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Your First Love...


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Misty from Pokemon.


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i agree...i;m only 15 and i have a couple of mates, ones who;'s been going out with a girl for about 7 months, 1 for only 1 month and all i hear is how its "true love" and that they will always be together. It really pisses me off, oh and on msn when they have there gf/bf names on thier msn name and say "luv you so much". ARGH.


Love is just a word thrown about these days, its so overused it basically means nout anymore.


lol i'll stop ranting now


Maybe this is a Scottish teenager thing, but its the exact same for me. I hate it, it's always the neds too.


I'm right handed but use my left hand (weird I know).


We did not need to know this.



On the subject of love, I haven't found it yet. I have a female friend who I'm starting to think of as more, and I think she feels the same, but I haven't made a move yet and we haven't talked about it. We really should.

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First love.


Some might say love is overrated by nothing beats that feeling in your body, you;re both happy and sad (if you dont have him/her yet). Being in love doesnt last forever, but loving someone can.


My first REAL love was a teenage relationship. People said we would break up, we're just too young.


We're together for 5,5 years now. Do not listen to the world. Listen to your heart.


Yeah, you can laugh now.

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i dont care about these people who say teenage relationships arent real or whatever. i am 16 and im in love with a girl called ashleigh. she moved to florida about 3 years ago (i live in england) and everyday kills me. i speak to her most days on msn, but its not enough, i want to be with her to care for her and be there for her but 3000 miles is such a fucking long way... also she just started going out with some dude and although im happy for her, it depresses me so much. i literally want to cry sometimes...

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when i first asked someone out in school i told a mate....well what i thought was a mate. During break the girl (carly) came over and took me to you side to say she has changed her mind...someone mustve said something. So i said again to mate and he out of nothing got angry and said that id only be boasting if i was going out with her. That was the last time me and him hung out.


I tryed to tell carly the situation and that my mate is wrong but she didnt change her mind...some friend...what a arsehole.


First proper love was not until i was 21 after leaving school from bullying i had low self esteem to ask anyone out and was thanks to my mates i still see today that i now can ask them out. Well so yea i was working at the passport office when a mate there introduced me to her friend who met up with him during dinner me and her (steph) chatted a bit and had a laugh during dinner with my mate as well of course. That night after work i got a text from her we texted a bit...met up few days later and went out for bout 3 months.

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Hrash story about the Carly BeerMonkey but she sounds pretty shallow anyway. Only someone of very little brain can be convinced by that kind of rubbish. You are better off without.


Questions to the floor: Is love overated? Do people only want love/relationships because we have been braught up in a society that instructs us we must? With that in mind do we need to have relationships (on a spiritual level)?

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When your young you can kinda fool yourself into thinking you in love, but as you get older you see how naive you were, and how little you knew. It's been almost two years since i thought i was in love for the first time, don't think i was though, i was happy but in retrospect it deosnt seem much more than a happy conveniance. also when your gay its a little harder to find a proper relationship since a large amount of people are just after sex.


I think i'm still finding out who i am really, what i like and don't like and how i want to live my life. I shouldnt really be wanting one since i don't know what i want but i still want love. i think its a terrible addiction and its all too easy to look too hard and miss some really great people and relationships.


Questions to the floor: Is love overated? Do people only want love/relationships because we have been braught up in a society that instructs us we must? With that in mind do we need to have relationships (on a spiritual level)?


well i think everyone doesnt want to be alone, and wants to find someone they can spend time with, who they enjoy being around and totally adore. don't think society has much to do with it as human nature does.

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Questions to the floor: Is love overated? Do people only want love/relationships because we have been braught up in a society that instructs us we must? With that in mind do we need to have relationships (on a spiritual level)?


Hmm, personally, I don't think love is over-rated/overated. Whichever one is the correct spelling. :D


I think it's great to be able to really connect and have a deep understanding with someone else, someone that you feel really strong about. I think being in love and being in a relationship are different, because you can be in a relationship and it can be great and all that, but you still don't need to love the other person. Plus, there's people who just stay together for convenience sake, or because they don't want to be alone, etc.


So, imo, relationships are overated, but to me love isn't. I think peer pressure and friendship groups have a part to play in that. For example, if you're part of a small circle of friends, and they all start pairing up, a person might feel that they 'have' to be in a relationship to get in with the crowd, if that makes sense. I don't agree with it, but I think there is some truth to it.

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well i think everyone doesnt want to be alone, and wants to find someone they can spend time with, who they enjoy being around and totally adore. don't think society has much to do with it as human nature does.


More and more nowaday I find that my friends provide (almost ;) ) everything which would be in a relationship. If I maintain a good group of friends I wonder if I will REALLY need a relationship again. You see, to me not wanting to be alone when you have friends and family with you is a sign of insecurity. I used to constantly be looking for a relationship and I still hate that part of myself cos I see it as weak. But now that I dont feel like that, I dont feel the need for one at all. On the other hand I wouldnt object to being in a relationship, I just find it interesting why we do these things.


For instance, in my latter teen years I realised that my want for love or even my general image of love had been totally tainted and hijacked by movies/music and so on. They over sensationalised love and made it seem so important that I ended putting a lot of pressure upon myself emotionally. For me personally, it was important to be in love almost so I could just get over it. To use a line from Moulin Rouge, "Thankyou for curing me of my rediculous obsession with Love."


And before anyone says so, no I'm not bitter. Actually I'm quite happy atm.

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Well I don't really have friends, and a family can only offer so much, so I do want to be in a relationship as to not end up alone. Plus friends and family aren't around all the time, especially if you're gonna live on your own.


So I want to be in a relationship cause I don't want to be alone all the time, cause that scares me (I already get scared when I'm home alone). D:

Though a relationship for me must be based on love though, otherwise I can't see it lasting (for me).

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You are always gonna be my love

Itsuka darekato mata koi ni ochitemo

I'll remember to love you taught me how

You are always gonna be the one

Ima wa mada kanashii love love songu

Atarashii uta utaeru made


You will always be inside my heart

Itsumo anata dake no basho ga aru kara

I hope that I have a place in your heart too

Now and forever you are still the one

Ima wa mada kanashii love love song

Atarashii uta utaeru made


I like this song from Hikaru Utada, it's called First Love, and oddly enough, I got into Utada and her songs thanks to my first love, so this song bears special memories as when I listen to it those times flood back to me. Odd huh. Anyone else have songs that remind them of stuff like that? Or is that just me?

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I've been with my girlfriend for over 3 months now. I think I'm in love with her, but do I just love her? It's hard to say because I've never really been "in love" before. I've had a few infatuations but not real love. I would do anything for my girlfriend and I can't bear being away from her. So I do love her, and I think I'm in love with her.



I do find it annoying how some people use the word love too often and too easily. But I hate it how some people tell somebody that they are wrong and don't know what they are on about when they say they are in love. Everybody sees love as something different. People fall in and out of love more easily than others. Maybe in time some people will realise that they weren't actually in love when they thought they were. But it's not for you to tell them whether they are right or wrong.

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I was toghether with my first real girlfriend for 1.5y, we ended quite tragically, sick relationship etc. i banned her from my life, she went to Nepal, I was happy I wouldn't have to see her again


and today I heard she's back!!! => Absolute Horror and worst news ever


and i'm not still in love with her or any other crazy theory

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I've been with my girlfriend for over 3 months now. I think I'm in love with her, but do I just love her? It's hard to say because I've never really been "in love" before. I've had a few infatuations but not real love. I would do anything for my girlfriend and I can't bear being away from her. So I do love her, and I think I'm in love with her.



I do find it annoying how some people use the word love too often and too easily. But I hate it how some people tell somebody that they are wrong and don't know what they are on about when they say they are in love. Everybody sees love as something different. People fall in and out of love more easily than others. Maybe in time some people will realise that they weren't actually in love when they thought they were. But it's not for you to tell them whether they are right or wrong.


I wasn't sure if I was in love with my girlfriend, but after the past few weeks I know i definately am. The other night we went for a walk together (slow walks are so cute), and it made me realise how much I really do love her. It's pretty crazy to think how i've got on without her these past 17 years, because when we're together everything just fits together perfectly.


Also I agree with your point about people realising that they weren't actually in love with people; i think we're all growing up in a society where the term 'I love you' is being used WAY too loosely and people think that they 'love' someone when really they just like them a lot. BIG Difference.

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Interesting thread, I found out yesterday that one of my mates little brothers(who happens to be mates with some of my mates) got engaged to his girlfriend of 3 years! That strikes me as kind of crazy, he's only like 19, and...Younger than me! It seems weird, but it's nice to know someone is so sure about something at such a young age.

As for me, I've never really been in love, but I have been in lust and infactuated, to be honest part of it still lingers with me. Something worth reading for bored people out there, is the triangular theory of love(I think that's it, I'll get the wiki and be back in about 10 seconds, or 30 minutes).


EDIT: All right wow, turns out it is called that and my first wiki yielded it. It's a nice little theory, I like it.


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I find it strange that the girl I love now doesn't have that much in common with with me. But still we are both madly in love an thinking about moving to Prague together.


But I had tons of things in common with my xgirlfriend, but I didn't love her as much as I love the new one.

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