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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Bearable' date=' yes (and I wouldn't have bothered if I hadn't been able to see the collectibles on the map), but a complete waste of time after the first thirty. If I go to the trouble of finding 100 collectibles, I expect some sort of in-game reward, even if it's just an alternate outfit or something. I loved the collectibles in [i']Grand Theft Auto 3[/i] and Vice City, but found less than a dozen pigeons in Grand Theft Auto IV. In the previous games, you'd look behind that big mansion or make your way to the top of that large skyscraper and there'd often be a package/statue there, so I felt like I was being rewarded for exploring. In IV, the pigeons were in really strange places and were so hard to find that there were times when I was standing right next to one and couldn't spot it.
  2. I don't usually touch things out in public with my mouth. I do kiss my pets, though. But not on the mouth.
  3. He owes it all to this:
  4. Just dress up like the guy in that picture and no one will care what your skin looks like.
  5. Some trophies/achievements do encourage you to do fun things that you may not have done otherwise, though. Just Cause 2 has a trophy for reaching the highest point on the island, which I probably wouldn't have bothered doing otherwise. There's another one for doing a really high base jump. I like it when you're encouraged to do things like that and are rewarded for it. There are also several trophies for killing enemies in different ways. It's like, "hey, you can attach people to cars and drive away with them in tow!" and because there's a trophy for it you may try it out and find that it's a fun way to kill people. Then there are games like Assassin's Creed: Revelations, which has 100 collectibles scattered across the map. The first 30 unlock bonus puzzle levels (which are absolutely terrible, but whatever), while the remaining 70 are just there for a trophy. That just felt like a waste of time.
  6. I played Eternal Sonata on the PS3 recently and was disappointed because it didn't have trophies. I think they can be a fun bonus, but I don't care about them enough to go out of my way too much to get them. I don't bother if they seem to difficult or if they require multiple playthroughs and definitely not if there are any multiplayer achievements. Just the ones I can get while playing through the game normally and occasionally going out of my way to do things that seem fun/easy. It's hard to be too obsessive about achievements/trophies when you spread your multi-platform games out over three systems. :p
  7. It's safe to enter the chat room now, Eddie.
  8. Just don't use it on your testicles.
  9. "Stunning":
  10. No pressure, RedShell!
  11. Where's @RedShell to vote for Rhythm Paradise when you need him?
  12. Tombi!/Tomba!. Didn't even realize there was a bigger screenshot until I came here to post the answer. :p
  13. That's how I imagine Bob when he's playing Xpert 11.
  14. In the land of the blind... :p
  15. Because it's Pixar, and while I'm shamefully bad at watching movies, I'm always in a hurry to watch anything Pixar. But then everyone said that Cars 2 wasn't that great, and here we are.
  16. I sort of feel like there's no room for this in my life what with The Sims 3 getting a new expansion every six months with two more on the way before the end of the year. It does look gloriously Japanese, though, so it's got that going for it.
  17. Well, I'm definitely not going to catch up to you there! I haven't watched an anime in years. Currently working on movie number three (Cars 2), so watch out, Coolness. :p
  18. You've only watched 200 movies this year? God, Cooolness. It's like you're not even trying.
  19. Not really. It's the one (proper) Zelda game I don't like. :p But I guess this game may still be good. Maybe.
  20. Enjoy the jizz fest while it lasts, Aneres. It'll be over in November. :p I'll be so embarrassed if it turns out the game sucks.
  21. Apparently you can buy AppleCare separately and from somewhere else (so you may not need to pay £200), so you could buy your MacBook Pro now and then buy AppleCare before your warranty runs out if you still want it. So says the mighty Google, at least. The mighty Google also says that yes, AppleCare is good to have, and no, you don't really need AppleCare.
  22. I finished the game in 135 hours and did every sidequest I could find, so I think you're just a very slow player. Though it's a moot point, anyway. If you've beaten the last boss and seen the credits, you've completed the game.
  23. Don't forget Virtue's Last Reward! I know @Aneres11 is really excited about it, too.
  24. I was so excited when I saw Picross on the eShop the other day, and then I realized it was just a trailer. It's about time we're getting this.
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