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Bring out the confetti and party hats!


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Cause we got another birthday boy here! =D


Happy birthday to the one and only Aimless (or Edge)! He hit the big 21, which apparently is a pretty important age in some places. So it's time to celebrate!


I hope you have a nice day Aimless! =D


*hands out cookies to everyone*

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Cause we got another birthday boy here! =D

Boy? Clearly I'm a man. Grr! Etcetera.


So yeah, I'm 21. I hope that clears things up for those of you that thought I was quite a bit older — it happens.


So far not much has changed; I'm still nocturnal, I still have bad hair, and I'm still drinking the same smoothie I was 3 and a bit hours ago¹. Still, there's a whole day and another late night in front of me, so I guess there's room for improvement.


'Fraid I'm an uneventful person leading an uneventful life, so if I do have anything to report the only way it's going to have you on the edge of your seats is through slack-jawed boredom. Still, if you want to create any tales of debauchery and then spread them as fact, go for it.


Thanks for the well wishing.



¹Mango, pineapple and acerola² for those interested.


²Yeah, I had to look it up too.

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Happy Birthday Aimless :D


Hope your day becomes a bit more eventfull then,so enjoy yourself



*Tries to steal two cookies instead of one*


*Attempts to put on party hat but lets go of plastic early and it slaps bottom of chin,assumes it's karma about the cookies thing*

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