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fuckin hull!


I was there for 3 years. I take it you saw the uni part of the city? not so bad in all. I had a wicked time.


While Hull gets a lot of stick I love the place. I'm at the moment looking at find a place near Newland Av for next year but it is quite a chore since I'm on the other side of the globe. Last time I lived on Lambert Steet but right on the end near Bev Road and It wasn't that great. Went with crappy Unicom. Dan, do you know which company is best. I've hear mixed things about Club Easy and the likes.

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Blehhhh feel shit. I kinda got really down yesterday about school and my work and how I feel I'm a failure, and today that feeling hasn't changed much yet. Slept horribly, almost woke up crying at one point because things weren't going right in my dreams either. Very strange.



Didn't do my assignment for today so will probably just skip the class. Don't feel like cycling all that way for two hours anyway, especially since my back is still killing me. I need hugs but Jim still isn't here yet... so I guess I'll have to go eat lots to make me feel better.

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Another day, another trip to college only to come straight back home casue the lecturers are all ill, probably gonna have a look at my C++ books later, but then I might just save it until tomorrow.


Half Term next week as well, so I missed the first two weeks, went in for the third, no lecturers on the fourth and then another week off for half term!

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Law was intense today. Power marched so hard to get here in time that I think I've pulled a muscle in my right foot, too. (not good, especially for me)


Contempt law: not for stupids.


I'm off to read more about it or do shorthand. Pity me, forum.


Also, and this is faintly absurd- Jayseven can attend tonights student union club night at my university but I can't because I have 3 9am starts on the trot midweek. Good night, too. Frak.

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Blehhhh feel shit. I kinda got really down yesterday about school and my work and how I feel I'm a failure, and today that feeling hasn't changed much yet. Slept horribly, almost woke up crying at one point because things weren't going right in my dreams either. Very strange.

Eenuh, if you're a failure then what hope is there for the rest of us? 0___O

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Long day today, start class at 9am, finished at 12am, didn't really get much done.


Been sat in an empty class room since 12 doing animation and professional context work, bit peed off because the recording I did won't work so I have to march back home later, record a video of me talking, then come back and sort in on flash. GRR.


Class 3 til 6 and then working on stuff again from 6 til 9, but it'll be worth it. :santa:

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Guest Stefkov

Trying to ring my LEA but the woman isn't answering. Surely her lunch break doesn't extend to 3pm?

Things are going well. This weekend will be fantastic and tiring.

Today has gone good. Woke up at a respectable time. Went in to speak with someone and realised my other jumper/overwool/cardigan thing is a lot warmer than my other one. I should have worn that on Sunday.


Then I came back and had a rave with bots on CSS.

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I take back what I said yesterday about God washing the car for me. Today I found a COBWEB going from the wing mirror to the windscreen support.


Time for my first car washing experience methinks.

Well of course cobwebs are rain proof, they're made of one of the stongest natural substances on earth?


It's not exactly dirtying your car, just remove it by hand!

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I take back what I said yesterday about God washing the car for me. Today I found a COBWEB going from the wing mirror to the windscreen support.


Time for my first car washing experience methinks.


Those spiders are surprisingly speedy buggers. I live out in the country and most days there'll be a new cobweb on my wing mirror or between my car and the wall I park it against.

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Well of course cobwebs are rain proof, they're made of one of the stongest natural substances on earth?


It's not exactly dirtying your car, just remove it by hand!


Yes, but it's proof that a rainshower isn't enough. A good hose down and once over with a sponge should do it some good.

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Spent the past hour watching old WWF videos on Youtube, just admiring how awesome it was back in the day of Stone Cold, The Rock and Triple H. I was obsessed back in those days. I used to count down the days till Raw was on and look forward to no school at the weekend to watch Smackdown and the monthly late night ritual to watch the Pay-Per-View. Good times :)

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Oh right I thought you were gonna take it to a car wash, which seemed a bit excessive!


Haha, the day I passed my test I took it through a car wash. Was good fun, but a bit pointless when its so easy to do it yourself really. Hasn't been washed since so thats a good month or 2 since it was last done.

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Those spiders are surprisingly speedy buggers. I live out in the country and most days there'll be a new cobweb on my wing mirror or between my car and the wall I park it against.


Yeah they're fast! Every morning, there's a new cobweb on my bicycle. I always feel kinda bad for having to remove it.



Seems I'm not the only one feeling like a failure at the moment. One of my course friends told me today how she feels like a failure too and is frustrated with our course. Decided I'm going to her place after school tomorrow for a chat (and maybe a drink). Invited other friends too but doubt they'll show up on such short notice. But yeah, it's time to get some of this stuff off our chest and have someone to talk to about our frustrations heh.

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Have spent the day working on a philosophy essay. It's done but I foresee issues because I haven't been able to cite 4 secondary sources in relation to the question because of the word limit being, well limiting. At 1200 words, you can't really cite any references and address them properly and then answer the question or you'll easily double the word limit. The secondary sources aren't a huge deal (it is a first year philosophy module I'm having to do afterall and my tutor said as much in the tutorial last thursday) so I'm just hoping that the general jist is alright.


That's been the excitement today. Bet you all can't contain yourselves after that riveting piece of information :p Think I may stick some DVDs on and waste away the rest of today as tomorrow I have to do research for a psychology paper so lots of reading of journals and articles. Yay :nono:

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Yeah they're fast! Every morning, there's a new cobweb on my bicycle. I always feel kinda bad for having to remove it.



Seems I'm not the only one feeling like a failure at the moment. One of my course friends told me today how she feels like a failure too and is frustrated with our course. Decided I'm going to her place after school tomorrow for a chat (and maybe a drink). Invited other friends too but doubt they'll show up on such short notice. But yeah, it's time to get some of this stuff off our chest and have someone to talk to about our frustrations heh.


It's good that you're meeting up for a chat about the work! That's the sorta thing I meant yesterdaaaaay when I said you should message Sanne. :)


Housemates once again don't want to go out! Even to the pub to watch footy! ARGH. Was going to see the gf as she was going to come and join but I guess not =/


If it's any consolation, it sucks when you want to go to watch a game and nobody else does. My combination of housemates in the third year sucked for this. Fourth year was a million times better, though.


Today was an ok day. Went to work at a school in Cardiff for the afternoon. T'was a lovely little school, and the kids and staff there were awesome. So, hopefully I'll be getting work there again soon. I also got a call from my agency to let me know that I won't be working in the school I was supposed to be in tomorrow. They were taking on a few supply teachers tomorrow because a staff course day was planned. But, they've cancelled that, meaning I'm not needed tomorrow. Soooo, I may be getting up early and might be working early tomorrow if I got called upon.


Also, my shoulders ache from the gym yesterday. Yaaay and naaaay.

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work is gonna be FUN tomorrow!

bit of a backstory


- we need (!) a new p/t supervisor

- so we advertised for said p/t supervisor

- in the advertiser the p/t supervisor would be a 16 hour contract - £6 an hour

- currently only one f/t supervisor gets that (that works here)

- the other 20 hour supervisor only gets minimum

- shes kicking up a fuss (only rightly!) that since shes been there 3 years - and its also a keyholder (she locks up on fridays) - shouldnt she get a pay raise?! - (she currently only gets 5.80 an hour cause shes over 21)

- shes draggin me into it cause i only get 4.83 an hour (minimum wage for my age!) even tho i lock up on wednesdays and sometimes close saturdays (even tho im not bothered - im more into getting my contract upped than the pay i get

- shes gonna confront the manager tomorrow about it

- im working at 5 - 9 tomorrow

- im probably gonna get dragged into it!

- and if i say im not too bothered about having a pay rise that might mean the other girl wont get one

- but if i say i do want a pay rise - i'll probably annoy the manager


whats a girl to do!

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