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Oh maaaaaaan. :( Fucking wanker fail. Which one?


This one:




Used to look like this:





I think the plan now is to sell my MR2 (the one I took to themefest) and use the money from that and the insurance payout to buy another, better car that I can use every day. If I only have 1 car, I can keep it in my garage and it should be safe enough.

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No idea. Police have given up as well. Good times. Although in all fairness, it's completely burnt out, meaning no forensics. The have better things to do than look for people who took a rusty old £900 car (which insurance will pay out on anyway).


Never mind. I shall distract myself with the excitement of buying another car.

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Man that royally sucks =(


Hopefully you get a nice new car out of it though! (look on the bright side and all that!)


What kinda car you got in mind?


"Nice" and "New" aren't something I look for when I buy a car! Old and retro is what I want, otherwise I'd just use my other car and get the roof fixed.


I currently have my eye on this one:





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So very cold today. Colder in the house than it is outside. My mother has set the heating so it doesn'y go on at all and seeing as she's not here, I can't get it to go on. I've tried all I can but can't get it to go on so I've had to go with putting extra layers on just to stay warm. So yeh, not very nice and I'm sure there'll be some angry words spoken when the parents return later tonight.


As for what I've done today, I've had to write up the minutes for my Philosophy tutorial and have posted them online. Really can't see why doing the minutes at least once in a tutorial should equate to 5% of the overall mark. That and attendance. Crazy. Anyway, I need to go through my english essay from yesterday and see if I need to add anything or take bits out but it's kind of hard to do as it's my writing and it's just that mentality that you get into where it's hard to see the faults of something you've done unless someone else points them out. I'll try anyway.

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Sorry to hear about your car Goafer, that royally sucks. =(





I've been feeling a bit poopy the last few days as I have no clue what I'm doing in school. I feel really lost with my Masterproject, no idea what exactly I want to do with it. It's kinda driving me crazy.

I wish inspiration would just -hit- me out of nowhere right now so I could do something, but so far all I'm doing is staring at my blank pages and getting a bit desperate. Bah.

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I had a quick nosey at what my company had sold online over the weekend...


I'm going to be really, really busy tomorrow. And I'm supposed to be having an interview with my boss about my progress, which will probably go like "We're making a lot of small-metre sales though the sub-company's website and the main company's website has brought us some new potentially-big thousand-metre customers. Well done. Are you enjoying your work?" "Yes."

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Again, sorry to hear about your car Goafer; people are so rubbish.


Very chilled lazy weekend, been nice. Trying to save some money, September was expensive! Although, today I was told I have a savings policy that matures in 2012, so that's pretty awesome and unexpected. At least I know I'll be able to put a deposit on a house without turning to prostitution.

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May as well add myself to the long list of names passing out their condolences to Goafer - that really is a shitty thing to hear man!


Work was very stressful today - just too busy, not enough staff and too many problems. Every other customer was being difficult! Oh well, at least it's over now!

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*throws inspiration at Eenuh*


This is where your boyfriend should help you come up with stuff. The amount of times my girlfriend has helped with this sort of thing is crazy.


My ideas are always a bit crap. :( I don't think she likes them very much, haha.


As for today, I've had a haircut, so I look mildly sexy again, woooo. Hmm, my Mum says that I look a bit like Action Man when my hair is short, and she doesn't like it much. But, I feel lighter now. Plus, for some reason, I always enjoy shaving more when I have less hair on my head. Something tells me the two are connected, but in reality I know that they're not. I think. Spent the rest of the day watching football, hehe.


Goafer, unlucky about the car. Bastards.

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Police came to my door, had to give a statement about some fight I saw outside the Spar in Thornhill. Thats pretty much the first time i've ever had to give a statement to the cops ever! woooo! I knew I should have taken pictures >_< curse my bad evidence gathering!

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I'm feeling last night just about now. Didn't get home until 3:15am, then was up at 11(ish). Went out for the usual count 1/2 drunk, and now with the alcohol wearing off i'm feeling the head-ache coming along.


I did finally beat Force Unleashed earlier, took me a long time as i was between titles as such.

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Bit of a boring day at work, and missing someone very gorgeous, indeed... :(


But by the law of swings and roundabouts, something great always comes along:


Buying a domain: ~£5

Taking it away: free

Finding this quote on dynastygal's shoutbox:

Thanks to the ex our hits are down by 90%




Silly cheating whore. =D

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Bit of a boring day at work, and missing someone very gorgeous, indeed... :(


But by the law of swings and roundabouts, something great always comes along:


Buying a domain: ~£5

Taking it away: free

Finding this quote on dynastygal's shoutbox:





Silly cheating whore. =D


That's brilliant. :D


Hmm, Sunday nights seem boring. Do I start a new application form, or do I just chillax? I dunno.

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