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Unlucky Dan. Unlucky Nightwolf. Unlucky everyone else who isn't happy right now.


My day has been ok, woke up knackered I resent going out soooo late last night. Apparently we ended up slinging pumpkin at our mates window because he chucked it outside and someone fell in it. The girl next door to him is fuming because some got on hers >_> *hopes for rain*


Went to work at primary school again, was fun. Teacher is nice (and hawt) even though her kids are real annoying she manages to stay calm which is shocking.

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Well work was a bit better today...


Then I got home and my tuition fee loan has been declined for my first year because I changed course after two years.


That's my savings now gone. I'm going to have to borrow some money as well even though my mum owes me almost two grand. I really hope they can let me pay in instalments but I doubt it. There goes my trip next summer that I'd be saving for the past year for.


Currently this is the worst week of my year...still hasn't ended...

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My day has been ok, woke up knackered I resent going out soooo late last night. Apparently we ended up slinging pumpkin at our mates window because he chucked it outside and someone fell in it. The girl next door to him is fuming because some got on hers >_> *hopes for rain*


reminds me of first year uni. threw a water mellon out of some ones window cos i was bored of it. not eating it, it just bored me.


a fried threw eggs and flour at my window, as well as milk. it was during a heat wave, i expected my window to be half cake.

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I've actually had the worst day ever.

FINALLY got my maths coursework back (as a draft) from my teachers after waiting like 2 weeks. Then found out I got a C...when i worked solidly on it for a week, did no other homework during.


And also broke a microscope, mum won't be happy writing out a cheque for that.


Then my ex, who goes to my school really annoyed me. We broke up a few weeks ago, ended on ok terms, we just wanted to be friends really...and then found out he's been bitching about me to my friends about how i was apparently a terrible girlfriend....not good for my self-esteem really


*sigh*... :(

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Well work was a bit better today...


Then I got home and my tuition fee loan has been declined for my first year because I changed course after two years.


That's my savings now gone. I'm going to have to borrow some money as well even though my mum owes me almost two grand. I really hope they can let me pay in instalments but I doubt it. There goes my trip next summer that I'd be saving for the past year for.


Currently this is the worst week of my year...still hasn't ended...


Oh dude. I am so sorry. That....I can't even imagine buddy. :(

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Well work was a bit better today...


Then I got home and my tuition fee loan has been declined for my first year because I changed course after two years.


That's my savings now gone. I'm going to have to borrow some money as well even though my mum owes me almost two grand. I really hope they can let me pay in instalments but I doubt it. There goes my trip next summer that I'd be saving for the past year for.


Currently this is the worst week of my year...still hasn't ended...


I changed course after two years but they still gave me money, did they state any other reasons? If i were you i'd ring them up and ask to speak to someone higher up about it. I had loads of trouble just getting them to send me a letter confirming i was getting money. As far as i can tell they just lie to you mainly cause they can't be bothered.


I've actually had the worst day ever.

FINALLY got my maths coursework back (as a draft) from my teachers after waiting like 2 weeks. Then found out I got a C...when i worked solidly on it for a week' date=' did no other homework during.


And also broke a microscope, mum won't be happy writing out a cheque for that.


Then my ex, who goes to my school really annoyed me. We broke up a few weeks ago, ended on ok terms, we just wanted to be friends really...and then found out he's been bitching about me to my friends about how i was apparently a terrible girlfriend....not good for my self-esteem really


*sigh*... :([/quote']


I hate it when i spend loads of time on a piece of work and then find out iv'e done it wrong or its rubbish or something similar.

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Oh dude. I am so sorry. That....I can't even imagine buddy. :(


Came out of nowhere... didn't realise that they'd do that. I couldn't find anything about it on the website. The whole thing doesn't even make sense tbh.


It's basically just thrown a massive spanner in the works...and then nuked it from orbit.


I'm sure it could be worse though. At least I've been working for the past 10 months. If I hadn't then I'd be really f*cked.


I changed course after two years but they still gave me money, did they state any other reasons? If i were you i'd ring them up and ask to speak to someone higher up about it. I had loads of trouble just getting them to send me a letter confirming i was getting money. As far as i can tell they just lie to you mainly cause they can't be bothered.


That's somewhat comforting. I'm not at work tomorrow so I'll try them then.


They didn't give a reason other than the fact I changed after two years.

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Well work was a bit better today...


Then I got home and my tuition fee loan has been declined for my first year because I changed course after two years.


That's my savings now gone. I'm going to have to borrow some money as well even though my mum owes me almost two grand. I really hope they can let me pay in instalments but I doubt it. There goes my trip next summer that I'd be saving for the past year for.


Currently this is the worst week of my year...still hasn't ended...

Erm, what the hell? You should have been able to fill in one of those change of circumstances forms and get the funding reapproved - it's what I did when I changed to linguistics. Anyway, that sucks...

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OMG Wicked! My YouTube GMTV streaker video is epicness.




Go me!


Heh, I was checking out half your youtube vids earlier, proper good stuff. Loved Scare Clare lol. I don't know why I'm awake though, I was out all night and got in at 7, slept til 12/1 when I was awoken by my mate ringing to see if I was going to his today, but I am so tired I said I should stay home and get a good night's sleep in my own bed(he has a hard floor and nothing to offer as he's in halls) so I'm gonna go up tomorrow for a night of dancing like a fool! Right now though, I'm gonna try and get productive and do shit I'm sposed to be doing.

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Today has been cack.


The boss was gettin' his knickers in a twist when he noticed me training someone. Apparently I "operate the system too quickly" and don't ask ALL of the questions.


Right ok, i'll just be shit slow and we'll have loads of people complaining when they cant get through. I just belt through the referrals because of the fact we get an absolute bollocks if we get a ton of failed calls.


Boss decided to monitor us, so I decided I would ask the proper questions while he did, then I went right back to my normal methods after he left *shrugs*


Got a few more complaints about another member of staff while I was being monitored. Good, at least then something will be done. XD

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Erm, what the hell? You should have been able to fill in one of those change of circumstances forms and get the funding reapproved - it's what I did when I changed to linguistics. Anyway, that sucks...


Yeah, I said I was changing course and everything. Like I said I'm going to call them up tomorrow and we'll see.

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My day, as usual, was nothing spectacular. A single lecture at 11am. Kind of makes a mockery of the whole University thing. As if money wasn't tight enough, having to go in for a single lecture is kind of a piss take.


@ Dan Dare - Unlucky on not getting the job. Welcome to the club though. Over the last 2 years, I've applied for loads of jobs and out of all of the applications, I've only had one interview and didn't get the job, which is strange because thinking about it I very much doubt they would have gotten someone having applied with better credentials than me. Same old bullshit thrown at me about not having retail experience. They have the cheek to moan about not having retail experience but if no one is willing to give someone like me the chance, how the hell am I supposed to get it. Sorta just given up really on the job hunt. 2 years, loads of applications and nothing to come from it is a real downer.

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#22 - Most Discussed (Today) - Comedy

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#36 - Top Rated (Today) - Comedy


Oh yes, you read correctly.


Although....should I be happy? As my friend on FB said...the first video of mine that doesn't have me in, gets all these honours. Am cry.


WOWZA! It gets better!



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