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I seem to have pulled this customer at work last night. Last Thursday I was getting drunk with my coworker who was set to work that night, I tagged along by invitation and got hammered... Saw this lass I normally see come in while I'm working, like the finger, apply to eyebrow and swoop in. From what I can remember from the conversation was that she wasn't interested, although I was proclaiming my attraction to her, she wanted me to say it when I was sober. Last night I be working so don't drink much [despite my "stop drinking" policy which I ruined last night] and needed a few pints to have the courage to engage in random conversation...


Prior to this my coworker had apparently mentioned me to her and she said she was interested, when a friend of hers came to order at the bar I mentioned her lack of interest and he said it was quite the opposite. So I asked the lass to another pub after I finish for a beverage. Proposition accepted. Nice bit of mouth action [the amount of tongue I prefer] and then back to hers for some all night gropings.



I think it went alright.

(what shall I wear? what shall I wear? I seem to have nothing)

Get that modesty scarf thing going again.

Today I ate a meal.



Holy shit... I think I may have had two. SYSTEM OVERLOADINGS.

I don't know. I know when there's passion there you often argue with someone, but I generally hate confrontation and he seems to bring it out in me. This is what it used to be like, we'd argue and it would create a sexual tension/energy, if that makes sense. It's extremely dysfunctional.

I wish I had something like that with my old housemate, but I think I just really aggrivated her.

i'm absolutely disgusted in myself, basically the past few times ive been out this girl has been there too. I got introduced to her and her boyfriend ages ago so I know her to say Hi to and all that but now it turns out theyve split up. The past 5 or 6 nights out we've got on good but I didn't think I stood a chance, anyway tonight I thought it was a good idea to pull a random girl. According to my mate the girl I like was checking me out a lot and saw me pull this random girl. I'm so annoyed, blatantly ruined any small chance I had :(


I hope this makes sense when im sober tomorrow.

Dude, as mentioned, far from curtain call. You call easily create some spin for this. It was a dare or some bullshit.

You're young as fuck. The way I base my life is upon the vague model my dad left me; he didn't find the perfect partner until he was 37. He didn't get the job of his lifetime until he was into his 40's. You can either despair for a few decades until you hit that point, or you can just fucking enjoy yourself.

AAAH! I always wondered your reason for being such a [strickland]SLACKER[/strickland], but "true dat", the word is to enjoy yourself.


Ah yes, Goody's gone.









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Urgh, my plan to get up early failed. Went to bed at 1 am and wanted to wake up again at 9. Turns out it was 12:30 when I finally got out of bed. >.<;

I mean it's good for my sick body to rest, but the problem is I have to get up at 3 am tonight to go the airport, so now I don't think I'll get any sleep before I leaveeee. Bad bad bad.


My sister is no where to be seen and I have no clue where she is, as she didn't leave a note. And she was too lazy to let out the dog as well, booh.



Also, what's with this random girl pulling? Is it such a common practice? D:

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Also, what's with this random girl pulling? Is it such a common practice? D:


I didnt mean it :( basically we met this girl on new years and last night I saw her for the 1st time since then, she introduced me to her friend and it just happened.


I'm quite annoyed at myself really, appreciate the positive responses on here though and I think thursday night may be the night I go for it with the girl I actually like. Could end up embarassing for me but theres only 1 way to find out I suppose...

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I wouldn't fret too much dude. You could even use the opportunity to tell her you feel bad because you want to sex her up instead :heh:


In other news: went to the pub last night with my mate Tom. From my old peer group, I think I get on with him best now and it's always a pleasure to catch up when he's in town.

note to jayseven at this point: I went too a good pub. with people. And a jukebox. And an atmosphere!


Good times!


I don't really have girl issues atm. I think I need to go and find some because I'm bored!

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Today is not my day.. Woke up and my eyes felt really swollen (they have been for a few days - just getting progressively worse) seems like I have a tear duct infection or some shit.. Joys. x( I knew I should have just stayed in bed!


Awk, you poor lass, that must be intensely annoying. >_<

Hope you feel better soon.

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Got me an epic bike ride in today. 18.8 miles to be precise. May or may not have almost collapsed with exhaustion...


Now just deciding whether or not to go to a pub quiz. I like pub quizzes but the group I go with can be hard work sometimes. Plus I'm now knackered from the bike ride.

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A woman who got cancer.


Went to girls and boys last night ( a club night thingy) told the girl who was really interested in me that i wasn't feeling it, and told her it would be best to remain friends, i feel she has other ideas but i can't help that. And the girl i'm interested in came back today, seeing her latttttterrr.


I'm trying to learn romanian now =] and write an essay

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Oh noes.


So I have quite a bit of work to do for my deadline tomorrow, but I'm pretty confident about it all. Looking forward to seeing my friends' work.

Friend eh?

I'm confident I can get the animated stuff done tonight. As for the diary of things we did, no chance.


I think I may have passed out this morning. At about 9 or 10 ish I was going crazy. I could barely see anything and everything was going wrong (PC wise) or so it felt like it.

I sit on my bed for a change of ass comfort and next thing I know it's half 12 and I'm lying on the bed extremely confused, wondering where I was. I kept checking out the window desperately to see a person walk by so to reassure myself I wasn't the only person alive in the world. I was that bad. Calmed down now though.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well, I'm finally back home from my trip down London and despite the odd hiccup which threatened to derail things (something I previously mentioned) I had a great time.


Glorious weather, excellent food, and unsurpassed company - what more could I ask for?


Went to a Yo Sushi bar yesterday as I said I wanted to try some Japanese food and it was really nice (well, most of it) and i didn't make a complete prat of myself with the chop sticks either - I didn't drop anything with them, so it was a start.


We hit a few bars Friday and Saturday and generally had a real hoot.


Shame I had to come back so soon, but it makes the trips more worthwhile that way.


Plus I looked pretty darn snazzy in my white blazer.


And I've come back to find that GTA:CW has arrived - bonus!

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Epic few days.Moved back home to Aldershot now and very tired. Got very drunk the night before leaving meaning yesterday was a day to suffer a hangover. Not good!


Aldershot...I used to live there and went to school there. Talavera. Quite a good place.

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sawed down a tree today. what i found out i dont like id being up a ladder in a strong wind, pushing a tree to break the branch and the ladder moving, having a big branch fall on me while ontop of a ladder.


all of these things happened. and my dad found all funny. apparently his parental instinct is to laugh when his one and only son is in mortal peril.


it must be because of the time i hit him in the nuts with the sky remote.




been on the ps3 a lot, i want more games already :(

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