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Posted (edited)
Laughing gas. Amazing when drunk. Crap when sober. Bit like Ashley in bed ;)


Sounds pretty accurate. And BTW congrats on the acquisition of a ladyfriend. Forgot to say yesterday and earlier when you were Facebook flirting with me.


Urgh morning. My train was cancelled (because it was running late they just decided to cancel it all together, if only I could use that excuse sometimes) and the next one was delayed. Only just got to the lecture but it was close. Plus on the walk up there I found out I had holes in my shoes >_<


Met a faculty friend for lunch (seeing as mine was 6 hours long) and mentioned I was going to see a friend after and he said, in a tone, "you've been spending a lot of time with him lately." Why is it after the age of 15 you can't just have friends?


Went to town with aforementioned friend and got some new shoes. Paolo Nutini overrates the whole affair but my feet feel less ick. Then went to a lecture in which I was pretty useless, but as part of it was in a computer room I typed up my notes and sent them off which allowed me to watch Big Bang Theory on the train instead.


Oh and some hot girl added me to facebook. No mutual friends but same uni...its a sexual mystery!

Edited by Ashley
It can get worse?


Ayo you gotta love me

Bitch I’m special

I want everybody thinking that I got something they don’t have

You gotta love me

Bitch I’m special

I want everybody thinking that I got something they don’t have

La da da da


worse better im not sure :)

Word beech.


Bullshit flu symptoms are attacking me, this is most displeasings.


Is everyone going down with the sickness? Three of my friends are currently laid up in bed ill, which means I have to suffer boredom through lack of company. No sick leave and no pub trips at all due to my stupidly competent immune system. :nono:


MBAM- I'd agree with the girl wanting the pay rise, she should get paid the same amount for the same role so it does sound like both of you have some form of case, I don't know what to do about not pissing off the manager though but sometimes it just can't be helped.


- Woke up feeling great.

- Continued as I head in to work and got texts from people that I wanted to get texts from.

- Get to work only to realise I started an hour early but decide to put in the extra hour unpaid anyway.

- Everything turns to shit and I have an awful shift.

- Supervisor at work gets dumped via text an hour before the end of the day. She's a friend of mine and morale plummets.

- Leave work 2 hours late. Not happy.

- Get home, relax, mood improves.

- Get a phone call from new lady friend and we end up talking for an hour and a half. Mood shoots through the roof and feel awesome. Want to tell someone.

- Talk to my best friends girlfriend about excitement. She disapproves on the basis that she thinks she's unattractive. I disagree, and no more is said.

- As a result, my previous excitement has come crashing down and I feel like crap.


There's my day. It was shit, in essence, when it had the potential to be awesome. And now I'm second guessing myself about whether or not the girl I might be seeing is right for me or not. Ugh. I shouldn't be but I am. I dunno what's wrong with me. I think I'm just stressed but..ugh, I don't know.


I agree with Gizmo, if just talking to her makes you that happy, then she seems right for you. Don't listen to what other people say about it, you're the one who will be having a relationship with her, not them. =)




I've been feeling a bit ill tonight, and right now it's keeping me awakeeee. I have to be up for school in less than five hours. Poop.

If she made you happy because she phoned you, she's right for you, so far as I can tell.


I agree with Gizmo, if just talking to her makes you that happy, then she seems right for you. Don't listen to what other people say about it, you're the one who will be having a relationship with her, not them. =)


Both posts really helped me out. I hadn't looked at it either of those ways until you pointed them out to me. Thanks guys, I appreciate it.


Our phone call was two hours, Dyson.


And your best friend's girlfriend sounds like a fool.


A fool I tell you!


Sorry to be disobeying your order so soon. Couldn't help myself. It's the time difference, yeah?


Have you had that, "Oh my God she's perfect" moment yet, Dyson?


People know what I'm on about, yeah?


When you look into the girls face, often just after she's said or done something and you think, "Wow, I better move fast and make her mine" (But in a non-creepy way).


And your body goes all tingly and you have just discovered the best person ever.


And you suddenly become all too aware at your own failings in comparison.


And you feel hot.


Because your face is melting away into a black void which will eventually destroy everything you love.


And then she eats another spoonful of ice cream with a smile, and it's all perfect again.

Have you had that, "Oh my God she's perfect" moment yet, Dyson?


People know what I'm on about, yeah?


When you look into the girls face, often just after she's said or done something and you think, "Wow, I better move fast and make her mine" (But in a non-creepy way).


And your body goes all tingly and you have just discovered the best person ever.


And you suddenly become all too aware at your own failings in comparison.


And you feel hot.


Because your face is melting away into a black void which will eventually destroy everything you love.


And then she eats another spoonful of ice cream with a smile, and it's all perfect again.


Hah, whilst I know what you mean I havn't had tha this time around, no. I've only ever had that once, but that didn't end up going so well. I shan't make that mistake again.


*looks into Dyson's eyes*


I had it with you.


I'm really looking at that yellow rat to be honest.


I really should stop posting and get some more modelling done.


*scampers off*

Posted (edited)

I had a UPS collection scheduled for 7am (the "latest collection available time for my area.") It's now 9am. When will they arrive? Mysterious forces of nature abound!

Edited by gaggle64

EDIT = Longest post I've ever written? Worth the read though. If you can't be bothered, then at least read the "Field of 1000 Screams".


But read it all.





I have been pretty ill recently so havn't had the energy to type up long posts, and I've got a lot to say, so here we go.




Went to Hemel shopping for my sisters birthday. Got her a Bee toy (her nickname is Bee) Walk With Me (£34.99 in Blockbusters AKA uber-reasonable shop) and entrance to Alton Towers. Quite generous if I say so myself. Of course I got myself Uncharted 2 and completed that yesterday. Amazing series. Roll on the third TBH.


Started feeling poorly on this day. Had a sore throat/cough type thing. The cold air was harsh on my throat.




Was floored by teh poorlyness. In bed all day, had two baths to take me out of the hellishness, I had shiverness, feverhax, cough n splutter, vomitlol, bilelose and snifflingfail. So that was pretty lame. I was dreading the thought that I might not have been better for the following day which was supposed to be Alton Towers, and it was basically my sisters birthday celebration AND booked a day off work for it so really didn't want to not go.




Didn't have a great nights sleep (any of these days) and had ridiculous weird dreams (that I cant remember) but I recall being completely bizarre social studies the passed few day. Anyway I certainly felt a lot better than Sunday, but still not great, but alas we prevailed and went to Alton Towers.


I filled up a plastic bottle with Beechams LemSip, and five or more minutes later when we were in the car, I blew into the bottle. Couldn't really gage how hot it was, so took a sip and scoulded my tongue and mouth. A hilarious bad start to the day, but meh I felt bad anyway and it just made my tongue numb really. Here's photo evidence, taken because my sis said it looked like I was drinking piss, so I HAD to have that on camera.




Car said it needed water in the radiator bit. Filled it up and we left.


About five minutes later the car said it needed more water, and the passenger side floor was wet. Also the condensation in the car was abnormally high. Epic fail. Something was clearly wrong. Hoping it was a one off we stopped at a garage, I bought a leather shammy (never had one) or chamois, and was shocked at the till that it was £5.49. Filled the car up with water.


Happened again about 10 minutes later. We went along a bit, and decided to stop at Kwik Fit. They said they couldn't help, so I rang the AA.




It was a problem with the "heat matrix" so the water wasn't entering the "dashboard" correctly or some shit. So the AA man (who looked like a mole, and was shaking a lot) hit me up with some rubber tubing and set it up so the water just goes around the...engine...bits....again and again, instead of going to the dashboard (*shrugs*) So I probably need to get that properly fixed at some point.


Got to Alton in not bad time so that was good. Felt...okay/meh. In fact I felt a bit better as the journey got on so I was feeling good/alright. Did all the rides etc, and as the day went on I was finding it difficult to breathe...basically if I was walking then I couldn't catch a deep breath. It was agonising. I had to stop and not move for about 45 seconds before I could take a deep breath (I could have taken a deep breath but could feel a huge cough coming on if I did so, a really painful throat burning cough)


This got worse and worse, to the point where just before we left I was taking very short breaths. Quite scarey really.




But now I will talk about Alton Towers Horror Mazes


Now for anyone not familiar, a horror maze is a maze or attraction that you walk around with live actors in and other shit that scares you. They are sometimes awesome as hell, and I had never been to the ones at Alton before so they were all new to me. (You walk around with your hands on the shoulders of the person in front, so you're like a human train)


Terror of the Towers


Set in the Towers themselves, for added creepiness. The general theme is monks and crazy religious randoms throughout a Towers esque, old manor home setting. Spoilers ahead (in case you're going or plan to go and don't want to get spoiled)


So yeah its awesome. Starts off and you have to practically crawl under this short gate roof which was awesome and unexpected, then later theres a bit where you walk between two jail cells, but its a very tight fit and the actors get right up next to you. LOVED that element. Then the ending is similar to Asylum at Thorpe, with gates and strobe lights and these weird faced actors keep jumping up in your face. Was RIDICULOUSLY long which added to the greatness. About 10-15 minuts I think.



Ruined a bit by the stupid retard little hoes at the front. Walking RIDICULOUSLY slowly so literally by the end I think three or four groups had caught up with us (which the park try to avoid at all costs) and they were being OTT'ly scared about everything and LITERALLY fell over each other and were on the floor three times. Luckily the last time it happened one of them started bleeding which I found fucking hilarious because they were being such knobs.


The next two were not free, they were £6 each or £9 for both.


The Field of 1000 Screams


FUCKING AWESOME. Its basically a corn maize field that you go through with zombies in. (Obviously this one is outside)


You start off walking through the corn, along a small path where theres no corn. You come across a small wooden hut. No one there (seemingly) then of course this guy jumps out and scares you and says "GET IN, GET IN" yelling at you, so you run into the hut. He breifs you (and starts hitting on your sister, rubbing his thighs) lmao, and then "speaks" to this Doc called Frankenstein. He seems like a shadey character, but then he tells you to go to him.


You leave the hut, and the next thing you come across is an army van on the left. Then you get jumped from behind by this (quite sexy actually) war time woman person. She is funny, and cute and makes you laugh with her comments. "Whats your name, at the back? Because you're going to leave first. The ones at the back always leave first" Brilliant. She was good. Then a siren went off and she said "oh....that means the dead people are coming, you'd better go" and a groaning is heard, and theres a god damn zombie crawling towards you out of the maize!


Then you get to Frankensteins tent, and theres no one in there, just a tv playing. You watch the TV, then I knew it was coming of course, but still scared the shit out of me, he jumped into the tent, right into my face, and I went "FUCK!" lol and he was like "Ah shit guys zombies etc" then this woman ran in the other side who'd just been bitten. He strapped her down and started doing shit. He then turned around and was like "WTF you doing!!! Get to the bus, the RAF dude will save you! RUN!" so you run out.


Then you get to this dude, and he's like "GET IN THE BUS!" so we go in, and he's like "Hold the doors closed, they're coming!" then a zombie smashes on the front, scaring you. He tells you to get to the back of the bus. Then he is pulled off of the bus by zombies. A zombie smashes on the top above you, several more zombies appear on either side of the bus. Three walk in the bus. Literally surrounded by zombies. One opens a window and thrusts their hand in. The zombies inside walk slowly towards you, then they're practically next to you, and the RAF helper opens a secret door in the side, and tells you to run out. The zombies pounce for you, and you peggit out of the maize and the maze itself.



Absolutely amazing attraction. One of the most brilliantly immersive things I've ever done. Can't recommend it enough.


The Boiler House (the other pay one)


I'd probably say this was the scariest one. Its basically a dark a derelict electric type house thing, with a few serial killers in, some that chase you/you run away from, and also these weird doll-faced people with knives.


Wasn't blown away by it, but there were on or two great moments, and it was generally a good maze. The best bit - this doll person ran off, symboling for us to follow it. I did so, and in the next room I couldn't see a way out. There was a sealed up door, and weird soft wall on the other side. The wall said "EXIT ---->" pointing to the soft wall. (I was at the front of the "train") I was like....WTF....so I poked the wall, and it was as if it was inflated. Then I realised there was...like a slit down the middle. I poked my hand in, and was like.....OMG we have to walk through. It was BASICALLY two gigantic balloons, like think two bouncy castles right next to each other, and we had to walk through it. It was quite long too. I thought I'd walk through and get out the other side straight away, but alas not. It was a good 30 or so paces. Actually really terrifying.


I think if you suffered from claustrophobia you would literally have a heart attack.



So that was great too.


Got home from Alton and had shiver and fever, so collapsed into bed.




Ill so took the day off work. Was in bed playing Uncharted 2 practically all day.




Feel slightly better, still not great so off work again.


tl;dr = You don't put the time and effort into reading my posts, then I don't put the time and effort into summarising it.




foo... things are finally looking a little more "up"! :grin:

i got a job ~ i'll be starting at SEGA in a couple of weeks (they're not sure of the start day yet) but yay! now i can pay the rent and buy food... and have christmas!! hah!

actually, i'm still cheaping it up for xmas.. i'm making bath bombs for people ^__^ i'm going to hide little rubber ducks inside the bath bombs though... surprising!!!

i can't wait to start work again...i'm SO bored.


Woah Halloween at Alton Towers sounds just epic. I saw it advertised in the summer and thought about going but then life got in the way and I had to move to the other end of the country. Quite disappointed I'm gonna miss it now.


My day is going to involve... Hot Dog Ciabattas sarnies. Looking for a Job :(. Learning some more Objective C with the aim of eventually making an epix iPhone app. Going to the dentists. Settling down with dinner and the usual gallon of wine while watching masterchef. My current life is epicly boring.

Posted (edited)

Congrats Bluey :)


urgh. Just spoke to my father. My father who seems to think he's a good father although the only time in the last four weeks he's spoken to me is to ask my mother to ring him. My father who, when I told him I got a job said "good...now about your mother". Told him her partner is coming to graduation and tried to explain its nothing to do with him (im 22, never really had a father figure and not really in the market for one thanks) but simply he's my mother's partner, no different (in my approach) to me inviting my brother's girlfriend. He said "fucking incredible now I don't want to go" and put the phone down.


Fine. Fuck him. I've been worrying about him causing some big scene at graduation like he did with my results anyway.


I need gin. Why are all my friends at work?

Edited by Ashley
Guest Stefkov

All it took was an email. I need to send off a form and then I'm out of education starting again next year. Now I just need to get a job to raise enough money to pay for tuition and living. Should be funfunfun.

My day has consisted of said email sending. Talking to my brother for over an hour about illegal stuff.


And then eating a bowl of Coco Pops.


Been away for a while, went up to Elie (seaside town that's nice in summer, but I'd rather never go there again, been so much and it's actually quite shit if you aren't impressed by the sight of scottish coast/sea/old people), and it was dead and SHIT. I really never want to go again. It was fun when chair and my other pals came to a few times ago, but seriously. Rubb.


Then came back only to go straight back off to camp on a friend from college's grandma's estate thing, which was a good/fun experience overall. Though one girl brought a fucking 20 man tent with rooms and stuff, and when the boys arrived (after the girls), they'd started putting it up in a too small area, and it was getting too dark to move it, so we just put up the main bit. It was fun though once that was over. Mild completely pointless drama over sleeping arangements, me and 4 others stayed to sleep in the tent, the other 5 ended up going back to the girl's grans. I genuinely wanted to sleep in the tent, but one girl assumed we didn't and started an arguement in our name...but yeah. Breakfast at the gran's house was really tense. But we watched Judge Judy which was sexy.


My head hurts. Have spent the last 5 hours or so researching stuff for my next psychology report on a subject I don't understand and I doubt many others on my course do either. All the material for it is at such a higher level than we're being taught that's its hard to get to grips with. Garden Path Model and Referential Theory are the two things I need to nail down otherwise I won't be able to do anything with this report and it's just confusing me. I think some Wiki research is in order so that I can at least understand the basics of what these things are trying to explain.


So that's represented the majority of what my day has been. Have to go through my philosophy essay to proofread it for tomorrow but that should be it. Can sort of relax for the rest of the day.


And Rez, for some reason I read through that entire post this morning. ::shrug: But yay for good times and boo for being ill.

Fine. Fuck him. I've been worrying about him causing some big scene at graduation like he did with my results anyway.


I need gin. Why are all my friends at work?


If you don't mind me asking, what did he do at results? Oh, and gin (I assume with tonic) is one of the few drinks you can get away with drinking on your own, in my book at least...


Got a big essay thing today...due for freaking tomorrow. Was supposed to be having a night out with Razz and friends, but unless I can get it done that won't be happening. I hate my lecturer. Bitch.

Posted (edited)
If you don't mind me asking, what did he do at results? Oh, and gin (I assume with tonic) is one of the few drinks you can get away with drinking on your own, in my book at least...


Sans tonic is fine :p (although avec Irn Bru is not, contrary to what my friend believes)


Umm long story but basically I had arranged to have two separate family things to celebrate that day, one with him and one with...well pretty much everyone else (incl. mother's partner) because I figured it would be best. Anyway he didn't even know it was my results day until the day before, he presumed it was some random drink, and he found out about the separate meal and rang me up and asked about it and I said I felt it would be better this way and changed the topic and then later he came back to it and I tried the same and he said "what I was trying to get at is I want to come to the meal" and I tried to skirt around it because it would be the most awkward meal ever. He got in a big huff about it and it annoyed me because it was supposed to be a day to celebrate my results and all he could think about is what he wants which is my mother (he has this deluded idea that they'll get back together).


So yeah, its like that again. Yes, it can't be easy that my mother's partner is there but the seating is all separate so there's a chance they wouldn't even see each other anyway. We've been texting and he said I really hurt him all that and I've shown him no support. I said that the divorce was hard on all of us and not once did he ask how I was, instead he used me to relay vindictive comments to my mother. I said he has never supported me and mentioned 4 weeks ago I phoned him to tell him I got a job and he said "good...about your mother..." and since then he has text me once, to ask about mum. I said he makes me constantly feel like a disappointment (he prefers my elder brother, and to know you rank lower in your father's opinion than a serial sex offender sure is a confidence boost). He then said he can't believe I didn't think it would be hard for him to see my mother's partner and I said I knew it would be hard, but pain was not my intent. And I reminded him that at family events I'm supposed to be all smiles and nice toward my brother who I hate. I told him I'd ring him in a few days when we've cooled down and he said "you've made your choice, a few days won't make a difference." I felt like replying "I chose to tell you, you chose how to react." He's so selfish and stubborn and in many ways still a child. Was looked after by his mother and then my mother. We all have to put up with people we don't like sometimes for the sake of others, but apparently not him.


Oh and he said he's sorry we've not been closer (because I told him he defined our relationship when I was younger, i.e. we never spoke, did anything together etc, hell I learned to shave from TV and my nan taught me how to tie a tie, cliches I know but those are supposed to be a father's job ne?) and he'd like us to change that. I replied with "I'm 22. I think its too little too late."



rant-tastic :D I think my graduation may rival Buffy's :heh:


And I have to explain it all to my mother when she gets home in about an hour.


Oh and I went for red wine instead, cheaper :p So its red wine, jaffa cakes and pushing daisies tonight. MANLY.

Edited by Ashley
Oh and I went for red wine instead, cheaper :p So its red wine, jaffa cakes and pushing daisies tonight. MANLY.


...because white is manlier? Red ftw.

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