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I should hope so if he shouted "Hello!". I don't think he was going for the stealth approach.




In other news, I've successfully hacked my Wii to enable me to do all sorts of crazy and wacky things, including install .WAD files. For those of you that know what that means, oh yes. I'm making a note here; huge success.

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It's strange when we catch ourselves in awe of clouds passing.


Clouds always pass. Why is repetition, why is the mundane so fascinating, or so beautiful? Is it beautiful? I think what we feel in these moments is rather more egotistical than that. We are in awe of our own capacity to extrapolate feelings from the clouds; we are stunned by our own ability to not only comprehend this space we occupy and the surrounding detritus that floats by, but also we are proud of our ability to emotively shift in sight of such stimuli.


It's getting light. Before even five in the morning, the day is starting. But what is this day? What is this temporal phase we set our entire civilisation by? I can hear the argument set by anthropometrical minds; that we have evolved physically to deal with daylight superiourly, but in this spiritual sense that I -- that many of us find ourselves contemplating in the hours between midnight and sunrise; the sheer scale of things tends to dwarf the matters that are socially held highly as the be-all and end-all of our species.


I don't know what I'm talking about, as usual. I just know that there is this conflict between myself and this mass-produced, assembley line life that exists out there, beyond daybreak. I know that life doesn't have to operate between 8am and 11pm. We've had xenophobes, racists and sexism and maybe now it's about time we address teh issue of temporal prejudice! Long live the nights of black and thought, where dreams aren't caught and thinkings are left alone to wander free beneath the constraints of order, order and order. Summoning no brink to dissapear, nor claim our souls as the price to pay for disassocaiting with the free and the proud that are named Humanity.


Each night I spend and spread beyond the sun's bi-daily cycle into darkness - I sit, I ponder; I live for all those sleeping souls that miss this hour of solitude and choose the strength of shared dreams, of a universal fortitude in believing that doing as others do is some sort of certainty of their own goodness... But this sheepish following of patterns and systems only leads to the very construct of fear! Is it the darkness that scares people into locking their doors, or is it not just the consentual belief that anyone who disagrees with the social order of sleeping at night must therefore be against the society, and therefore be of a mind to commit deeds to devour or otherwise act detrimentally to their fellow man?


If I walk the streets at 4am, will a freshly-awakened yawner peer from their window to intake the night scene only to shudder and cling to the curtains at the mere sight of me walking by -- even though the very same incident repeated at 4pm would result in nothing except a blemish in the shape of a young man in their memory?


Yet the clouds continue, carving their forgetful paths across the panorama. They are not judged by their particular choice of hour.


Although, a starless night is no fault of the stars. But what did the cloud know of his deeds?

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I should hope so if he shouted "Hello!". I don't think he was going for the stealth approach.


OMG, Do you think he spent 10 mins in my house making a cup of tea? What nonsense, he was in the house for seconds. Like I said, you dont know what youre talking about. You'd make a piss poor burgular and would be jailed in no time.

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when its for fun, i get bored after a couple of hours. when moneys on the table, i stay sensible and will be in for the long haul. had one epic game that lasted 5 hours, i was the winner and £15 better off.


We (Me + MoogleViper + others) had a poker game last night which lasted about 3 hour, i did get bored half way through, but still came out £25 up :) (Only recieved £15 of it so far)

Edited by Strider
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I'm making a note here; huge success.


Is it hard to overstate your satisfaction.


We (Me + MoogleViper + others) had a poker game last night which lasted about 3 hour, i did get bored half way through, but still came out £25 up :) (Only recieved £15 of it so far)


Yeah but by the end of it we were all that bored/tired that we no longer gave a shit and threw caution to the wind. I called everything even when I had jack shit.


I think next time we need to have less chips.

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driving lesson was ok, but slightly frustrating today. had a guest instructor, my npormal ones off on holiday this week. he was nice enough, but a bit less patient. this didnt help me, nerves got the better and i made a load of mistakes. still, had a good 40 min streach when i rocked the shit.


just need more practice.



came home and got a phone call whilst mid dump. really annoying.

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OMG, Do you think he spent 10 mins in my house making a cup of tea? What nonsense, he was in the house for seconds. Like I said, you dont know what youre talking about. You'd make a piss poor burgular and would be jailed in no time.


"Prevention is better than a cure"


Maybe you'd be better off not letting them get inside in the first place? For all the effort that locking a door takes.

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Like I said, you dont know what youre talking about. You'd make a piss poor burgular and would be jailed in no time.

I'd make an excellent thief.

OMG, Do you think he spent 10 mins in my house making a cup of tea? What nonsense, he was in the house for seconds.

The amount of time he spent in there is irrelevant. He wasn't trying for a silence marathon. You said:

I heard this man shouting "hello!!!!" downstairs..


I thought somebody had broken into my house. I rushed out of my bedroom expecting a confrontation with a burgular

You're right, I must not know what I'm talking about, because I never knew burglars to greet the house before plundering it.

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You're right, I must not know what I'm talking about, because I never knew burglars to greet the house before plundering it.


It's my understanding that it was a Policeman who said 'Hello' not a burglar, even though Pyxis was half expecting it to be a burglar for some reason, it's an odd thing to happen fo sho anyway.

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It's my understanding that it was a Policeman who said 'Hello' not a burglar, even though Pyxis was half expecting it to be a burglar for some reason, it's an odd thing to happen fo sho anyway.


What eevil is saying is that he heard the copper because he shouted hello. Whereas a burglar wouldn't shout hello and therefore he is less likely to hear him.

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Well it took me over an hour to get there but I went to the agency, first they got me to sign a few things about doing temp work for them, then someone asked me about my previous jobs, I hadn't really prepared so I didn't explain as well as I could have. Then I did a copy typing test which was all good, but then she gave me one from scribbly writing and I couldn't read it at all! I would say I managed maybe 50% of it. So I wont be getting any jobs where that skill is needed.


New shoes have cut both my feet, I've got a headache, think going was probably a waste of time. On the upside I got some vegi sushi in M&S which was nice.

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i'm having a good day so far!! i remember going to sleep last night really happy 'cause jamba reminded me i had today off - then getting up this morning going "uuurgh i dont wanna go to work...." and jamba's like "YOU DONT HAVE TO YOU IDIOT!!" :grin:

so we went for a walk to tesco and i used my tip money to buy us some lunchtime crepes... then we walked together to his work and i came home, got off the bus a stop early and went charity shopping ^__^ i bought a little bracelet and a skirt - which is going STRAIGHT in the wash cause it obviously came from a smoking home *sneeze!*


this afternoon i'm gunna do the washing and put things onto ebay. books books books.

that reminds me!! is anyone here interested in superflat japanese artwork/takashi murakami? i have some very rare books on the movement/artist that i'm gunna be selling soon.


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Just watched a video of a tortoise having sex with a shoe. Hilarious and disturbing. Distarious!


Was it called "Tortoise Lovin 4"? I know the tortoise in it if so. Its funny actually, he only recently became a porn actor. He used to be very shy, but he's really come out of his shell.

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Stupid fucking day. Put a washload in at 1. Had an appointment at Maxillofacial at 2:30. Got there on time but they were running late so they didn't see me 'til 4:15. I only had to book a fucking surgery. It had all been explained to me before. I could have done that through the post/on the phone. So I get back home at 5. Now my clothes are still wet and creased to hell. Which means I'll have to leave them on the line 'til later tonight and will have to find some time tomorrow to iron them.

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Coolness Bears; Is that little puppet-sized dude cool? I'll be him! Riding with the tortoise was indeed cool. Didn't figure so many people'd think so :) He, along with the 'ex' are coming over for teh weekend. Giggity :P


If you meant the small old dude at the front. He is pure Badass. :awesome:


Daft: Okay I've been reading your twitter. Excellent Idea. I like it. Beats any twitter I've read which are usually mindless and dull. :)


Jayseven: I fear your obsession with the almighty tortoise is going too far. :p


So my day has consisted in clothes shopping with the mum. I'm really pleased with what I ended up buying and twas a most humorous day out, lovely and sunny as well! That always helps! :D

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todays been a good day. went to a new RSPB reserve to see some brids which was great. i am now tempted to go buy a bird house for my back garden. I also played alot of my new 360 games which also was fun. other then that i have nothing else to say. :)

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