as it's pretty awful and just contemplated finally getting my degree change official and it's making me a happier person knowing it's getting sorted and it's now something I'll enjoy doing and completing in 3 years time.


Have failed to get the one piece of work done that I needed to do, which was a review for some Darts game on the Wii.

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what the hell am i paying for?!


incidently, im going to the bank to get out a few pounds of my dole for tonights trip to the pub/curry.





yes, i feel shit about it




Pizza! Shave! Haircut! Dole! town! Home! Dinner! Art Show! Party! Club! Win!


Evidently, you're paying for these guys drinks tonight.



Don't know what the weather is like where everyone else is today but up here it's phenomenal. Have spent most of the day out in the sun. Really nice. Very strong sunshine though with a breeze cutting over so have to be careful. Have stuck some after sun stuff on for precaution because, even though I've only been sun burnt one I don't want to have it again as it made wearing shoes a nightmare (was my feet that got sunburnt as I forgot to put lotion on them. *facepalm*)


But yeh, really nice outside and allowed me some peace and quite for about 5 minutes before my mother came out with the cat cage and brought them outside and she sort of hung around and wouldn't go away. And then my brother and father appeared so my quiet reflection time was kind of mirred by them. Bit selfish to say that really but given that there are 6 people living in this house, the only place I can get some peace is the bathroom so was kinda hoping I'd get it outside. Oh well. Did some thinking about a piece of poetry I wrote last night which needs to be completely re-done as it's pretty awful and just contemplated finally getting my degree change official and it's making me a happier person knowing it's getting sorted and it's now something I'll enjoy doing and completing in 3 years time.


Have failed to get the one piece of work done that I needed to do, which was a review for some Darts game on the Wii.


Yeah it's beautiful here too. Must be about 25 degrees I'd guess. Barely a cloud in the sky! Spent the first half of the day on the BISHing, then sitting on the decking / reading Edge, then football for a couple of hours. A good day all round!

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Evidently, you're paying for these guys drinks tonight.





Yeah it's beautiful here too. Must be about 25 degrees I'd guess. Barely a cloud in the sky! Spent the first half of the day on the BISHing, then sitting on the decking / reading Edge, then football for a couple of hours. A good day all round!


Drinks are on bluey! :D

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Guest Captain Falcon

I'd not eaten since Wednesday and I had 4 hours sleep last night so it wasn't exactly the best start to the day when I woke.


Getting into the office to find my desk swamped in paper and folders is nothing new but this time, I hadn't put them all there - you have one afternoon and it's like you've been out of the office for 6 months.


Realizing that we had two people off of our 7 man team, it quickly dawned on me that things would be a bit more hectic than usual. Then I found out that one of the others would only be half the day and the team next to us was also thin on the ground - we share some of our common work.


Now I like to think I'm good, but I'm not 2 and a half people. The fact that two of my team were having some training all afternoon meant we were effectively reduced to 3 people.


Pushed doesn't begin to cover it.


Then against my better wishes, I had to go spend some time in our IS department to help with some system testing as I'd highlighted some big problems last time. One of the guys had put an hour in my calender but I said I couldn't do it. When he says it should only take about 10 mins (the hour was just to give a bit of leeway), I figure well I can spare that I guess.


Cue an hour and half of sitting with a bunch of guys discussing technical stuff which I didn't really understand.


I stayed behind after I was due to finish for an hour, but I was no where near close to finishing all my work and it's all waiting on my desk for my return on Monday - or the end of the month slogathon where you spend half the day blitzing the accounts and then the other half generating reports on them.


It's going to get worse before it gets better, but at this stage, to the passerby, they'd struggle to see how that's possible.

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You're right, I must not know what I'm talking about, because I never knew burglars to greet the house before plundering it.


I heard the door open. Our house is practically soundproof.


Look, you said that a policeman who broke into the incorrect address (100 numbers out!) had common sense, congratulations. A man seeing a banana skin in front of him and then slipping on it would also have common sense according to you.

Edited by Pyxis
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Urgh... I've spent most of my evening thus far playing Cube Field on facebook... by far the most irritating / addictive / awesome game I've played in a while. I was top of my friends league until a couple of hours ago, gah! 650000 if anyone has it


In other news my driving licence came in the post at last :) No more taking the passport to clubs for me!

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