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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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If I got it right


Ada sent Wesker/Umbrella a useless Las Plagas sample, and gave the real one to her organisation. So, either the organisation wanted to freeze (or even destroy) the sample so noone could use it; or they want to experiment on it themselves.


Basically, they've left it so they can revive Las Plagas whenever they want, or can leave it alone.


That's how I saw it.


I thought Ada left with Wesker in the chopper?

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So we don't know about Ada's organization?


My only niggle with the game is that if you haven't played any other Resi games your pretty stuffed for character back story...And I with they would have added a few more not-zombie character models to this version..


I didn't think Wesker was in the chopper...was he?

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So we don't know about Ada's organization?


My only niggle with the game is that if you haven't played any other Resi games your pretty stuffed for character back story...And I with they would have added a few more not-zombie character models to this version..


I didn't think Wesker was in the chopper...was he?


Oh, was he on a video screen? I can't remember I thought he might have been in or flying the chopper!

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Maybe Wesker was just on a video screen, I would love to see what happened afterwards, isn't that black mob infected with Las Plagas in RE5? They moved like it, much faster than Zombies.


Went back to play through Resi Evil Remake again and god was it impossible to control, was still impressive graphically (even though it was pre rendered) but the tank controls are simply awful, I made it to the first typewriter and had to stop...


I had the very same problem, in RE0 I just couldn't handle the slow gameplay and the bad camera angles, after RE4 I just couldn't accept not being able to see what I was shooting at, especially with those extra tough leech things.

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Maybe Wesker was just on a video screen, I would love to see what happened afterwards, isn't that black mob infected with Las Plagas in RE5? They moved like it, much faster than Zombies.




I had the very same problem, in RE0 I just couldn't handle the slow gameplay and the bad camera angles, after RE4 I just couldn't accept not being able to see what I was shooting at, especially with those extra tough leech things.


There is one perfect way to deal with the Leech Zombies.... I RUN LIKE HELL.... those things are scarier than Hunters, Iron Maidens and Lickers combined

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  • 2 years later...

RE2 was my favourite Resi game but Resi 4 is my favourite game ever, be it a resi game or not in some peoples eyes. I played it to death on GC & again on Wii.

Whatever people think the resi name provided the budget for this classic & ensured more people played it than would without the Resi name. one things for sure, the control scheme of Resi 4 makes it almost impossible to go back to the archaic controls of the previous Resi's and this game is still prefered in many peoples eyes to the newer HD, all whistles & bells Resi 5.

In my opinion the control scheme for resi games needed to evolve whilst keeping the tension, puzzles & panic of previous resi's. Maybe for the next resi if they use Dead Space as a template with traditional Resi settings & zombies i'd pre-order it now lol.

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  • 1 year later...

Last night I resurrected the House of the Dead: Overkill thread due to recently returning to it and having an absolute blast with the unlockable Director's Cut..


Today, I dipped my toe back into the world of Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition with similar results. The game is still sensational and, although I only ever sampled the sequel for an hour or so, I can't imagine it came anywhere close to this :eek:


Having completed the main game a few years ago for the second time (after originally clearing it on the Gamecube) followed by Assignment Ada some time after I made my way back to it by diving into The Mercenaries. After several failed attempts, I eventually got to grips with it and it was incredibly tense and exciting :grin: Being constantly under attack really gets the adrenaline flowing and I didn't stop until I unlocked all the characters!


I then tucked into the other unlockable I've been saving all this time.. Separate Ways. I'm a couple of missions into it now and I'm loving my time with it and have become absorbed in the atmosphere all over again :hehe: I love it :yay:

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I think I'm the only person who hated the Wii controls. Couldn't get to grips with them at all. And the thing that doubly fucked me off was that I traded in my Gamecube version to get this so now I don't have it at all after trading in this one as well.

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I think I'm the only person who hated the Wii controls. Couldn't get to grips with them at all. And the thing that doubly fucked me off was that I traded in my Gamecube version to get this so now I don't have it at all after trading in this one as well.


Uhhh... You can also play the Wii Edition with the Gamecube controller, actually :blank:

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It's a testament to the lack of quality titles on the Wii that the front page of Wii Discussion contains about 5-6 threads of games from 2008/9....


Not really, this game is an all time classic and one of the best games of all time, and possibly the best iteration of the best RE game. This deserves love and praise for decades to come!

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I don't disagree, this is one of my favourite games ever. But why hasn't there been a new Resident Evil game on the Wii worth talking about this much?


Cos Capcom would rather release the lightgun Resi games then declare theres no market for Resident Evil on the Wii... ::shrug:

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