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Well today has thankfully been more productive than the last.


I have decided, after thinking it over long and hard, that I am not going to spend my summer in America. Although it sounds fun, the cons serverly outweight the pros. Instead, I will spend the summer in my new flat working towards a better portfolio.


EVIL, you can have my place in America, all you need is some make-up.

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3 things happened today.


I played MGS4 to the point where I'm fairly condfident I could sneak into Gordon Browns house and punch him square in the face without anyone noticing. If you see someone on the news who looks suspiciously like ReZ being hauled into a paddy wagon, I failed. If you don't see that on the news, assume I did a good job.


The new event on Phantasy Star Universe started. I had a quick session on it before returning to MGS4. I'll go back on PSU later.


I was in the shower being all steamy and erotic as usual when I noticed out of the corner of my eye some sort of black shape on my arm. Thinking "Oh Jesus, there's something on my arm", I looked at my arm and was horrified. I was horrified by my own stupidity, it was my tattoo that I've had for over a month now. I am well a special.

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I've managed to score four free tickets to see Coraline in Solihull (not my first choice but hey ho) on Tuesday 28th. Asked my housemate and she's said as long as her lecture isn't too important she'll scive. Personally I don't care. There's three weeks left, one lecture has already been cancelled and the other is the day after dissertation is due (and my last). These last three weeks are a joke really. But hopefully we'll go, been looking forward to the film :D


Also Flink won't let me steal Eenuh so we can go work at Pixar (which is a goal/dream that often crops up...the Pixar thing that is, not the stealing Eenuh thing). How mean of him!

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Just got a drunk phonecall from some mates who were down at the pub tonight. All I got was "Omg, we have something to tell you. MY MILSHAKE BRINGS ALL THE BOYS TO THE YARD YARD YARD. HAHA. TAKE IT UP THE BUM BUM BUM. I'LL SEE YA TOMORROW TWINKLEDOUCHE!"


I laughed so hard.

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I swear it HURTS to be as fucking awesome as I am sometimes.


The guy who DESIGNED The Astounding Wolf-Man just saw my model of him and said "Hey, that's pretty cool!!!"



Well thats basically made....my...day? Month? More. Mebbe.




I demand evidence.

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Anyone see the GaGa on Jonathon Ross?


At the start I thought seriously wtf! Sipping the tea everytime the camera was on her [i was questioning if there was even anything in there], and seemed very up tight!

The interview looked like seriously hard work! but then she lightened up and relaxed abit more bout half way through; hats off to Rossy for pulling that off!


Her Poker Face performance though was another wtf moment!

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Anyone see the GaGa on Jonathon Ross?


At the start I thought seriously wtf! Sipping the tea everytime the camera was on her [i was questioning if there was even anything in there], and seemed very up tight!

The interview looked like seriously hard work! but then she lightened up and relaxed abit more bout half way through; hats off to Rossy for pulling that off!


Her Poker Face performance though was another wtf moment!


Yeah, she seemed SO nervous at the start, but it was good to see Ross make her feel at ease by the end of it. I loved the performace completely, she's totally insane. Pokerface featuring death metalish screams? Love it.

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Just got a drunk phonecall from some mates who were down at the pub tonight. All I got was "Omg, we have something to tell you. MY MILSHAKE BRINGS ALL THE BOYS TO THE YARD YARD YARD. HAHA. TAKE IT UP THE BUM BUM BUM. I'LL SEE YA TOMORROW TWINKLEDOUCHE!"


I laughed so hard.


thats fucking epic. my mates would love that. we have a wierd relationship.

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Anyone see the GaGa on Jonathon Ross?


At the start I thought seriously wtf! Sipping the tea everytime the camera was on her [i was questioning if there was even anything in there], and seemed very up tight!

The interview looked like seriously hard work! but then she lightened up and relaxed abit more bout half way through; hats off to Rossy for pulling that off!


Her Poker Face performance though was another wtf moment!


Is she another of this "Oh my god, I'm soooo weiiiiird!!!" types of people?


I would love to play Poker with her face. Sorry, what I meant to say is that I'd love to Poke HER in the face. With a great big fire poker, poker thing. Poker the fuck off!

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Randomly got talking to this guy I've "known" at since year 7 but never actually said a word too. He's best mates with my best mate, and so therefore knows basically everything about me (I don't mind, he seems lovely). It's odd, I wish I'd spoken to him sooner.




I'm having a facebook argument, and I'm winning. Bitch is going down. She says FML all the time, so I put "Wishes certain people would stop saying FML, it's not cool". She moaned and said my life obviously revolved around her, so I go "Wow, for such a short woman you have a mighty big head. Self centred much?". If I could drive, I would run her down.

Edited by Slaggis
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... Yeah. Had a chilled night in, watched a movie, rock-banded... drank stooof and generally felt optimistic/depressed about the future.


Why doesn't the rest of the world care as much as me about my own life? Lol and stuff. Betwixing the nether lobes, unfronted by past globules of disinterest -- you say what you say. Sigh.


I'm gonna be rich.

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Anyone noticed (at least in the earlier series) every episode of House has the words 'She's not getting air' or 'Paraneopolastic Syndrome'.


Saying that though, it's probably Confirmation Bias :/


Or "It's not lupus!" :D



Beaten to it :laughing:

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I demand evidence.






Today was kinda awesome.


I was in Waterstones, and I was really happy to see next to a "Batman" label section, was a "The Walking Dead" label section. I said to Claire "Oh sweet, I love how The Walking Dead has a specific section!"


And some random guy goes "Thats cos' its the greatest comic book ever." And I was like "Dude, you're so right." and then he goes "Well....maybe just behind Invincible."


You can imagine my reaction to this, and I ended up talking to him for a few minutes. Had a smile on my face for the rest of the day basically.


Also had more mozzerella dippers from McDough. Seriously dis shit is sweetz.



And yeah GaGa is completely mental. She on drugs?


Hugh Jackman is such a legend! I was loving his interview, such a nice guy. Loved his cheesy smirk at one of his own jokes that kinda fell flat. Handsome fuck too.


Was a great ep of Rossathon.

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I need to:


  • Finish my Conclusion, which is about 1000 words - Done
  • Go back and add a couple hundred words to my Findings - kinda doing today
  • Go back and re-jig my Introduction - Done
  • Proof read the lot - tonight/tomorrow
  • Organise my bibliography - tonight/tomorrow



Ok, I'm going to cross off the ones I've done.


I've mostly done presentational stuff today, so getting stuff in the right order, making sure I've not made huge errors, heh.


Almost there. So close.

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Watched that episode of Wossy last night. I still stand by what I say in that I think Lady GaGa is good looking but that interview looked like trying to draw blood from stone. At least she opened up more as it went on. I wouldn't have said it was nerves, it's only Jonathan Ross after all. Perhaps she had her mind too much on her performance afterwards, which I have to say was shockingly bad. The metal dress/suit of armour was cool but she sounded awful. Turned off after a couple of seconds. A musician's worse nightmare: not being able to convert good sound from their tracks to a live performance (Evanescence should know a thing or two about that :heh:).


Anyways, not a great way to spend one's friday night but it's all I could do. Found out my final grade for Psychology this semester: a D1 :yay:. At least I passed so I can continue it as a module next year when I change over to English. As for today, it's dragged to say the least. Have had to try and take comfort in Henry Hatsworth but it's so god damn mediocre that it can't keep my attention long enough to bother to finish the boss battle I'm at (I mean come on, I know boss battles are supposed to be hard and elongated confrontations but this really takes the biscuit). In dire need of some money so have been checking Cex's website for trade-in prices and will be making a trip to the one in Edinburgh later in the forthcoming week to get rid of some stuff so as to get some cash. Not fussed about getting rid of the games because most of them were given to me by work.

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