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I'm so stupid. I wanted to see if the PSP memory card fit in the so-called "5 in 1" card slot so I could back up my saves. It doesn't. And then I couldn't get it out. I tried to pull it out, but there was no where to grab on so I only pushed it further in. Then I used my SD card and pushed it further in hoping the laptop has an eject function like the Wii. It doesn't. Now I can't get it out and the laptop never goes further than the loading screen >_>

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Started Metroid Prime 3. It's amazing so far, but it just doesn't feel as huge in scale...in fact, it doesn't feel like Metroid :(. I guess I'd like it better if it was just one huge interconnected planet rather than a few small ones. Who knows though, I'm only two and a half hours into it.

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Worked ten hours. Rotten. Regional manager is in tomorrow so I stuck around by myself til 6.45 to make sure the store was spick and span (or is it 'spik'?)


But then got home and lounged around with housemates, played Galaxy for a bit and just lazed around. Really should be in bed.


Tomorrow will be better. Lecture (blah), haircut, pizza wine and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang then upchucking the boogie!

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Guest Stefkov

I have been playing Guitar Hero all day. A couple breaks for lunch, taking a few photoraphs of little figures for my graphics and dinner.

My fingers pretty much can bend on their own accord now.

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Today has been long and not so very fun.

Didn't sleep too well cause the cat was in my way, sleeping next to me. Though I liked the cosy feeling of her sleeping against my back, it also meant not being able to move, resulting in me waking up very often with stiff arms and legs. D:


The rest of the day was spent working on my webdesign presentation and my flash animation presentation which I both have to do tomorrow (both for 30% of the final grade for that class). Also had actual work to go to but I finished in two hours, yay. Only to come back to more work for school.

And now it's 2:14 and I'm going to sleep, finally!

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Worked ten hours. Rotten. Regional manager is in tomorrow so I stuck around by myself til 6.45 to make sure the store was spick and span (or is it 'spik'?)


But then got home and lounged around with housemates, played Galaxy for a bit and just lazed around. Really should be in bed.


Tomorrow will be better. Lecture (blah), haircut, pizza wine and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang then upchucking the boogie!



Fucking Awesome Movie :)



my day has been pretty good- slept the morning off, rocked the halo a bit, and some virtua fighter, then tonight we threw a surprise party for a friend's birthday. twas all good

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It couldn't have been any better.


The Seahawks managed a comeback (and slightly lucky) win against divisional rivals the Rams , who I dislike immensely.


Even better was the fact that the Cardinals blew a good opportunity in OT and lost against the Niners , giving us a slight cushion in our division.


The above events mean I am likely to be happy for the rest of the week.

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There's a thought process working away just below the bubbly surface of my subconscious. It's been doing it all weekend. I've been playing a coma inducing amount of Mass Effect the last couple of days, certainly much more time on video games then normal. I don't think it's actively unhealthy, especially at this time of year, but I feel like I'm eight years old again, when I would just spend my entire weekend playing Super Star Wars or Desert Strike or Starwing, playing through the entire game in one sitting because I couldn't work the password system. It was like my brain needed to to be so utterly distracted by something, essentially switching off my concious mind while remaining awake as badly needed repairs and reformations were conducted on the neural pathways and electrical configurations. It's an odd and frightening, because then it was an instinctive mechanism coding new instructions to help me survive my childhood as a victim of bullies and my parents imminent divorce. I don't think this time though it's something as drastic as that, certainly nothing so drastic is happening to me now, though I do suffer all the usual daily life stresses everyone else does. But something is starting to change in there, I don't know what or how, but it is changing and change is always a little frightening.

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Guest Stefkov
It couldn't have been any better.


The Seahawks managed a comeback (and slightly lucky) win against divisional rivals the Rams , who I dislike immensely.


Even better was the fact that the Cardinals blew a good opportunity in OT and lost against the Niners , giving us a slight cushion in our division.


The above events mean I am likely to be happy for the rest of the week.

The 49ers finally won a game? shiat. Miracles do happen.

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Not started well, i am incredibly unwell. Again.


I'm sick and tired of getting other peoples bugs, i may have a good immune system so i get over things fast but i always get ill in the first place.

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There's a thought process working away just below the bubbly surface of my subconscious. It's been doing it all weekend. I've been playing a coma inducing amount of Mass Effect the last couple of days, certainly much more time on video games then normal. I don't think it's actively unhealthy, especially at this time of year, but I feel like I'm eight years old again, when I would just spend my entire weekend playing Super Star Wars or Desert Strike or Starwing, playing through the entire game in one sitting because I couldn't work the password system. It was like my brain needed to to be so utterly distracted by something, essentially switching off my concious mind while remaining awake as badly needed repairs and reformations were conducted on the neural pathways and electrical configurations. It's an odd and frightening, because then it was an instinctive mechanism coding new instructions to help me survive my childhood as a victim of bullies and my parents imminent divorce. I don't think this time though it's something as drastic as that, certainly nothing so drastic is happening to me now, though I do suffer all the usual daily life stresses everyone else does. But something is starting to change in there, I don't know what or how, but it is changing and change is always a little frightening.


Ah man I thought that was gonna be a happy rediscovered childhood post but it was so sad :(


Hope your ok now hows mass effect?


Oh as for my day up bright and early doing painting and watching frasier yay!

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There's a thought process working away just below the bubbly surface of my subconscious. It's been doing it all weekend. I've been playing a coma inducing amount of Mass Effect the last couple of days, certainly much more time on video games then normal. I don't think it's actively unhealthy, especially at this time of year, but I feel like I'm eight years old again, when I would just spend my entire weekend playing Super Star Wars or Desert Strike or Starwing, playing through the entire game in one sitting because I couldn't work the password system. It was like my brain needed to to be so utterly distracted by something, essentially switching off my concious mind while remaining awake as badly needed repairs and reformations were conducted on the neural pathways and electrical configurations. It's an odd and frightening, because then it was an instinctive mechanism coding new instructions to help me survive my childhood as a victim of bullies and my parents imminent divorce. I don't think this time though it's something as drastic as that, certainly nothing so drastic is happening to me now, though I do suffer all the usual daily life stresses everyone else does. But something is starting to change in there, I don't know what or how, but it is changing and change is always a little frightening.

The future is a scary place dude. Big life changing moments drop a bombshell every couple of years.


I've been in the habit of staying up all night quite a lot. Staying up, playing games all night, like you unable to stop until i get to the end. Watching entire series of american dramas in one sitting.


It's alright when you're happy with who you are, it just gets scary when you don't know who you're changing into... Maybe remembering that you were once different, too.


Plus staying up for more than 36 hours straight you'll start to trip out a little, and the paranoia flickers in. Sometimes I think I get a bit of a kick out of it though :P


MY DAY. Yesterday it was filled wiht youtube, writing and smoking. Today it was supposed to be filled with studying Godot and Beckett I awake to realise I have NO IDEA where my copy of the play is, and despite tidying, i still can't find it. Going to pinch it off of flatmate... Washing up needs to be done too. I promised i'd do it yesterday but i needed to not put myself in any danger in anyway.




EDIT: ok just went and saw Shorty had already done the washing up. Now I feel guilty.

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