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Woo time for a rant. I live in Newquay, before ANYONE says "OMFG NEWQUAY RULES I LUV GOIN DER FOR HOLS!!!1!" let me stop you. Newquay. Is shit. Cornwall. Is SHIT!. Yeh you love coming here for holiday but you don't have to fucking live here. You don't watch your town get invaded every damn summer by a hundred thousand mindless drones. Do I like my town? I did when I was younger, when I could be entertained by simple things. If people could see this town for what it really is they just wouldn't bother, it's become such a sleazepool of shit. I don't care if I offend anyone in saying this but it's people who move down here and come here on holiday that have made it that way as there's just a complete lack of respect. Why do you come down here there's NOTHING to do. Sure there's the beach, great. Oh and there's, the beach. Do yourselves a favour, next time someone says let's go down to Newquay for holiday slap them and tell them to get a cheap flight to Spain. WE DO NOT WANT YOU HERE! THIS IS A LOCAL TOWN FOR LOCAL PEOPLE! :) /rant

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Woo time for a rant. I live in Newquay, before ANYONE says "OMFG NEWQUAY RULES I LUV GOIN DER FOR HOLS!!!1!" let me stop you. Newquay. Is shit. Cornwall. Is SHIT!. Yeh you love coming here for holiday but you don't have to fucking live here. You don't watch your town get invaded every damn summer by a hundred thousand mindless drones. Do I like my town? I did when I was younger, when I could be entertained by simple things. If people could see this town for what it really is they just wouldn't bother, it's become such a sleazepool of shit. I don't care if I offend anyone in saying this but it's people who move down here and come here on holiday that have made it that way as there's just a complete lack of respect. Why do you come down here there's NOTHING to do. Sure there's the beach, great. Oh and there's, the beach. Do yourselves a favour, next time someone says let's go down to Newquay for holiday slap them and tell them to get a cheap flight to Spain. WE DO NOT WANT YOU HERE! THIS IS A LOCAL TOWN FOR LOCAL PEOPLE! :) /rant




We used to go to newquay every year since i was little, but for the last 5 year we havn't stayed or really gone near there. Mainly because of the nightlife and the 18 - 30 stuff.

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I live in Litherland...


Walking Distance from Aintree Racecourse


20 Minute train ride to the City Centre


Where I live isn't bad, but it isn't the best, it has it's scumbags, but it has it's good people as well..


We have the greatest City Centre ever, despite the roadworks, and the irritating Travel Services...


And we have 6 Game/Gamestations


The city is becoming un-fecking believeable due to this 2008 thing, their is about A

1Mile x 1Mile Section of the city centre, being demolished and the biggest shopping complex in Europe is being built their...


The Albert Dock is being transformed with A Arena, and we are getting a new 70,000 seater stadium being built soon

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We used to go to newquay every year since i was little, but for the last 5 year we havn't stayed or really gone near there. Mainly because of the nightlife and the 18 - 30 stuff.


Hmm I think I should rephrase myself, families i'm cool with they don't generally cause hassle. It's the little bastard teenagers who come down in groups and just get wasted on the beach. Can they not just do it at home.

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I looooooooove my city. Didn't really realize it till I moved out to a different one (our capital no less), which was a totally shitty and not so fun city.


So now I'm back in Hasselt, our awesome city here. We live more on the outside, surrounded by fields and quite a lot of green. It also allows for big houses with big gardens here. Houses in or closer to the city center are smaller of course, though we have some really nice old buildings (I love to look at those).

Our city has a lot of green (there's a boulevard to walk on going all around the city, with trees lined up on it) and parts of the center are made car-free, so only pedestrians and people on a bike can go there. Which is great for shopping! There's a ton of stores here; it's like a mall except everything is outside in a couple of streets. Great stuff. And busses are free and you can rent a bike. =D


We also have a really big cinema around here (13 or 14 screens), an event hall, a concert hall, an indoor theme park for kids, an indoor and outdoor swimming pool, ice skating ring, parks, big club thing, tons of pubs and restaurants, museums... this city has everything I need. =3

And oh yeah, my college is in my city too, about 25 minutes on bike away from me. We have tons of other colleges too, which means lots of students moving over here or coming by train (of course we also have a train station).

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I don't live too far from Platty in that case, in a town called Bexleyheath(we used to be classed as barnehurst though).

It's got a bit of a reputation as a chavvy area and a bit of a crappy place, but I happen to quite like it. Just 5-10 minutes up the road from me is a rather nicely sized high street/shopping mall which has been pedestrianised to an extent, it's quite handy if you ever need anything cos you can usually find stuff there.

There's alot of pubs around the area, which does lead to a bit of trouble on a friday or saturday, but I don't mind going out around here, and then there's lots of choice of where to go. Got two wetherspoonses(one's closer and on the pedestrianised bit, but it got redone recently from more of a bar style to a pub style because of all the trouble i think). There's also a cinema right near to the shops, so if I ever fancy catching a film it's just a few minutes away.

It's also absolutely brilliant for buses, quite a little bus hub so you can get to most places you want with just 1 or 2 buses. Also, central london is only like an hour a bit away by train.




The only real problems I find are the slight numerousity of chavs, and there's ALOT of schoolkids around at school ending time, mainly congregating up at the Broadway(the shops, namely the pedestrianised bit). Also, kids seem to think they're untouchable, and can be a bit lairy. Apparently there's alot of fights amongst themselves as well. My friends don't like to come out around here, so I usually find myself going up to welling on greenwich for a night at the pub.

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I live in Howe Green, its not far from Chelmsford. It's pretty shit tbh, we don't even have a shop, you have to walk for about 20-30 mins to get to even a little shop. Or an 1hrs walk on dual carriageways to chelmsford :(


Also since moving I live 25mins drive away from where my friends live. I'm dependent (ant?) on my parents or a shitty hourly bus which charges me toooooo much money :/ I'm on fecking minimum wage!!!!! I cant afford it!


However if i ever want any manure, I could smell my way to it.

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I loive on the South coast, about an equal distance from the two big towns near me - Bournemouth and Poole. Poole is where I go to school, and it's great, got a brilliant shopping centre and many other fun things, like a beach which is amazingly clean and beautiful in the summer.

Bournemouth is great for clubbing and things of that nature, but it gets overrun in the summer by tourists :-( However, if you know where you're going you can find somewhere fantastic beach-wise.

The villaige where I actually live is okay. Pretty small, not many shops (just like estate agents, corner shops. Nothing good) and seeing as I go to school about 7 miles away my friends live pretty far away. Before I could drive it sucked major ass, but now that I am free to go and see friends whenever I want with about a 15 minute journey the place looks much much better. Only a few chavs, and they're all young. So yeah, generally pretty happy where I am, although I'll be moving off to Uni next year...

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My town is the most remarkable, in the fact that the most fascinating thing about it is that nothing fascinating has happened there.

Ok, there is the world's premier agricultural research centre, but that's about it.

And it has the biggest Highland Gathering in Europe outside Scotland.

And it had the first co-educational boarding and day combined school in the country (ie the first school that has both genders, both as boarders and day pupils), which I'm in.


And that's it.

No battles. No murders. Which the exception of some of the pupils and teachers in my school, no racist, homophobic, christian fuckwits. :wink:


It has no good shops, bar a small Smiths and a big-ish Sainsbury's near my house.


To do anything of any interest to people of my age, you have to hop on to the train to the Seventh Circle of Hell, Luton.

Ok, there's also St Albans in the other direction, but there's no cinema, and the train station is about a 1/2 hour walk from the city centre...


Oh, and there's loads and loads and loads of rich, arrogant, stupid Chavs here. They like to do nothing better than get pissed on Friday and Saturday night and kick our front gate in. Yay.


Can't wait to go to Uni, and get to civilisation.

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I live on an island that just looks like this, absolutley everywhere.




Theres nothing.


Lies! Just because there is no big cinemas or theme parks or anyhting liek that nearby doesn't mean there's nothing! Yesterday, about 40 people were all up at an old fort lieing around and doing crap. If Letty ever went anywhere she would find much enjoyment.


Most of the inhabitants are aged 100+.

The weather is constantly terrible.


More Lies. Most people aren't over 100, possibly in Bigton actually... but not most places. In fact, I bet that under 1% of people are over 100. Though I'm sure you aren't being serious. Hmmm


Also, yesterday, and today - and most of this week has been excellent weather. We were all sunbathing yesterday! Several people were topless.


You can not buy pineapples here.

There are no trains or trees.


You can buy pineapples here! At Sommerfield. I'm sure you can...


And we have no need for trains, we're a tiny island - buses suffice. Trees are of little importance, but again, lies! We have trees at Sullom and Kergord. A big forest in fact!


Shetland rules!

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Guest Jordan


Shetland rules!


No dude, Shetland seriously fucking sucks. There is literally nothing on that entire island. You'de know that if you'de ever lived anywhere else.

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My town is the most remarkable, in the fact that the most fascinating thing about it is that nothing fascinating has happened there.

Ok, there is the world's premier agricultural research centre, but that's about it.

And it has the biggest Highland Gathering in Europe outside Scotland.

And it had the first co-educational boarding and day combined school in the country (ie the first school that has both genders, both as boarders and day pupils), which I'm in.


And that's it.

No battles. No murders. Which the exception of some of the pupils and teachers in my school, no racist, homophobic, christian fuckwits. :wink:


It has no good shops, bar a small Smiths and a big-ish Sainsbury's near my house.


To do anything of any interest to people of my age, you have to hop on to the train to the Seventh Circle of Hell, Luton.

Ok, there's also St Albans in the other direction, but there's no cinema, and the train station is about a 1/2 hour walk from the city centre...


Oh, and there's loads and loads and loads of rich, arrogant, stupid Chavs here. They like to do nothing better than get pissed on Friday and Saturday night and kick our front gate in. Yay.


Can't wait to go to Uni, and get to civilisation.


ok I can beat you on all of those fronts. The town I live in has no train station. No Sainsburys, Tescos etc. It has a Co-op and a Sommerfield, the only chain shops are a clinton cards and a woolies the size of a postage stamp. There are no clubs, one trendy wine bar thats full of *****. About 10 pubs 8 of which are old man pubs the other 2 are full of 17 year old *****.


If you want to do anything you have to go to Colchester or Chelmsford, if you dont have a car or want to drink you rely on busses. which cost about £4 each way take over an hour and a half and stop running at 10:50. 7:00 on Sundays.


The only remotly famous thing to come out of the town I live (other than me) is that the referee who Paulo di Canio pushed over lives here. Thats it. I went to university for 3 years and I swear to god nothing changed at all during that time period. Can't wait to fucking leave again.


Edit: Although I dont live near Luton so you probably win actualy.

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No dude, Shetland seriously fucking sucks. There is literally nothing on that entire island. You'de know that if you'de ever lived anywhere else.


I'd rather be forced to make my own fun than to rely on things like cinema etc. Also, there is tonnes to do! Especially club wise. Pretty mcuh anything your interested in, you can go to a great youth group. Eg, Media Club! Youth Theatre! Many dancing troupes etc. And if there isn't one, you can pretty easily get funding and set one up. Alos, how many times did you go out when you were at Letty's? Did you go to Mousa?

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I'd rather be forced to make my own fun than to rely on things like cinema etc. Also, there is tonnes to do! Especially club wise. Pretty mcuh anything your interested in, you can go to a great youth group. Eg, Media Club! Youth Theatre! Many dancing troupes etc. And if there isn't one, you can pretty easily get funding and set one up. Alos, how many times did you go out when you were at Letty's? Did you go to Mousa?


Why would you want to go to Mousa :hmm:


All there is to do there is walk. And get cold and wet and miserable. Oh wait, that goes for the whole of Shetland too.

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Why would you want to go to Mousa :hmm:


All there is to do there is walk. And get cold and wet and miserable. Oh wait, that goes for the whole of Shetland too.


Instead of Jordan moving to you, you should move to Jordan, you can invade my house EVERY morning at 4am :D

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There are plenty of things to do and see in the Granite City, but do i like it? No because it is full of chavs/neds who constantly like to piss me off, though I have found a useful solution to the problem, a quick shove against a wall or a harty punch on the face.




That's my old school that I live just accross from, the breeding ground for all that is chav.

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I live in Caldicot which is a reletivley small town/large village. About half the people wo live here are nice enough to talk to, the other half are chavs from Newport or want to pick a fight.


Only good thing about where i live is that it has a members club which i am a member of and it is also where you can find the only people worth talking to as well and it has snooker/pool tables with regular tournaments. The other pubs tend to have fights every night of the week and one or two are dumps anyway.


There are no real good shops, just recently the film rental place shut down and is now an estate agents. We got 4 banks/building societys (HSBC, Halifax, Barclays, Nationwide, Lloyds TSB) why that many i don't know. We got more takeaways per mile than Rogiet, Magor and Undy combined.

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My parents live in a very small town, it's dull and I don't really get on with anyone around here anymore. I went to school here so I still see people I know around and will chat to them. One of the pubs is always quiet, one is always packed and two out of three have pool tables so can't complain on that front. I live in the country and love the places I can walk with my dog, music blasting on my headphones, hills everywhere and nobody for miles, that's the best part of this crappy place.



But I'm mostly in Sheffield. I flippin' love Sheffield, it's a great city. So many places to go, so many bars, pubs, clubs - its one of the most green cities in England. My only nag is the hills, I was hoping I would escape steep stretches home with shopping/overnight bags etc.. The specific area I live in isn't the greatest part of Sheffield, and I'm moving somewhere slightly dodgier next year, but hopefully I'll get by OK. I don't really go anywhere dodgy alone because there are muggings that happen nearby.


Meadowhall and bowling/big cinema are a free train-ride away and Devonshire green is a minute's walk away (skatepark and green area to sit around in) - aw heck I do like Sheffield a lot :D might wind up living here in the future too.

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Currently in Hull - its never dull!


Kingston-upon-Hull's a nice place dispite what people thnk of it. Yeah, went into a bit of a Thatcheresque slum in the 80s and 90s (due to the collapse of industry etc) but now it's being all done up with a nice new shopping centre (its massif) and they're regenerating all other bits too. The uni is pretty under-rated and its getting better. Hopefully it'll become more respected as time goes on..


I'm pretty much stuck here for the next 6 years, and I'm enjoying it! The people are nice, and its cheap to live. If I was to ever stay here then there's tonnes of lovely Postman Pat villages to live in and commute to Hull. So yeah. All's cool.


Manchester is awesome too.

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I live in a little village named Rhosybol, right at the top of the Isle of Anglesey near that town named Amlwch. Anglesey is an island populated mainly by the eldery and is a tourist's hot-spot. All my neighbours are 60+,and there is nobody in my age range here either. My closest friend in the village is 16, so a four year gap-there! Across the road to me there is boarded-up pub which does not look nice at all. For some bizzare reason we have three chapels and one church, which hardly get any use, but still remain active, and one small shop, which I go to every morning to pick up the papers. Yes that's right, they don't deliver! We also have a school, populated by around 40-50 children. As for chav's, there is only one group, so there is hardly any trouble here. For a night out, I have to travel to Bangor which is off the Island, and from where a taxi costs £40 to take us home! But for shopping, cinema and entertaiment, Llandudno is the closest place which is 40miles away lol!

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I don't live too far from Platty in that case, in a town called Bexleyheath(we used to be classed as barnehurst though).

It's got a bit of a reputation as a chavvy area and a bit of a crappy place, but I happen to quite like it. Just 5-10 minutes up the road from me is a rather nicely sized high street/shopping mall which has been pedestrianised to an extent, it's quite handy if you ever need anything cos you can usually find stuff there.

There's alot of pubs around the area, which does lead to a bit of trouble on a friday or saturday, but I don't mind going out around here, and then there's lots of choice of where to go. Got two wetherspoonses(one's closer and on the pedestrianised bit, but it got redone recently from more of a bar style to a pub style because of all the trouble i think). There's also a cinema right near to the shops, so if I ever fancy catching a film it's just a few minutes away.

It's also absolutely brilliant for buses, quite a little bus hub so you can get to most places you want with just 1 or 2 buses. Also, central london is only like an hour a bit away by train.




The only real problems I find are the slight numerousity of chavs, and there's ALOT of schoolkids around at school ending time, mainly congregating up at the Broadway(the shops, namely the pedestrianised bit). Also, kids seem to think they're untouchable, and can be a bit lairy. Apparently there's alot of fights amongst themselves as well. My friends don't like to come out around here, so I usually find myself going up to welling on greenwich for a night at the pub.


Yeah you just live up the road. Infact I play football at the Goals in Bexleyheath just behind the Asda.


I dont tend to go out at night in Bexleyheath anymore cos the people there just annoy me. Everyone looks the same, dresses the same, the girls all have the same hair and talk the same, whatever happened to being an individual? it's all very chavvy and gahh does my head in. I tend to go to Greenwich or further into town these days (Maybe im just getting old).


The only pub I really go to in Bexleyheath is the Yacht which is tucked round the back.....im in there most sunday evenings :)

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I live in a small village called Moniaive in a random valley in the south of Dumfries & Galloway in South-West of Scotland, about 10 miles from Thornhill (and Gaggle's place) and a couple of miles from the regions main town Dumfries which is allways a plus.


Moniaive Market Place headding south


Moniaive Market Place headding north


The good pub


The evil pub


Its not really a bad place but when the village festivals start the place gets over-run by tourists, the guys from Franz-Ferdinad have a house here and the creators of Batman and Judge Dredd also have a house here. I'll try and get more pictures if i can...

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I suppose I have two homes. Newport and Brighton. Not really all that similar, haha.


Ok, Newport for a start. It's where I grew up. I've had some happy times there, it's where I went to school, had many awesome days out over the years.


But, I think I've fallen out of love with the place. In all honesty, out of the last year, I've had about three great nights out. I've been back in Brighton for 3 weeks, and I've had triple that. I've got a few close mates from there, but apart from that, I don't think much is keeping me back there. Got some good memories, but also have some bad, no, terrible memories of that place.


Brighton on the other hand, I love it. I'm living by myself at the moment, since my ex moved out, and it's been a rough ride, but there have been upsides. Generally, I think I get along with people better here, and I find myself more at ease. At home, I don't think I have that. A lot of the time people just seem to be out for themselves.


Haha, that's probably a bit off topic. But, in regards to the area, there just always seems to be somewhere to go, something to do down here. You don't have that in Newport. There's one halfdecent club, and it's fucking Walkabout, which is pretty crap. Don't even get me started on the Meze Lounge. It's fun the first 3 times, WHEN YOU ARE 16. The cool factor has worn off, fucking get over it people.


Alright, now I'm mad.

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