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When you start a game what is the level you start on.i usually give out to people for starting games like halo on easy or whatever just to see all the game.


I personally like to take my time with games.But its a real thing with me.i HAVE to play it on the hardest difficulty no matter what! it really causes a problem with some games.So i prefer for games to give you the hard option after completing normal(like metroid primes)


So whats your difficulty?


I'm not obsessed with games having to be difficult in order to feel some sense of accomplishment. In my mind, I just want to play the game and enjoy it. My setting of choice would be the normal default setting.


I would like to say I start out at the hardest difficulty available and then beat the game with ease but i usually start on the easiest difficulty to get the hang of the game. I would then beat it, (Get achievement points:D) and then start it again on the hardest difficulty.


I always go for the normal level. I hate playing through on easy as the sense of accomplishment is really diminished. However I find that certain games are too hard to play through on hard the first time around. I'll usually go back and do it on hard if I really like that game. In Resident Evil though I always choose the harder over the easier as there is initially only two settings. I also found the hard mode on Killer 7 really silly as some of the puzzles are very random and not based wholey in the world of logic.


I usually start games in normal. Although, I admit I chose "Easy" on Resident Evil 4. (Lets just say I'm awful at conserving stuff like ammo)


I usually go on the easiest setting; thoguh on some I'll go through on normal....depends what I feel like going through at the start and how hard the game's supposed to be.


On C&C i'll usually go through on normal though, because the computer plays craply usually otherwise.


I always start most games on normal difficulty, then do hard if i like the game enough, like Metroid prime. The only exception is FPSs and shooters in general, i really am bad at them, but i actually enjoy them, so i put it on easy.


I always start on normal unless you get something for doing it on easy. if that is the case I start on easy and work my way up. Personally im not a big fan of the difficulty levels in games, I much prefer them to just make 1 setting and leave it at that.


I always played on the easiest setting, because firstly, I'm rubbish at games, and secondly I like to get through a game and see it all, then maybe play through harder once I've finished it.


It's a shame more games don;t give better incentives to play through on different levels of difficulty. Most are pretty dull, you take more damage, enemies take less etc. At best you get a few more enemies to blast with a little less ammo.


Now Goldeneye, that was great. The whole idea of having more objectives and a more complex mission as the difficulty went up was brilliant. It really added replay value to the game and made you want to come back and beat everything.

  thirtynine. said:
i go with the default.

except on tony hawks games where beating each one gives you something. in which case i play easy to hard.

Tony Hawk's games had difficulty levels? o_o


I usually start on Normal. Enough to get used to the game, not so easy that you fly through it. Games like RE4 I'm definitely glad I didn't start on easy since it skips huge parts out.

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