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Heh, for some reason I am still amazingly awake. Only slept for 2 and a half hours last night, and had a 1 hour nap today and yet I'm still up and working. Maybe the bottle of coke is working!


Anyway, almost done with this paper! Then need to make a powerpoint presentation on it and prepare another presentation. Jury day tomorrow ahhhh. X3


Also been stuffing myself with food. Had pancakes for dinner, mmm. Then ate some cookies. Then had some "healthy" cookies stuff. And then ate a piece of apricot pie. Foooood!


I'm ashamed at myself as to how I find myself fooled by my brothers bullshit. I mention that since he owes me money I best get it first before he starts getting into "debt" with his mates. However I bullshit myself again... I come home from work and he returns from one of his mates houses I assume, pissed as fuck and I hear him on the phone begging one of his friends to meet him, hook him up with drugs because he's got £50 and whatever. After the call I mention him owing me money [since he has some from his dole money] but now he suddenly owes so many mates money [disregarding the fact he was willing to blow it all on drugs 2 minutes previously] I threatened him with cutting off his internet. Tomorrow I'll repeat the phrase when he's sober to make sure he understands.


A lovely night in town with just a couple of guys. Ended up just bar-crawling, as most clubs were closed/too good for us underage peeps.


Then one of us leapt over a bollard. fell and smashed his nose. Not badly, but we were concerned. Then randomly these two canadian girls came over and took him away from us up the road. It was surreal. Pretty sure he thought he was going to have a threesome or something, but yeah in the end we all just chatted and he came back to a pub with us, from which we shipped him off in a taxi to hospital.


A stunningly long walk home in the rain.


I will soon be getting one of three things.


A. A 21.5" ASUS Monitor that does 1080p from Newegg for $169 (nearly $30 plus there is a $20 MIR making it $150 off).Link for anyone who may be interested in a cheap HD solution It's got great specs for the price. Nearly must buy.


B. A new Laptop, Link. Very good specs on this and a can't beat price for what you're getting. Laptops with a slower 4650 GPU but most everything else nearly the same go for 100-200 more.


C. A Whole new PC built by me with parts of Newegg, totaling somewhere in the $600-$700 range after MIR. I already have a fairly fleshed out build that's pretty good (Crysis Capable, for PC naysayers about price).


All of this because, just short of being a year old, my current laptop is pretty fucked. A goddamn cat(s) managed to pull it off the table by the power cord, it landed upside down and the screen is royally screwed. Without knowing reputable resalers, a new screen can cost $220 (cheapest I saw) to $400 brand new. Refurbished ones being in between those two numbers (220 is a "new" price) And that's if I want to do the installation. Which I know I can (I took it all apart today, took an hour to get apart and an hour to put together) but I don't really want to plus that monitor is cheaper and going to be better quality and higher resolution. I'll just run my laptop to it through HDMI, I'm doing that now with an ancient CRT that isn't mine and VGA.


Also, if I go option "A" I'll probably start down the way for Option "C" also.


Just spent 2 and a half hours cleaning out my main content folder on my PC which was previously titled "Lewis and Rowans Stuff", and has been for about 4-5 years now from the days when me and my sister would share a PC. After all this time I've finally gone and deleted a bunch of ancient documents and pictures that havn't been accessed since 2005 and such, and renamed the folder to just "Lewis". Monumental stuff, I know. But it is weird, I've been used to dumping files in the folder with the previous name, and now that it's called something else and looks all empty-like, I'm not accustomed to it just yet :heh:


I also went ahead and backed up my iTunes Library and pictures to my 20gb portable hard drive, something I've been meaning to do for months now. This PC is on the verge of falling over and I'm paranoid about losing all my shit. Now that I've done at least some backing up, I'm not so worried. I also think I need to accelerate my plans for a new PC or components..


My weekend was technically awesome.


Jamie left work on Friday. We went out for a few casual drinks. I wasn't feeling it so went home before the night. In the evening. Quiet one etc.


Saturday we went to Milton Keynes shopping. I didn't really particularly need anything but fancied some LEGO...and needed some new Lush soap. Got the soap, but LEGO...there was simply nothing I wanted. So I decided to save my money, which is pretty good really. Need it to book a small trip to York...soon anyway. I guess.


Then on Sunday we all went to Southend-on-the-beach-sea-shore. It was the air show that day, and on the way there, there was a bad traffic jam (annoying) then we got there, and I swear it was like the busiest place I've seen in my life. When my PC is working properly I'll show some crazy crowds. We went to Adventure Island (a cool little theme park) which was sweet, (not busy at all, queue-wise) and it was really great! Then on the way back we got stuck in that REALLY shit M25 traffic jam. Stationary for ages...like.....I dunno. Ages.


Monday I made five heroclix (well almost...gotta finish sculpting a few bits on two of them) but for anyone who reads the Kirkbooks, they are, Wolf that bit Gary, Reaniman, Tether Tyrany, Zechariah and BATTLE BEAST.


Awwww yeah.


Aww I miss the Southend air show, what shape did the red arrows do? I'm going in a couple of weeks to visit family, will probably be taking my nephew to Adventure Island. Do they still have the water shoots? I wouldn't mind a go on them.

  Katie said:
Aww I miss the Southend air show, what shape did the red arrows do? I'm going in a couple of weeks to visit family, will probably be taking my nephew to Adventure Island. Do they still have the water shoots? I wouldn't mind a go on them.


They do yes. Also rethemed Beelzebubs Trail to "Over The Hill" which is....well a bit crap, but theres one bit that is REALLY awesome, which makes the ride really cool.


The Red Arrows were soooooo sick. They did their usual stuff, including the heart with the arrow, awesome twisty red corkscrews, five of them climbing and diving to the side together. It was awesome.


So difficult to photograph!!! I got a few good ones though. Again I'll post them soon as I can.


Yeah, the M25 sitch meant I couldn't see one of my closest mates yesterday, nor finalise travel plans for my germany trip in a few weeks. Big pain.


Waiting to be picked up by the 'ex' and her mum for a drive up to wakefield, then a train to sheffield. She's not really fully disclosed the nature of our 'friendship' with her mum so I don't really know how to be. Plus I'll be interrogated about my future for about the 9th time in a week, but by now I have my "will see how my results go; taking a year out from education for a while to try and get a job, any job - cousin's offered to find me work in london, going to save up and find a flat" speech. Don't know what to say for the rest of the journey.


I will, though, be sharing a backseat with a tortoise, which is fairly awesome.

  ReZourceman said:
Saturday we went to Milton Keynes shopping. I didn't really particularly need anything but fancied some LEGO.


I got my Lego X Wing from the MK Lego store. And in true toy store fashion, there was some woman hollering at her child in front of me in the queue. "Bring the toy here or you're not having it!". I prayed that the kid would bring it back, otherwise she would have been queueing, in my way and generally stinking up the joint for nothing.




I went to the fracture clinic today to get my fractured wrist seen to (they thought it was sprained, then they sent me a letter saying it was actually fractured). I now have a black cast. I chose black because I'm proper emo and black is the only colour that expresses my sorrow and anguish (oh how will I self harm now?). Or it's the only colour that doesn't go a manky yellow. Whatever.

  goaferboy said:
I got my Lego X Wing from the MK Lego store. And in true toy store fashion, there was some woman hollering at her child in front of me in the queue. "Bring the toy here or you're not having it!". I prayed that the kid would bring it back, otherwise she would have been queueing, in my way and generally stinking up the joint for nothing.




I went to the fracture clinic today to get my fractured wrist seen to (they thought it was sprained, then they sent me a letter saying it was actually fractured). I now have a black cast. I chose black because I'm proper emo and black is the only colour that expresses my sorrow and anguish (oh how will I self harm now?). Or it's the only colour that doesn't go a manky yellow. Whatever.


We went into Toys R Us, also, and a parent yelled at their kid saying "STOP ASKING for things, you're not having anything."


Seriously.....even if they're buying for someone else or whatever...you don't bring your children to Toys R fucking Us and not expect this kind of reaction from teh kidzors.


I'm having one of those days where everything that can go wrong, is currently doing so. Plus, the sooner my dad fucks off somewhere else again the better. I hate that I get my control freak-ness from him...but he's so much worse. He acts as though he's treating me like an adult, and then goes and does something behind my back, and does the same to my mum. It's like he assumes we're both 8 years old. Sooner she divorces his ass, the better.

  Haggis said:
I'm having one of those days where everything that can go wrong, is currently doing so.


Murphy's Law

I hate those days -.- Had a lot during the last few weeks.



Good god...Finally done my moral exam for my Abitur (if anybody knows what it is...similar to A-Level in Great Britain). i wasn't nervous while dealing with the assignments, but after entering the room with the 3 teachers sitting there, I suddenly died a bit :D

30 minutes in hell. I thought I was talking shit. But I still got a "good" mark. Would be a C if I was in your country (assuming you live in GB :p in Germany we call it "3"). I'm satisfied and happy.

My written exams should be better, though. Get the results in 2 weeks.

Posted (edited)

Why is it when you've had a crap weekend, and still in an iffy mood and you wish things to go smoothly in work, they don't?


I left some work behind on Thursday, it was the only thing we had to do and when i came back today it was still there. What do people do when i'm not there, it seems nothing.


Oh and my sister and mother decided to unnaminously blame me, X-Box Live and my N96 mobile phone for my sisters laptop aquiring faults. My sister had picked this Trojan Horse up from the net, she never seems to care what she clicks online. So when i go to sort it out, i get ripped into for mucking it up. So i told her plain and clear "Stop clicking dodgy links and stop f**king up your bl**dy laptop". Hence the blames for X-Box Live and the N96 came into effect.


I found a fix for the laptop, so will now depend if she lets me on to fix it or not.

Edited by Jimbob
Posted (edited)

It's just come on rain and I was thinking of going out. Thanks for that, nature. :nono: Will wait and see if it's just a passing shower or something for the long run.


Advisor finally got back to me after going silent for nearly a week and we've agreed to meet tomorrow to sort out my degree change, hopefully. Will mean that its sorted and I can get on with my summer and the continuing search for a job. Saying that though, I have found one that's decent pay so I'm gonna send off my CV later on and see where that leads. Not the best job in the world, it's working in a place called the Money Shop so basically a bureau de change, but the pay's decent enough, 35 hour week which is fine by me as it'll keep me occupied and keep boredom away and the shop is basically quite most of the time so I'll just get to sit and mess about. :D


Also waiting on the damn post as I have writing stuff to do and the games haven't arrived for me to do them. Someone really needs to give the Royal Mail a boot up the arse and sort the mess out. Bit ridiculous getting the mail after 3pm (once had it arrive at 5pm)

Edited by Ganepark32

Got up, watched the rest of Heathers. Listening to I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got by Sinead O'Connor...really good. She's definitely more than just Nothing Compares 2 U.

  chairdriver said:
I am stunned.


I got a letter welcoming me into the school's Dux Club! A "group of acknowledged scholars".


I'm dealing with it so well.


I knew the Hellfire Club would accept your application to be Black Rook.


Fuck you Goblyn Queen!


(excuse to post image)

Get some tipex so people can sign it?


My cast? Nah, give people the chance to doodle on something and it'll usually end up covered in giant floppy cocks.

  goaferboy said:
end up covered in giant floppy cocks.


Well it will if you get amateur cock-artists to draw on it.


Professional cocktists like me will draw uberly erect w/hair befoe we move onto more flacid specimins.

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