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Was in uni for literally 5 minutes. Went in, grabbed a cover sheet for my essay and handed it in. Not in again until friday when I have a biology test, which I am sure I'll do badly in. :yay: Likewise, I don't think I'll have done to well with that essay. If my mother had pulled the finger out and got me the book earlier I could have got an A overall for english this semester. But as it is, I think I'm more realistically looking at a B. Still, not bad after a 2 year hiatus from the subject.


Went 'shopping' after I left Uni. I say 'shopping' because I couldn't get hold of what I was looking for for my nephew's xmas pressie. And when I did find it, it was extrosionately overpriced compared to what I could get it at if it was available in the other stores. However, I shall push on and look around elsewhere tomorrow for it. I hate xmas shopping. So frustrating. And too many people getting in the way.


Gonna read some more of the book I'm reading and then I'll get to work on something else.

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As expected, today wasn't too great. Mostly because I've been freaking tired all day.


Drawing class was long and boring, and the teacher completely ignored me. It was so painfully obvious too. But meh, don't care, hate the class anyway.

Afternoon class was okay.


Found out I didn't receive an important email from a publisher because they misspelt my last name. Instead of Spee, my name is now Spree. Yes. Lovely.


Got back half an hour ago, had some dinner, and now I think I'm just gonna sit on the couch all evening and not move anymore.

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I've had quite a nice day at work. Almost finished a DS and Wii study, just a little bit left to do tomorrow. Got a 07 vs 08 sales comparison for one of our games done which should give me some credit with another department which is always handy.


I also had a quote for a new car come through which although generally affordable they want quite a high deposit so I'll look into a nearly new model. Just got to play the waiting game for the exact spec I want to come available.


Now its almost hometime but I have to brave the supermarket first and to be quite honest I'd rather procrastinate on the internet than do that.

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Because everything in this general chat about how your day was should be Nintendo-specific? It was a rant, a moan. We all do it. To be honest I expected nobody to read it. Thats what this place is for, collective ignorance.


Nobody gives a shit about anything anybody does, and at least I rant in the appropriate place.


That's the beauty of this thread, you can post whatever you like expecting it to be ignored, but you can't really complain if you aren't ignored.

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Been watching some old episodes of Pokemon (the original not the crappy later ones.) Even now, it's just as epic. When that theme tune starts I still get the same feeling as I did when I use to watch it before going off to school all those years ago.

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So like boring enough day.. I bought a pair of trousers a month ago that i didn't fit into, and now i DOOOOOO!! ^____^ Diet whinnnns!


on the other hand, some bad news. The lymph node my aunt had removed was tested further and they found that it was not the source cancer (ie metastatic cancer) which means there must be more cancer :( They did a big scan thing and found some shadows but nothing majorly obvious.


We're all really worried but hopeful. Shes definitely getting chemo after having 17 lymph nodes removed. She's training as a nurse and has to stop her course for the meantime, which is really sad, as she had finally decided she wanted to do something for herself, and she was really happy with it.


And one of my stupid relatives went telling everyone, and it so very nearly got to my aunt (who just lost her husband of 50 years in august to cancer) so it really makes me despise my gossiping relatives. We wanted to keep this from her for a while, until she got stronger and could cope with the news. Fucks sake. family, eh? lol.

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Go join some ALF/vegan forum then, nobody here gives that much of a shit about it.


As self centered as you are though you should really give other people a break.


As much as I co-exist with you, you don't really speak on behalf of the forum. Nobody has once told you to bugger off and join a transexual forum, so maybe you should be just as tolerant as others are.


Just think that was pretty out of order. Ashley's a long time member, and a staff member, so he should at the very least be treated with some degree of respect.


As expected, today wasn't too great. Mostly because I've been freaking tired all day.


Drawing class was long and boring, and the teacher completely ignored me. It was so painfully obvious too. But meh, don't care, hate the class anyway.

Afternoon class was okay.


Found out I didn't receive an important email from a publisher because they misspelt my last name. Instead of Spee, my name is now Spree. Yes. Lovely.


Got back half an hour ago, had some dinner, and now I think I'm just gonna sit on the couch all evening and not move anymore.


My surname has been mis-spelt and mispronounced through the years, so I know how you feel.




Hope you're ok now. :) If not, I'll go get the jaffa cakes.

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Cycled to university. Boring lecture. People's stupidity never fails to amaze me. Cycled to work. Boring but I like hanging out with my team mates. Cycled home.


I've an essay to do for Friday which I should finish by Wednesday.


Friday is going to be epic. It's my last week of work. We're all going to the pub after and then we're off to a house party. The end of term is good.

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News at 10.


Heh, giggletings.


My day, for all that care, has been non eventful. I foolishly decided to look for work over the weekend(rather get my mum to, lel) and it turned up, so I had to work today 1330-2130 but been kinda tired. Not too shabby though, really. They really need two people again tmw afternoon, and I'm like, no I don't do tuesday afternoons cos of Aikido but eventually decided I'd do a 12-6 if they'll have me and go straight to Aikido from work like and yeah and my mum came to work and gave me my sister's bus pass so I got the bus home without having to spend my 90p so I thought, saved 90p, I'll have a swift pint and a bit of a read in the pub by meself(tis like 5 minutes from my house and it's monday club, totally not an alchy!) so I got a John Smiths and read the first chapter of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?(Go Knee Book Club GoGoGo!!) then headed here, looked in the fridge and found some more beer(Hobgoblin mmm), and the afternoon's curry which my mum cooked. I've since dished, warmed, and ate some of, said curry....and it is really fucking hot! I'm like on some crazy pimped out spicy-curry-enhanced beer trip that is making me quite hyperish crazy. I have to sleep at some point to, to get up for work again. Booooooo! WHY DOES IT BURN SO MUCH AHHHHHHHHHH.



Also decided from previous posts, I want some purple jeans.

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and read the first chapter of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?(Go Knee Book Club GoGoGo!!).


I ordered mine from playtrade, but it hasnt arrived yet, boo. Also I downloaded slither, possibly legally, nah probably, and I haven't watched it yet. I need to do that, I want to get involved in the club!



I booked monday and tuesday off work, woooo, it's been lovely. Tomorrow I shall brave my christmas shopping, and then later on go laser questing apparently.

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Meh, did work before at uni, left my memory stick there. Means I have to get up at 8 and march to uni to grab it before lessons start. I hope it's still there! It's no biggie if it isn't, but I'd quite like it back anyway.


Tired, done about a 1/4 of my essay, with two quotations on it, so not bad really. Still can't get my head around the question, but I'm going to get it finished thursday and get somebody to read it for me!


Not even tired...continously hungry and I miss two people alot. Two more if you include my parents.


I'm really starting to hate this place.

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