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More writing today. :zzz: Someone else want to do it? Trying to get through it swiftly to do other things. And by other things I mean do nothing :p Starting to feel better-ish today. Still a bit iffy in the ol' stomach down there but getting there.


Should have gone out but when it came to getting ready I just didn't do anything. ::shrug: Maybe tomorrow. Erm... anyway back to writing. If someone wants to pop in with some food, that'd be great :D. Nothing to eat in this house. Hungry but I know if i get something I won't eat it.

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Woah, how early do you start?


I thought you did the swine flu lines, surely that doesn't open till like 9?


its an 8 am start, but travle aint my friend. 30-40 min walk (depending on what soes i wear, apparently) to the metro station, due to busses being shit at that hour, then theres a metro which takes anouther 30-45 mins, then a 10-15 min walk to work. its a right piss cutter.


work was ok today, had 2 calls over 8 hours, one was a lovly woman, the otuher was a pregnant woman asking my adivice on tamiflu, which i could not give.


lent my poker set to the night shifters, was hugged by hottie in return, ive been invited out tonight witht hem but probly wont go, its a pain getting home.


oh, and some guy almost got the sack for somersaulting over two chairs and breaking the floor. i was pretty impressed to be honest, propper flip and all.

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I was planning on visiting the Castle today, but the weather wasn't good enough for the trip so i chilled out with some mates instead.


Got myself a party to go to tonight, which should be fun. Its my Uncles 50th, so i reckon he may get a tad drunk. And i have to hope that my parents don't force me to drink coke tonight, that be crap if they do.

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Finally bought the Leeds Fest ticket I've been saving up for, which felt good...although, now I feel like a total tramp. Need to work everyday until the Fest to earn some cash for it now. Boo. Other than that, I've spent the day watching numerous episodes of True Blood, and I'm all caught up now which is oddly saddening.

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I've never really understood why people bum Brooker so much...but alas.


Epic walkathon, mindless browsing for graphics tablet, animation. That's the be all and end all of my day really. Bit of tidying tonight and cleaning up loose ends tomorrow as tonight is my last night alone. Least I only have to feed the bloody cats once more.

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I've never really understood why people bum Brooker so much...but alas.


Because he's funny and observant and rude and he swears and he plays computergames and he works for the Guardian and he writes awesome zombie mini-series and he tends to speak out when others would happily be confined to mediocrity and he's a git.

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Because he's funny and observant and rude and he swears and he plays computergames and he works for the Guardian and he writes awesome zombie mini-series and he tends to speak out when others would happily be confined to mediocrity and he's a git.


Hmm perhaps its just cause I have a friend who fits this description (sans writes for the Guardian) so its never going to quite be the same, doesn't have that personal touch and all that. Plus he has an odd...ish voice which doesn't quite work as well as the pompous Steven Fryesque voice my friend has....so yeah I think thats it.


Oh and I don't find him funny but then I'm a miserable bastard.

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Gotta love the Brooker. He's enough of a god just for Screenwipe and Newswipe. Plus theres the fact that he started off writing for videogame magazines, to become an aweosme columnist, then an even more awesome tv... person.


In other news, 15 minutes to put together a fancy dress costume. Can't really be bothered. The theme is movies. I was going to go as Shaun from Shaun of the Dead (because he's easy to do and is also ginger) but I don't have a red tie.



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Hmm perhaps its just cause I have a friend who fits this description (sans writes for the Guardian) so its never going to quite be the same, doesn't have that personal touch and all that. Plus he has an odd...ish voice which doesn't quite work as well as the pompous Steven Fryesque voice my friend has....so yeah I think thats it.


Oh and I don't find him funny but then I'm a miserable bastard.


It's because he's in a position where everyone listens to his rants that I admire him so.


Didn't he write Dead Set?


Because he's funny and observant and rude and he swears and he plays computergames and he works for the Guardian and he writes awesome zombie mini-series and he tends to speak out when others would happily be confined to mediocrity and he's a git.





Watch this!


I love!!! :D


Gotta love the Brooker. He's enough of a god just for Screenwipe and Newswipe. Plus theres the fact that he started off writing for videogame magazines, to become an aweosme columnist, then an even more awesome tv... person.


I didn't know that he started writing about video games. Awesome stuff.

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It's because he's in a position where everyone listens to his rants that I admire him so.


Fair enough.


Just sat down with chilled double choc Oreos (win) and red wine and put on Brick but lasted about ten minutes. Not really focused. Watching Arrested Development instead.


Lindsay: "I guess she wanted me to have something new. Sweet old thing."

Michael: "Only two of those things describe mom so I know you're lying."

Lindsay: "Fine, I got it before we became broke and I just haven't worn it yet."

Michael: "What about that thing you wore yesterday?"

Lindsay: "Old thing gave it me."



Edited by Ashley
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I've had my worst hangover ever today, not been fun. Me bing the twat I am drank far too much last night and in the end had to be picked up by my brother. Dunno how that happened but I do have a call to my home number in my phone. All I can really remember is talking to a police man, I say talking, I probably couldn't string two words together, maybe he called my home?!


Didn't get dressed today til 5:30 and I've been asleep in my bed, on the spare bed (it's soooo comfy :heh:) and the sofa. Been sick three times as well, the last of which tasted nicely of blackcurrant squash :heh:


Annoyingly I am now wide awake, would rather just go to sleep again and wake up tomorrow when I'll hopefully be feeling better.

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Fair enough.


Just sat down with chilled double choc Oreos (win) and red wine and put on Brick but lasted about ten minutes. Not really focused. Watching Arrested Development instead.


Lindsay: "I guess she wanted me to have something new. Sweet old thing."

Michael: "Only two of those things describe mom so I know you're lying."

Lindsay: "Fine, I got it before we became broke and I just haven't worn it yet."

Michael: "What about that thing you wore yesterday?"

Lindsay: "Old thing gave it me."




(Not exact quote)

Lucille: "I could take a date to the cabin with me but who would want to go in that musty old thing"

Michael: "... ... ... oh the Cabin yes."




Had a great day brought bday present for my mum so out of pocket but watching the Wire now so its all good!

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Just dying my hair, then off to my other job!

It's grown back already?

I've never really understood why people bum Brooker so much...but alas.

I've always felt the same about you and whatever the recent import from America is. But alas.



I got smacked in the shoulder by some drunk old man. Not as graphic as it sounds. Working in a pub I forgot the possibility of dealing with someone completely twatted, because the pub I work at isn't normally frequented by those who become such states.


Tonight I was proved wrong.


One chap who I gave one Stella too many to [but did buy me one, which didn't compensate for the pain] started shouting random, incomprehensible shit to noone. I escorted him out, he fell over. A friend helped me walk him home, which was pr0 since he only lived in an old people's home [i use the term loosely as it's a halls of residence type thing] about 100 metres away. Guided him up two flights of stairs and into his flat. His door wouldn't close from the outside [i assumed a Yale lock] and after reaching round the door to find a twisty thing I hear him fall down, I whip my left arm back he falls into the door, sending it crashing into my right shoulder.


Prick almost broke my arm and raped my shoulder out of commission.

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Are you serious?


I dunno, I found Dead Set to be quite meh. Although I don't really care for zombies.


(Not exact quote)

Lucille: "I could take a date to the cabin with me but who would want to go in that musty old thing"

Michael: "... ... ... oh the Cabin yes."




Had a great day brought bday present for my mum so out of pocket but watching the Wire now so its all good!


Michael: "Gob get rid of the Sea-Ward"

Lucille: "I'll go when I'm good and ready!"


I've always felt the same about you and whatever the recent import from America is. But alas.


Yes but I don't go on incessantly :heh:

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