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One of my friends randomly appeared in my room at 2am, he'd been upstairs with my housemate watching 9 Songs and doing certain illegal activities. Was random and amusing as he was not quite there. Had a chat for about ten minutes.


Would hav ebeen more fun if I didn't now have to get ready for work.

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Had a boring day yesterday. Looks like I'll be having a boring weekend. Aint got anything planned but thats a good thing for once, as finally I can finish my english and business studies coursework as well as just organise my folders and finish off any other essays. I need this kinda weekend once in a while.

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what the hell 86 aswell BUT i swear i have never seen her before.. the onyl thing which puts me off is that despite her meaning to be "attractive" you can see a hint of a granny in her. If you know what i mean. (dont get me wrong i have a thing for blondes)


Ps: i think that is just a plain difference in opinion :P


I don't think anyone could watch the following video and still not fancy her, it's literally impossible.



Anyhoo, I'm currently spending the morning recovering from drinking a disgusting amount of alcohol for St Andrew's day. I ended up at my girlfriends at 1:00 in morning very drunk quoting some Romeo and Juliet in a horribly cheesy manner, luckily she took me rather than telling me to sod off, bless her.

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Anyway, for once my day's been pretty awful. I've had solid work since last Saturday, so even though I had no lectures, I got up at 10 and tried to work on my presentation... which took ages. I was exhausted from working so much, practically falling asleep, and then I got a bad headache (which I still have now). Then I had an extra long supervision and had to give my presentation, which I garbled a bit because I was so out of it.

I take this back, my day went on to be pretty great.

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Yesterday was good, despite the Toy Show being horrible, America are 2 matches up in the Davis Cup final!:yay:


I've got a fair bit of work to do today though, essay on John Donne, a load of maths and some Irish poetry questions. Probably nothing compared to all the work people here seem to be having to do though.

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I saw a squirrel on my way to work this morning. Made me happy.


Now I'm home again and I absolutely don't feel like doing any work for school, even though I have tons to work on (three different assignments to work on for Monday even, though nothing that has to be handed in yet).

I think I'll stay in bed for a bit (with a game probably) and then maybe start doing some work later today.

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Man your granny looks like that? Thats superb news for her. I jest but I dont see how any straight man couldnt fancy debbie harry but then again im fascinated by this girl who looks like her so my judgement may be off slightly. Ah well no need to degenerate into arguments you should listen to atomic or something though thats ace.


Lol that would be quite cool if my granny looked like that! Ahh so that is the reason! Do tell! it is the how was your day thread and you probs would have had some contact. I'd stick to my mandy moore thankyour very much (music too :P)


I saw a squirrel on my way to work this morning. Made me happy.


I see bloody loads! then again i do have to walk through a massive park on the way to lectures! you are looking around, 10 squirrels in a 5 mins walk. :S

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I see bloody loads! then again i do have to walk through a massive park on the way to lectures! you are looking around, 10 squirrels in a 5 mins walk. :S


Well my street doesn't have that many trees grouped together, so it's kinda rare to see a squirrel run over the street. And I think they look pretty (even though this one was a really dark brown instead of a red-brown), so that's why seeing one makes me happy. =D

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Well my street doesn't have that many trees grouped together, so it's kinda rare to see a squirrel run over the street. And I think they look pretty (even though this one was a really dark brown instead of a red-brown), so that's why seeing one makes me happy. =D


Yeah its cool but they are all the goddamn grey ones! damn them! they eat the red ones out of house and home! and YET! they forget where they bury their nuts!?

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Yeah its cool but they are all the goddamn grey ones! damn them! they eat the red ones out of house and home! and YET! they forget where they bury their nuts!?


I've actually never seen a grey squirrel in this country; always the brown/red ones. And yeah, all squirrels have trouble remembering where they buried their food, sadly.


Anyway, played some Tingle, now time for a nap. X3

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Guest Stefkov

I worked from 6 till half 2 yesterday. Hate hate hate working there when there's 'mini' parties on. They sit in the room and drink, then you say to get out at 1, we don't leave till half 2. My dad actually goes to sit down and chat with them which pissed me off.

West Ham lost today against Chelsea which was a bummer, and I've had a shower. Pretty much all that I will do today.

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Hooray for Waggis! ... y'know, wag-the-dog.. Haggi--- Oh forget it.


My day = LAME. Mate fell through the floor of RELIABILITY and thus no pool for me. So i'm watching You've been framed (best show ever), then probably going to watch tv all day till i feel it's alright to start drinking.



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Ok, now I'm in a state in which I worry, probably pointlessly.


A female friend - one who is normally very "friendly" *cough* with me as of late, was talking to me yesterday about how one of her ex's and his friends had stolen loads of stuff from her to pay off their drugs money, after she refused to give them £100.

She's still friends with his brother, who she's been talking to a lot recently and he came and picked her up and gave her a lift home from a party last night, and well, tonight, when I asked how she was on MSN, we had the following conversation:

**** says:

bit of an eventful evenging but yeh

Will - Lufbra offer! says:

hmm, care to share?

**** says:

no its too serious

**** says:


Will - Lufbra offer! says:

no probs

Will - Lufbra offer! says:

(I'm very nosey :heh: )

**** says:

yeh sorry

**** says:

i would say but

**** says:

its about a past experience

**** says:

n its shaken me up a bit

**** says:


Will - Lufbra offer! says:

why are you giving me reasons? if its private, its private

Will - Lufbra offer! says:

anyway, did you enjoy last night?

**** says:


**** says:

ill t** says:

im really sorry

**** says:

this has changed things

**** says:


Will - Lufbra offer! says:

nah, its ok



...and now I'm really worried about her!

I'm probably over reacting, and it's probably nothing to do with her ex or anything, and is more likely to be an illness in the family or something religious (she was a target for the god-squad at a party last night, and they've claimed made progress on her since I last heard her views...), but I have a feeling in the back of my mind that its something to do with her ex and his brother, or one of her other many dodgy ex's.


Man, I'm not going to sleep well tonight - sometimes I really hate caring about friends... :(

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My day has been ok. :)


I have been feeling Ill all day and have spent most of it in Bed! (except when i went to eat :D)


Pitta Bread cures me better than any medicine :heh:


I was too Ill even to bother Play Mario Galaxy!!!


My headache has subsided now and i shall try to play some Galaxy later on tonight.


I've spent my day playing Tingle and Watching The Simpsons, I'm so close to seeing all the episodes now. :yay: (also watched some anime)


Edit: Good News about your Dog Haggis. :grin:

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