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I have spent pretty much the whole day in teh same chair, getting up to turn the oven on or empty the microwave, or fill my glass and empty my bladder. In between pauses of my VLC player and checking the speed of my bittorrent download I refresh this main page and battle and banter, assaulting and assaying the forum, realising the bitter pill tastes better crushed.


I'm pretty sure a lot of members on here don't like me, and at the london meet they will beshade their venom just to egg me in one way or another. I think I'm one of the saddest members here, spending my waking life typing away insults and insinuations, addicted to edifying and certain to conspire with anyone who will join me in the art of articulation.


But I love you guys. Even the ones who don't like me - it makes me wake up in the mornings just to continue to participate in the drama. There was some scientist dude who said that the internet is autistic -- in the sense that we are just looking at this screen in front of us, totally unaware of the teeming millions that do the same. There is a conflict between self-presentation and self-preservation that becomes more lop-sided the longer I spend on here. The SERIOUS BUSINESS ebbs and wears away at the truth at the core of each of us. While the essence of humane behaviour prevents the majority of us from really letting our anger take hold, it also bars us from being honest about our flaws, about revealing our weaknesses to such strangers.


This forum is somewhere I feel I can be honest. Somewhere I feel that I can at the least predict what the worst reactions will be to me, and that's why I keep coming back. The danger lies in forgetting that other people do the same, and taking their posts to be little more than some odd artefact of the Internet to bounce off and add to our own evolution.


I appreciate any honesty on here. The truth, when uttered, needs no evidence, because the sheer tone of it is believable. I'm proud to be a member of a forum where one can post their serious issues and be taken seriously.


And I'm proud that I can LOL at myself before anyone else gets the chance. In your face.

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I have spent pretty much the whole day in teh same chair, getting up to turn the oven on or empty the microwave, or fill my glass and empty my bladder. In between pauses of my VLC player and checking the speed of my bittorrent download I refresh this main page and battle and banter, assaulting and assaying the forum, realising the bitter pill tastes better crushed.


I'm pretty sure a lot of members on here don't like me, and at the london meet they will beshade their venom just to egg me in one way or another. I think I'm one of the saddest members here, spending my waking life typing away insults and insinuations, addicted to edifying and certain to conspire with anyone who will join me in the art of articulation.


But I love you guys. Even the ones who don't like me - it makes me wake up in the mornings just to continue to participate in the drama. There was some scientist dude who said that the internet is autistic -- in the sense that we are just looking at this screen in front of us, totally unaware of the teeming millions that do the same. There is a conflict between self-presentation and self-preservation that becomes more lop-sided the longer I spend on here. The SERIOUS BUSINESS ebbs and wears away at the truth at the core of each of us. While the essence of humane behaviour prevents the majority of us from really letting our anger take hold, it also bars us from being honest about our flaws, about revealing our weaknesses to such strangers.


This forum is somewhere I feel I can be honest. Somewhere I feel that I can at the least predict what the worst reactions will be to me, and that's why I keep coming back. The danger lies in forgetting that other people do the same, and taking their posts to be little more than some odd artefact of the Internet to bounce off and add to our own evolution.


I appreciate any honesty on here. The truth, when uttered, needs no evidence, because the sheer tone of it is believable. I'm proud to be a member of a forum where one can post their serious issues and be taken seriously.


And I'm proud that I can LOL at myself before anyone else gets the chance. In your face.


Pro post. I'm fairly sure you just intricately explained why millions of people the world over are members of not only forums, but communities and the internet as a whole.


Don't be silly. One of the main points of the meet I'm looking forward to is drinking a cider with you. It's one of those things, y'know? Gotta be done. :D

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Jayseven you are one of the forum greats! : peace: Hell I want to drink Cider with you and I don't drink!



Coolness Bears you TWISTED FUCK...supposedly!


Actually, of all the people on N-Europe to become a serial killer, CB would surely be the most successful, simply because nobody would suspect him.


Wait, why am I falling in to this trap too? FML.


I always get this! :p Must be my shifty eyes and the fact that they've never found the body.

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Well in my eyes you are! so. :p


I really should sleeeeeeeeeeep. Latest I've been for ages! I love the stillness of the morning. Peaceful.




I'm going to sleep now. Otherwise I'll never get up to revise and I can survive on 2 hours sleep!


Thanks for all your help tonight Jayseven, it's been fun! I'll reply to your post tomorrow as right now a lot of text is making my brain hurt! :heh:

Edited by Coolness Bears
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Lol, it read like you guys were all high or something for a couple of pages.


The last few days have been good - back in Cambridge, girlfriend and other friends back, many pre-term jollities to be had. And I've been reading a really awesome biography of Wittgenstein. I ought to do some more work though...


Also: jayseven = win. trufax.

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You know whats awesome?


Having a bite of (you know those straw sweets, different flavours but most common is strawberry, with fondant icing in the middle) well...I had a bite of a banana one, then a sip of coke.


A) They should make Banana Coke. It was amazing.


B) I remembered the drink......was it the Simpsons? Small bottle. Banana. Anyone remember what I mean?

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Woke up at 8 o'clock this morning and had a large breakfast full of meat, eggs and bread. Saw my brother and his girlfriend for this first time in a long while, they came round for breakfast. Tried an After Effects file on my computer as the iMac he wants to get has similar specs to the PC I have now. Then took out some old toys reminiscing about years gone by.

Then it was 11 o'clock and it felt like it was about 5 o'clock. Need to wake up earlier more often, you feel like you get more done at the days end for some reason.

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Ahhh I think I'm going crazy haha. Have to do this stupid animation for school and it's really not going well and I keep getting stuck on what to do with eeeeet!


And booh, last day of my break, though this last week didn't feel much like a break at all as all I did was work work work.

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Been listening to music constantly all day so far. Definitely not good for my ears but has been good in getting me into a good, yet nostalgic, mood. New Years Day (the band's name) seem to have this effect on me, as the music is filled with emotion. Shame TVT Records went tits-up. Need to get in touch with them again and see if anything has come out of it. Would be a real shame if that was them stuck in music limbo.


Aside from the music, I've done little else. Have just finished a review for work and will be doing another later on this evening. Such a beautiful day outside, with the sun shining and it being decently warm with a slight breeze cutting through the warmth. Think today qualifies as one where an ice cream is in order. :D

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Jagerbombs are awesome. Love the things.


I shall be suddenly disappearing today for my grandparents house near Norwich. Not looking forward to it to be honest, I don't have a clue what I'm going to do besides...talk. Epic fail. Shall be taking my DS though which should provide some source of entertainment, and might take the laptop too which I've got a few games installed on.

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Fuck yeah, I no longer has double vision :D


My last glasses had a prescription that was waaay to strong. My right eye was +2.something and now its +1.5. So that must have been causing all the problems. Yay for improvement! :D

I got optician's shizzle on Monday, I might be getting new spex. Might even try some contacts if I think I can handle it.

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Also; I love when songs are genuinely scary. Under Ice by Kate Bush pwns and metal shit that tries to be scary with images of the devi or whatever.

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Jagerbombs are awesome. Love the things.


I shall be suddenly disappearing today for my grandparents house near Norwich. Not looking forward to it to be honest, I don't have a clue what I'm going to do besides...talk. Epic fail. Shall be taking my DS though which should provide some source of entertainment, and might take the laptop too which I've got a few games installed on.



I've got love for the Bombs of Jager, I've consumed far too much of them already this year and long may it continue!

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JonSt; MAD BLUSH is al for you.


Paj; DT deadlines were so hilarious at our school/college. They'd give us a date, then about a day before they'd extend it by a week because nobody had done enough work. This would continue for about two months, then the final FINAL deadline would appear... and still nobody would've finished their work. Fewls.

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Ahhh, currently sitting outside in the hotttttt sun! It's lovely outside. And for the first time this Spring I can hear the cuckoo calling out. Love its sound. =)


Trying to work on a paper but honestly I feel like just sitting here and listening to the birds. ^_____^

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