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I had acupuncture today and it was really bad, I must have been tired or stressed out. >_>


She put a needle in my hand between my thumb and finger. She tapped the very point in, that was fine but when she pushed it into my muscle my whole hand went into spasm... incredibly painful.


Needles being forced into your muscles are very invasive at the best of times.


My muscles are all very jumpy in general, but this was pretty fucked up. She could tell I was a bit of a mess today and left a bell on my lap incase I needed any help. :(


I've also been referred to occupational health, due to the fact I've had 3 single sick days over a year period. It just feels like a piss take, and I'm going to give them utter hell if they scold me for being off >_>

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Guest Stefkov

I had a massive case of deja vu today. Everything that led up to the occasion was just happening as it went along.

Then I just get that feeling. I've been here before. I know what's gonna happen next, I can change it but I'm still doing it.

It was just really strong is the only word I can describe it as. I really felt like I had done the exact same thing a long time ago. I had to stop for a while and think about it after.

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I just got home from a 'formal dinner'.


I actually looked smart for once and people were surprised.


Apparently they thought my ten quid a tad too large and falling apart jacket/blazer thing was in fact my 'smart wear' :/

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My day was good.... until about 2 hours ago. Then it just turned to shit.:mad: My cousin got on my motorcycle, and dropped it. Broke the gear shift and the side faring on the left. And ripped a hole in the left Stator cover, leaking all of the motor oil. So now I have to go get it fixed, which is gonna cost me alot:( . A little part of me is dead now, at least until I get my bike back.

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Guest bluey
My day was good.... until about 2 hours ago. Then it just turned to shit.:mad: My cousin got on my motorcycle, and dropped it. Broke the gear shift and the side faring on the left. And ripped a hole in the left Stator cover, leaking all of the motor oil. So now I have to go get it fixed, which is gonna cost me alot:( . A little part of me is dead now, at least until I get my bike back.


...cost YOU??! ....your cousin broke it. send him the bill!


my day was great!! the postman bought me my SECOND piece of mail ~ a present from my friend adam... he sent me a tiny china teapot with the union jack on, a little pot of english tea in a tin shaped like a red phone box... and a postcard of the queen's face with a speech bubble that says "HELLO BECKY!! GOD SAVE ME!!!" .. which is now on my wall :grin:


...japan has sent me strangely patriotic. *salutes postcard/sips tea*



....right!!! on with the laundry....

EDIT: WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on my way to the local shops to buy myself some new flip flops (mine have been thoroughly worn out!) me and my friend saw this tiiiny little japanese girl carrying this little dog across the road.. something just....didnt feel right...... so i went over to see if she was ok... she threw the dog into a puddle and started rubbing the poor thing around in the mud!! i was like "OH JESUS! STOP IT!!" and she laughed at me then ran away, leaving the dog in the puddle!!


the dog was in agony!! its eyes were wide and scared and i think it had been beaten up or maybe hit by a car... it couldnt walk, so i was yelling for help and some old coupld came over from the local shop...after a lot of sign language and arm flapping on my part... the guy bought a cardboard box to put the dog into, and the woman very kindly walked me to the local vets.. where i did more sign language and used EVERY piece of japanese i knew to tell them i'd found the poor thing like this and i didnt know what had happened to it.... it was all very "ER" ~ the vets took the dog and started working on him on the operating table straight away! O_o in the end i ran home and fetched my housemate, who translated (thank GOD!!)


the vets said it was probably someone's pet, although there was no tag it was a toy poodle, so someone must own him... my housemate gave them our address and phone number so hopefully the dog will be ok and find its owner!!


...then i went and bought flip flops!

what an eventful day O___O!!!

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Well, wait a couple of years and move down here to enjoy what will undoubtedly be a festering hole with a royally fucked up transport system and an even bigger spend on the Olympics. Boris will do no good, I can't see him lasting a full term.

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So far today i've been revising for Psychology! :D


I have practice Mock to complete which i'm either going to do tomorrow or Monday! :)


I don't normally work in the afternoons but today I'm going to complete a couple of essays.


But before that I'm now super hungry and it's time for some lunch! :grin:

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So far today i've been revising for Psychology! :D


I have practice Mock to complete which i'm either going to do tomorrow or Monday! :)


I don't normally work in the afternoons but today I'm going to complete a couple of essays.


But before that I'm now super hungry and it's time for some lunch! :grin:



Just woke up like 15 mins ago! Got a carton of orange juice chilled next to me and a pot noodle being made. few episodes of how i met your mother theeen revision.. of land law..

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My day at work was, well I felt empty. With no emotion, no anger, no sadness. After seeing my bike in its bad shape, I felt like someone had taken my freedom.


...cost YOU??! ....your cousin broke it. send him the bill!



I will, but its not like he will have all of what I am predicting will be the cost of the repair:( . And Kudos on saving the puppy, that story brought a smile to my face.:yay:

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Guest bluey

just an update on the puppy before i go to bed~

the owner checked at the vets i took the dog to... so he found it. the owner called my housemate and said thank you ~ and explained that the little girl i'd caught with the dog was actually his handicapped daughter :hmm:

but yes! the dog is safe... and thought there;s still the possibility it'll have to be put to sleep (turns out his spine was broken somehow... maybe by the little girl carrying him wrongly or throwing him so hard >__<) at least he wont be in pain and die slowly in a muddy puddle....



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I'm going to Xscape on Monday with some mates and we're being taken by one of my mates sisters who's just turned 18. She's incredibly sensible, and has now been driving for a year. My mums worrying thinking I'm going to die. Over the top much? Just because she's 18 doesn't mean she's not a good driver.


She thinks I should be terrifyed because of a friend of mine that died a couple of weeks ago in a car accident, and now she thinks the same thing will happen to me. It's stupid, surely I should be the one thats worried, but I'm not. You can't control other drivers on the road, I could be going with my dad, and some crazy driver could hit us - it's not going to happen just because I'm being driven by an 18 year old.

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I'm going to Xscape on Monday with some mates and we're being taken by one of my mates sisters who's just turned 18. She's incredibly sensible, and has now been driving for a year. My mums worrying thinking I'm going to die. Over the top much? Just because she's 18 doesn't mean she's not a good driver.


She thinks I should be terrifyed because of a friend of mine that died a couple of weeks ago in a car accident, and now she thinks the same thing will happen to me. It's stupid, surely I should be the one thats worried, but I'm not. You can't control other drivers on the road, I could be going with my dad, and some crazy driver could hit us - it's not going to happen just because I'm being driven by an 18 year old.


Just try your best to assure her and tell her you'll wear your seatbelt etc etc. I'm sure you can understand her worry... She is your mum after all :heh:


I've been playing Commander Keen: Marooned on Mars for most of the day. If you aren't old enough to remember it, then you fail at life.


Ahhhh the old days when pc games where not all violence, and some of the monsters actually were harmless, and cute!



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Just try your best to assure her and tell her you'll wear your seatbelt etc etc. I'm sure you can understand her worry... She is your mum after all :heh:


I've been playing Commander Keen: Marooned on Mars for most of the day. If you aren't old enough to remember it, then you fail at life.


Ahhhh the old days when pc games where not all violence, and some of the monsters actually were harmless, and cute!




Ah, Commander Keen is all kinds of awesome! You rock Raining_again. =D

Loved those games back in the day.


Day has been okay. Work and work for school mostly, hopefully in a bit I'll get to watch a movie (Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark) to relax a tiny bit.

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Felt lethargic all day. Done some assignment though. And Wii Fit-ed myself to a point where my legs were all shakey, which can't be good. And now have something to look forward to tomorrow, my friend is joining us out tomorrow as the people I were going out with would get drunk, drugged and super hyper. Will be nice to have someone sane.


Also began to compile a list of things I wish to do over the summer :)

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