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Well a few reason why that sort of stereotype creeps into my mind if hearing things like that you're not allowed to have a job if you go to Cambridge (I think it was Cambridge...).


This is true of both Oxford and Cambridge. And for practical reasons. You'd fail if you had a job. There aren't enough hours in the week to have a job and be good at your degree.


But then I have a couple of friends who get hardly anything from student finance because their parents are (literally) millionaires, and yet they need a job to survive because their parents don't give them money.


How'd they cope?


Do Oxford and Cambridge have some sort of system that works with the student in that situation.


Yeah, the job thing is more to stop people from getting one and going crazy through lack of time or something.


Do Oxford and Cambridge have some sort of system that works with the student in that situation.

Cambridge have a rule that nobody should be unable to study there for financial reasons, and there are various bursaries etc. to deal with this. But it might be difficult to get hold of one if your parents are loaded - I'd guess you'd have to prove how mean they are...


Do Oxford and Cambridge have some sort of system that works with the student in that situation.


The colleges are so rich that if you ask for money, and have a good reason to ask for it, they'll give it to you.


It almost borders on ridiculous: I get a £200 grant to go on a holiday, unrelated to my degree. And the college will reimburse me any money I spend on books related to maths. AND the college buys all its students membership at the uni gym and swimming pool, which normally costs £100+ to join.


And if you get a high first in second year, they fund your third year.


That is... incredible.


Why wasn't I told about these kind of things at a stage in education where I could aim for one of these unis?


Oh... that means I'm doing it for money...


That's another reason why I'm not their material.


That is very good though; has changed my mind about having to be well-off to go.

The colleges are so rich that if you ask for money, and have a good reason to ask for it, they'll give it to you.


It almost borders on ridiculous: I get a £200 grant to go on a holiday, unrelated to my degree. And the college will reimburse me any money I spend on books related to maths. AND the college buys all its students membership at the uni gym and swimming pool, which normally costs £100+ to join.


And if you get a high first in second year, they fund your third year.

This only applies if you go to a rich college though. *is jealous* :heh:


It's taken 2 days for my sleeping pattern to reverse to staying awake until 4:30...


I'm doing work, that's my excuse.


But instead of spending around 6 hours doing work half-assed and then concentrating at midnight...


Oh... meh.



if you've done it, you owe that fine.

You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine.

NOTE fines to be added once, not for how ever many times you have done it.

Smoked weed -- £10

Did acid or pills -- £5... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More

Ever had sex at church -- £25

Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- £40

Had sex with someone on MySpace/Facebook/Bebo etc -- £25

Had sex for money -- £100

Ever had sex with a Puerto Rican -- £20

Vandalized something -- £20

Had sex on your parents' bed -- £10

Beat up someone -- £20

Been jumped -- £10

Cross dressed -- £10

Given money to stripper -- £25

Been in love with a stripper -- £20

Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- £0.10

Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- £15

Ever drive and drank -- £20

Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- £50

Used toys while having sex -- £30

Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before -- £20

Went skinny dipping -- £5

Had sex in a pool -- £20

Kissed someone of the same sex -- £10

Had sex with someone of the same sex -- £20

Cheated on your significant other -- £10

Masturbated -- £10

Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend -- £20

Done oral -- £5

Got oral -- £5

Done / got oral in a vehicle while it was moving -- £25

Stole something -- £10

Had sex with someone in jail -- £25

Made a nasty home video or took pictures -- £15

Had a threesome -- £50

Had sex in public -- £20

Been in the same room while someone was having sex --£25

Stole something worth over more than a hundred quid-- £20

Had sex with someone 10 years older -- £20

Had sex with someone under the age accepted by rule of thumb (half your age plus 7) -- £25

Been in love with two people or more at the same time-- £50

Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- £25

Went streaking -- £5

Went streaking in broad daylight -- £15

Been arrested -- £5

Spent time in jail -- £15

Pissed in the pool -- £0.50

Played spin the bottle -- £5

Done something you regret -- £20

Had sex with your best friend -- £20

Had sex with someone you work with at work -- £25

Had anal sex -- £80

Lied to your mate -- £5

Lied to your mate about the sex being good -- £25


Tally it up and put it on ur status as: "My Fine Is..." copy and paste, then repost as a new bulletin.



... It's gone around before but just as a 'note'.


PROPER EDIT: Lol I wasn't editing anything the first time wtf


My fine is 260.50


Smoked weed -- £10

Did acid or pills -- £5...

Ever had sex at church -- £25

Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- £40

Had sex with someone on MySpace/Facebook/Bebo etc -- £25

Had sex for money -- £100

Ever had sex with a Puerto Rican -- £20

Vandalized something -- £20

Had sex on your parents' bed -- £10

Beat up someone -- £20

Been jumped -- £10

Cross dressed -- £10

Given money to stripper -- £25

Been in love with a stripper -- £20

Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- £0.10

Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- £15

Ever drive and drank -- £20

Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- £50

Used toys while having sex -- £30

Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before -- £20

Went skinny dipping -- £5

Had sex in a pool -- £20

Kissed someone of the same sex -- £10

Had sex with someone of the same sex -- £20

Cheated on your significant other -- £10

Masturbated -- £10

Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend -- £20

Done oral -- £5

Got oral -- £5

Done / got oral in a vehicle while it was moving -- £25

Stole something -- £10

Had sex with someone in jail -- £25

Made a nasty home video or took pictures -- £15

Had a threesome -- £50

Had sex in public -- £20

Been in the same room while someone was having sex --£25

Stole something worth over more than a hundred quid-- £20

Had sex with someone 10 years older -- £20

Had sex with someone under the age accepted by rule of thumb (half your age plus 7) -- £25

Been in love with two people or more at the same time-- £50

Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- £25

Went streaking -- £5

Went streaking in broad daylight -- £15

Been arrested -- £5

Spent time in jail -- £15

Pissed in the pool -- £0.50

Played spin the bottle -- £5

Done something you regret -- £20

Had sex with your best friend -- £20

Had sex with someone you work with at work -- £25

Had anal sex -- £80

Lied to your mate -- £5

Lied to your mate about the sex being good -- £25


Tally it up and put it on ur status as: "My Fine Is..." copy and paste, then repost as a new bulletin.



£310...ouch. I thought I'd come off rather lightly, but one of the things I've done is apparently very 'bad'.

£310...ouch. I thought I'd come off rather lightly, but one of the things I've done is apparently very 'bad'.


You're either talking about drinking at work, a threesome, loving two people or... bum sex. Go on, you might as well tell us which now.


Loving two people should hardly be a £50-er.

Posted (edited)

Yeah that list is stupid. How is having sex with a Puerto Rican worse than being arrested? RACIST! :p


Am I being unreasonable in possibly not going to any more of these life drawing classes? They will always be using the same model (which I understand as in a small town in the midst of nowhereness there's hardly an abundance of life models), he INSISTS you use charcoal which might be fine if I was doing art but I'm just trying to understand the human form but instead I end up trying to learn how to use charcoal effectively and its at an awkward time for trains as there's not one for 70 minutes after it finishes (so I end up wondering around Tescos as best I can then ended up at a chippy). I can use myself for bits of the body and I'm sure some of my friends would be willing to lend at least a face...I hope. But I dunno, seems like a waste of money (which I've yet to pay) for something that won't help me as much as I thought.




Oh and got a draft timetable for next semester. Not sure...


Monday - 9-1

Wednesday - 10-1

Thursday - 10-1 2-5

Friday - 10-12 2-5


Apparently more may come. Thursday is all day with the same student who is nice but...bland. And kinda wolf like. Monday is with a nice student but 9am means 6amish wake up.

Edited by Ashley


Then why do you keep asking me what colour mine are?


Don't be a hypocrite Coolness, I don't have much respect for those kind of people.




...because when you are in a deep connecting meaningful and slightly physical relationship with someone it then becomes a necessity to know. :heart:


Red by the way. ;)

Posted (edited)
£310...ouch. I thought I'd come off rather lightly, but one of the things I've done is apparently very 'bad'.

Shit... My fine was £535.6



I'm bad bitch.



But I think my job interview today went well, I'll find out in a few weeks. I found out one of my old school college friends works there, which I think might help my case.


And my Weakest Link application form arrived. Hopefully my new phone won't fuck things up like my old one did.

£310...ouch. I thought I'd come off rather lightly, but one of the things I've done is apparently very 'bad'.


Mine was £290.50



Of course you've all pissed in a pool you lying bitches.


I have a stupid report that has to be in on friday. It's 3000 words and so far I've done about 1200. Trouble is I have no idea what else to write. We had to interview a manager and write a report on it. So far I've wrote about the company background, his background, his educational/vocational training, what he thinks a manager is, what his job and responsibilities are, a typical day for him, dealing with conflict, the company's organisational structure and how he sees his job changing in the future.


If anybody has any idea of what else to write about (I'll make up his responses) then I'll be very grateful. Also the company I'm doing is Acis Group. The manager is Neighourhoods operations manager.


I'm not gonna say what my fine is but it's the highest here so far. And I thought I was a good boy...


My day is boring. Seeing my mother on the isle of man. She's at work all week and there's literally nothing to do here so I've nicked her laptop. Can't wait till I leave on Monday as I'm seeing the NYE girl for a couple of days or so :D


Just went to the library. There's loads of birds here now because students are away. (Well loads compared to before we broke up, where the only birds I saw were gulls and crows). On the way back I saw this massive chaffinch. It was about the size of a blackbird (there was a blackbird near it).


Revision is going sweeelll... Got 10 marks sorted at least :P Found some old cards that are supremely good for revising. Reading my books out loud and talking myself through answers with my eyes closed. Loony-bin material.


BUT TEMPTED OH SO TEMPTED to xbox. I think I must try and get to maybe 30 marks worth of knowledge before I crack.


Also contemplating a coffee-fueled night of no sleep for extra cramming... but more sensible would be to finish revising/procrastinating around midnight and get up at like 5am and get some more cramming done. I've had 4 coffees today so far so my cut-off point should be... what, 10pm?


I've spent my day watching Invader Zim and binging on trashy food rather than essaying. I'm never speaking to Razz again because of this. Bitch. I'm going to be up to the early hours finishing these now, something I could really have done without.

The colleges are so rich that if you ask for money, and have a good reason to ask for it, they'll give it to you.


It almost borders on ridiculous: I get a £200 grant to go on a holiday, unrelated to my degree. And the college will reimburse me any money I spend on books related to maths. AND the college buys all its students membership at the uni gym and swimming pool, which normally costs £100+ to join.


And if you get a high first in second year, they fund your third year.


There's a whole summer for everyone to build up money too (applies to any student).


During my first summer at uni in Newcastle I worked in Safeway on the fruit and veg. My soft and delicate statistician hands bled after opening too many sacks of potatoes. The next summer I sorted out a placement, and the summer after I delivered leaflets. Yay!


Just gotta lose the pride and pick up a menial job.


Took 2 hours to get to work, to actually work for just 3 hours then come home. My mum was here because her school was closed and she was all upset because of something my family had done yesterday. I forgave them/her and went upstairs to get on with work. But ended up crying for about an hour, just... everything. Then I had a blinding headache so couldn't work and had to sleep for a while. I also hate the suit I've bought for my interview/assessment because it's cheap and shit. I've haven't done nearly enough preparation and it's on Tuesday. I don't have a good job. I live at home. My friends live everywhere. I don't have anyone to share my life with.


Properly emo today. Massive FML.

Posted (edited)

^ Well I'd marry ya.


I'm the same though with those last things, and this year I've gotta make steps to change all that,

Because also I'm too talented (...I am) to be throwing my life away in any dead end job.

Bigger and better things this year for all of us!


I'm sure you'll do great in your interview!


Fix up, Look Sharp!

Edited by Retro_Link
Took 2 hours to get to work, to actually work for just 3 hours then come home. My mum was here because her school was closed and she was all upset because of something my family had done yesterday. I forgave them/her and went upstairs to get on with work. But ended up crying for about an hour, just... everything. Then I had a blinding headache so couldn't work and had to sleep for a while. I also hate the suit I've bought for my interview/assessment because it's cheap and shit. I've haven't done nearly enough preparation and it's on Tuesday. I don't have a good job. I live at home. My friends live everywhere. I don't have anyone to share my life with.


Properly emo today. Massive FML.






I know how you feel. Last year was hell for me without a job and living at home. Least you're trying though. I'm sure you'll do great in your interview :)

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