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I feel like shit. Had a bad cold since last night that stopped me sleeping and I've been exhausted all day and the cold's been worse.


Also, feeling acutely single and useless.


Been invited out clubbing tomorrow. Should probably go and raise my spirits a bit if I feel better.

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Hmm, so I slept until 8pm today, after going to bed at about 6am. Now I feel like going to bed again... I'm so insanely bored at home. Seeing friends early next month, but I can't wait until I go back to uni. It's annoying when all your friends either live miles away or go miles away on holidays/gap years etc.

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went down the lagoooon. got a few peeps down who haven't been out much. got pissed, played cards, took some slow-capture picture thingeys. Earlier I walked to town and back, in an attempt to slowly get fitter. Er. Yeah. Sitting now with A CIDER IN HAND awaiting something or other to happen. Fairly happy. good sign. ETC FTW!

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Guest Stefkov

I just got £207 for working this week. It feels so good to have that much money, but 4 12 hour days which varies from a Tuesday with literally nothing to do to, literally, to a Sunday with shed loads of people where you're on your feet all those 12 hours.

I also texted someone thyme instead of time. That's how messed up/tired I am.

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Well its taken you 4 days to earn what I would in 4 Weeks. Ive about that for now, Itll do.


Today has almost set the standard for 6 weeks. Bed late, wake late, watch tv and game, sleep late. I fucking deserve it.

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I just got £207 for working this week. It feels so good to have that much money, but 4 12 hour days which varies from a Tuesday with literally nothing to do to, literally, to a Sunday with shed loads of people where you're on your feet all those 12 hours.

I also texted someone thyme instead of time. That's how messed up/tired I am.


Yeah, I got paid on Friday! Its so bluddy nice to have money coming in for a change...it usually just goes out!


Saying that, I can't spend any of it. It's all going towards rent, bills, and paying back my overdraft. Yes. I'm working my way back up to zero. I've been inspired by Leeds United's bid to come back from minus points into a winning position. YUS!

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My day has been awesome, Geass 15, FINALLY sorted out universe stuff (way too late probably) and just overall lounging.


But I have question:


Videogamesplus.ca customers! Do they dispatch games the day before or the day of the release of said game? I have a pre-order of FFIV and I'm hoping they dispatch tomorrow.

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why oh why am I still wide awake?? i'm so tired.

I'm veery tempted to call in sick for work tommorrow, but since I work for a stingy company I dont get paid if i have a sick day. I'd understand if I were hourly paid that i wouldnt get paid, but I'm on annual salary - surely its not normal for salaried staff not to get sick pay


edit - it's now 3:45, apparently i'm not going to sleep tonight. just had one of my best friends ring me in tears because her bf is being horrible to her and she has decided to split up with him. It's nice that she knows she can call me, but on the other hand, I dont normally have hour long phone calls at 3 in the morning.


got to get up for work in 3 1/4 hours....

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Had a lonely day without the New Mrs Iun. Won't be seeing her until tomorrow now either, but we'll be spending the night together. Don't think anything will happen though, I do not feel that we're ready for that just yet.

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Ohmigod...quiet people are really frustrating. This is the second time Ive had a new female at work sit next to me, but when asking me a question, shes really quiet...like can't hear them quiet. Second time its happened. They literally talk louder when they're on the phone to clients. Can't hear a word they say when Im trying to help them. Crazyness.

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Guest Jordan

Turns out the new Zen X-Fi's new features are crap. Great!


Hmph, I really (for no reason) wanna buy a Zune 80, but i got really burned by the Zune 8 I bought... plus i have a Zen Vision:M but the thing is so thick and heavy to carry around with me.


My phone has a tonne of media functions but a really clunky interface that i hate.



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Guest bluey

just came back from ikebukuro with my friends ~ we went to see the new ghibli movie.... it was.... OK. i have the stupid theme song in my head and a banging headache to go with it now @_____@



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Got 'office products' from Staples. Went to dad's and phoned around and pretty much sorted out his Sky, phoneline and internet (got it down from £107 p/m to £67). Came home and did a bit for my visual scrapbook.


Now wondering where the afternoon has gone as I have to go to work :( Im working with someone who isn't only lazy and slow (although a nice girl) but also completely shallow. As in, she isn't really anything. Unless she has a big secret life she doens't talk about she is just...2D.


Ah well. In about five to five and a half hours it'll be over with.

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i got out of work early today to see a doctor, who did nothing.


so i have to stay late for the next 2 nights to make up the time for nothing. on the plus side I am home 1 1/2 hours earlier than normal.

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Turns out the new Zen X-Fi's new features are crap. Great!


Hmph, I really (for no reason) wanna buy a Zune 80, but i got really burned by the Zune 8 I bought... plus i have a Zen Vision:M but the thing is so thick and heavy to carry around with me.


My phone has a tonne of media functions but a really clunky interface that i hate.




you know what mp3 player's are slim, streamlined and functional... ?



in other news: been added to the freelance database for a local magazine. doesn't pay, but it's CV fodder and practice for what I want to do for a career. Good day, if it wasn't for this fucker of a cold making me feel exhausted all the damn time.

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Ever had one of those days where you just feel grubby even if you've just had a shower?


I'm having one of those...it's annoying. I've changed clothes twice and I'll be having my second shower in abit..-.-, I just can't seem to feel clean!


Today has been abit of a waste, I was going to call the hairdressers to book an appointment for wednesday and remembered that they are closed mondays, so thats out, tidied my room abit, so now it's alot easier to walk around, watched over 15 episodes of cardcaptor and basically ate too much.



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I over slept this morning!!!


I woke up at 10, when I was supposed to start work at 10!!!


I then had to go to ye olde google to find the phone number, since I dont know it even after working there for a whole year T_T

I only ended up being 15 mins late though, because I didnt put on any make-up (oh god, I looked terrible), and I ran there.


Work was boooring, I hate the routine.


Gave Jordan £50, then came home and here I am now! Gonna play some Beautiful Katamari later, since it arrived today!! :3

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Been a pretty good day today, started off with a nice blow job, and bacon and eggs for afters, came home to find my new T shirt had arrived, and then my new PC arrived way ahead of schedule, had some beers and finished off with a lovely home made pizza.

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I over slept this morning!!!


I woke up at 10, when I was supposed to start work at 10!!!


I then had to go to ye olde google to find the phone number, since I dont know it even after working there for a whole year T_T

I only ended up being 15 mins late though, because I didnt put on any make-up (oh god, I looked terrible), and I ran there.


Work was boooring, I hate the routine.


Gave Jordan £50, then came home and here I am now! Gonna play some Beautiful Katamari later, since it arrived today!! :3


Were you not late to your last shift too? Or was I imagining you telling me that on msn...Shame. On. You :heh:




URGHHH my server won't connect *cry*


Bad times :(

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Ohmigod...quiet people are really frustrating. This is the second time Ive had a new female at work sit next to me, but when asking me a question, shes really quiet...like can't hear them quiet. Second time its happened. They literally talk louder when they're on the phone to clients. Can't hear a word they say when Im trying to help them. Crazyness.


Yesss! I quite need to vent about quiet people aswell. I went round this girls house after sixth form the other week 'cause id forgotten my keys and we watched a film. Now, cause she speaks quiet she seems to have everything else quiet, her TV included. I asked to turn the volume up and she did, but still, i have my tv like double that loudness. So i spent the entire film struggling to hear what was going on - i couldn't ask to crank it up again, that would've been rude. Gah.


In other news, i've been trying to get with this girl for a while and was making progress but then drink at a party at the weekend resulted in me getting a lovebite on the neck from another girl. Proved to be quite the annoyance when everyone at school could see it, quiet girl included... bummer. I've since vowed to stop drinking and being such a prick at parties.:shakehead

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