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I normally combine a nice relaxing bath with a shave. Today I forgot to take my trusty Mach 3 Turbo (I think the Turbo on mine is faulty, I didn't hear it spool up once. Nor did I feel the sudden burst of closeness associated with a turbo) into the bath with me, so I was reduced to using a disposable razor. Usual facial cuttage using the Mach 3 Turbo = 0, facial cuttage with the disposable razor from hell = 4. As the shaving foam was coming off, it was being replaced with an equal amount of blood. I swear that rather than cutting the hair, it just dug the blade in enough to get some purchase, then ripped the fuckers out.


The pack was labelled "Rasierer". I don't know how they shave in Germany, but if that's what they use to do it, I'm not even remotely surprised that they start so many wars. I'd be pissed off all the time too. A Mach 3 Turbo could have prevented the holocaust.

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I normally combine a nice relaxing bath with a shave. Today I forgot to take my trusty Mach 3 Turbo (I think the Turbo on mine is faulty, I didn't hear it spool up once. Nor did I feel the sudden burst of closeness associated with a turbo) into the bath with me, so I was reduced to using a disposable razor. Usual facial cuttage using the Mach 3 Turbo = 0, facial cuttage with the disposable razor from hell = 4. As the shaving foam was coming off, it was being replaced with an equal amount of blood. I swear that rather than cutting the hair, it just dug the blade in enough to get some purchase, then ripped the fuckers out.


The pack was labelled "Rasierer". I don't know how they shave in Germany, but if that's what they use to do it, I'm not even remotely surprised that they start so many wars. I'd be pissed off all the time too. A Mach 3 Turbo could have prevented the holocaust.


Lol, I love how your posts always inspire humour, yet a great deal of controversy at the same time...that last paragraph is so dark yet so funny.

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I feel deflated. Nothing worth caring about individually - those niggles that build up. Which make me retract back into my safe place and feel sad. People at work pushing me and asking why I'm so withdrawn is not helping. I'm not here to satisfy their standards.


I don't think I even care enough to make sense of/analyse what I just said. meh.

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I feel deflated. Nothing worth caring about individually - those niggles that build up. Which make me retract back into my safe place and feel sad. People at work pushing me and asking why I'm so withdrawn is not helping. I'm not here to satisfy their standards.


I don't think I even care enough to make sense of/analyse what I just said. meh.


Aw, Raining. You should spend the rest of your evening or whenever you have some free time next doing something fun to cheer you up. Also, put on some cheery music and dance around your room, which will knacker you out and you will fall asleep happily. Then, good dreams will come from this. I think.

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The pack was labelled "Rasierer". I don't know how they shave in Germany, but if that's what they use to do it, I'm not even remotely surprised that they start so many wars. I'd be pissed off all the time too. A Mach 3 Turbo could have prevented the holocaust.

That's exactly why Hitler had that shitty tache, he was scared to shave any more hair. The video idea sounds awesome, actually... a pr0 t-shirt design. SHOTGUN.

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urgh. my father makes the biggest fuss about a "chest infection" and coughs himself to death, oh so dramatically.. Doesn't cover his mouth at all which means I now have it. The supposed chest infection that wont spread. It's a fucking collllldd


God why must some men be such pillocks about having a cold ¬_¬

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Just woke up after getting back late last night from seeing Eddie Izzard in Brighton. 5th row is awesome! The man is a freakin' genius, and I loved every minute.


Also, oddly, I was sat next to a lass who was the spitting image of Raining_again, it was quite uncanny...

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Just woke up after getting back late last night from seeing Eddie Izzard in Brighton. 5th row is awesome! The man is a freakin' genius, and I loved every minute.


Also, oddly, I was sat next to a lass who was the spitting image of Raining_again, it was quite uncanny...


Haha, always quite bizarre when that happens. I remember standing next to a guy at a concert who looked exactly like Eevil. He was being a complete douchebag (no offence buddy but it true, lol) as well which lead me to the conclusion that it most defintely must be him.


But it wasn't.

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On a similar note of "lookalikes"...when you're walking around town or whatever and you really don't want to see someone you know (for whatever reason), do you, like me, suddenly seem to see hundreds of people that look almost exactly like them? Obviously combination fo paranoia and some other sheet.

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I remember standing next to a guy at a concert who looked exactly like Eevil.

Maybe people have dreams that start like that.

He was being a complete douchebag (no offence buddy but it true, lol)

None taken, as you deduced, it wasn't me.

which lead me to the conclusion that it most defintely must be him.

Son of a bitch.

But it wasn't.

I seem to have a team of dopplegangers around. I got around 5 texts asking me if I was in the audience of Britains Got Talent when one episode was broadcast.




There I am. Apparently.

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Yet another weekend where all my mates pull out of wanting to go out at the last minute. Not having a job and living in the middle of nowhere is starting to get extremely lonely so I look forward to getting out at the weekend. Bit annoyed as I did ask them all to make their minds up about tonight early in the week because if they didn't want to do anything I could have gone visited my brother at uni this weekend. Alas, it's a bit late to go now.

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I got up, had a nice workout using housemates newly purchased bench press. Going to be all achy tomorrow. Cleaned kitchen and lounge and said people need to see off the washing up.


One housemate did 2 things sayings he's done his stuff and I said do some more and he looked at me like I was an idiot. I clean up of everyone regardless and he just does 2 things...twat >_>


Theeeeeen I played 2 games of COD4:MW2 and came first in both, which was a first. Xbox then got turned off by aforementioned rude housemate so we could watch rugby. Nice. Didn't mind since it was a decent game. Then walked half hour into town just to see girlfriend for an hour while she was on her break. Walked back in the rain, got home, watched more rugby (LOLZ@WALEZ) and now I'm undecided whether I'm annoyed I didn't do work today, or pleasantly content since I've accomplished several things today plus finally had a chance to relaaaaaaax.

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Todays been just a normal day really. Drove home to see the parents, they bought me maccie ds in celebration of me getting a job. Just been lazing around which is nice from doing 3d work!


Off to the trafford centre tomorrow with mum and grandad, luckily I've bought all my christmas presents now, I'm pretty skint, but hopefully in a months time with some work under my belt I'll get paid woo.

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