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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. 49. Heavy Rain - MoogleViper 50. Little Samson - Ville 51. Jeanne d'Arc - Tales 52. Bulletstorm - The Peeps 53. The Dig - MoogleViper 54. Gex - Dog-amoto 55. Aladdin - MoogleViper 56. Sleeping Dogs - heroicjanitor 57. Deus Ex - Jonnas 58. Second Sight - / nando / 59. Super Mario Galaxy - Jonnas 60. Fallout - Dog-amoto
  2. Tell her to upgrade to an iPhone 5.
  3. I'm kind of hoping they'll break soon just for the inevitable post in the Bad Stuff thread.
  4. They're turning it into an article, so I really don't think they have time to wait for you to clear your backlog.
  5. I'm in the chat room almost every night. :sad:


    You should ask your parents to let you stay up late.

  6. I want them to remake it as an FPS.
  7. There is no page 1138 or 1139. It's a bug.
  8. It's a puzzle-platformer where you have to switch between three different characters with different abilities to get through the levels. I'm not sure what about that makes you think of Crystal Chronicles. :p
  9. It takes place fifteen years after all electricity suddenly stops working. With sexy results.
  10. I kind of like mediums, though. Especially when they fail. I saw this clip on YouTube where a woman asked a medium about her dead husband, and the medium said she could sense water. Erm, water? Yes, he died in water. And the woman looked really confused and said he was a firefighter who died during 9/11. The medium refused to back down and finally the co-host had to mumble something about how firefighters are usually around water so that's probably what she meant now let's move on. I can't stand those ghost hunting shows, though, because there's no disappointment and crushed hopes in them. I just don't believe in vaginas, period. Have you ever seen one? Yeah, I didn't think so.
  11. I guess the good thing about this is that it may finally bring Final Mix to the Western world and RE: Chain of Memories to Europe. I really can't stand Chain of Memories, though.
  12. I've been reading through the thread and someone posted this MovieBob video that I think is worth posting again because it's so funny. He has an actual character called "Straw Man" who just makes up arguments so MovieBob can have some easy arguments to knock down. Comedy gold. Maybe the next Metroid game will be a kart racer. And then we can all praise them for trying something different again.
  13. I finished Metroid: Other M last night, and I thought it was great. I haven't laughed like this since playing Eternal Sonata. The baby! The Deleter! Ridley! The whole thing is comedy gold. Other than the fantastic writing, the rest was okay, I guess? The controls were passable, but they never felt natural. The game is super linear, but that's okay, because exploring will pretty much only yield you more missile packs, anyway (I counted forty billion, but I know I missed a few). The scanning made me nostalgic for nineties adventure games for some reason. Oh! I almost forgot the best part: starting out with all of your equipment but not being able to use it until you're told to. Comedy. Gold.
  14. A quick Google search brings up the Cronus adapter, which allows you to use an Xbox 360 controller on your PS3. That may be worth looking into.
  15. I propose an N-E potluck meet next year. :p
  16. ... MovieBob, is that you? Anyway, I wasn't looking to turn this into an Other M thread. I was just pondering if Team Ninja realize how lucky they are to get a chance to fix their sucky game. If this had been a smaller developer and a less popular series, they'd be lucky to still be in business. Must be nice to be Team Ninja. Edit: Well, this post makes so much sense now.
  17. It must be nice to always get a chance to remake every Ninja Gaiden game at least once.
  18. I can't believe you're arguing about a pair of headphones. You could at least argue about something that matters. Like the Zelda timeline.
  19. It started on Sunday in the US.
  20. @Supergrunch will be so excited.
  21. Um, I'm pretty sure you only need two. Three, if you want one in the collectopaedia. No wonder you've been playing this game for 5,000 hours.
  23. This was exactly my thought the moment I saw this thread. Remember Alcatraz, ReZ? Remember... The Killing? You killed it, ReZ. It's all on you. Though this is apparently on NBC, so if more than five people watch it, it may very well run for ten seasons! I had to google Revolution to remember that it's that show where there's no electricity anymore. I'm shamefully unaware of the new shows starting this season, but I've learned that it's better to wait a while to see what's good and unlikely to get canceled before you start watching.
  24. Nerds throw the best parties. ... Right? I like how modern all the furniture looks. That's exactly the kind of furniture I always go for when I play The Sims.
  25. She'd need to keep her clothes on, though. And then what would be the point!
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