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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I bet every guy who walks past that 'touch here' sign takes the same picture. :p
  2. On that note, 1 is Wonder Boy in Monster Land Mônica no Castelo do Dragão.
  3. I do like to think I'm pretty good at googling by now. Anyway, we can have this discussion when Jonnas's round is over. I keep imagining him getting excited every time someone posts in the thread and being disappointed that nobody's guessing.
  4. There's a huge difference between googling and just doing an image search, though.
  5. I like the strategical placement of the logo.
  6. Never heard of it before, will forget it exists by tomorrow. :p
  7. Two of the DLC missions for Mass Effect 2 (Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrival) are important to the plot, but it's not like you won't understand what's going on in Mass Effect 3 if you skip them. Lair of the Shadow broker is one of my favorite missions in the game, though. As long as you have From Ashes for Mass Effect 3, you're set. That's the one piece of DLC I'd really recommend not skipping. But really, other than Pinnacle Station for the first game, most of the DLC has been pretty good, so it's worth getting if you end up enjoying the games.
  8. 5 is Asterix & Obelix XXL 2: Mission: Las Vegum. I eventually realized that that wasn't actually Rayman. And 4 is Solomon’s Club.
  9. 2 is Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.
  10. You say that like there was ever any doubt.
  11. Yeah, this just seems stupid if it's not going to be complete. I realize they probably want to get it out before Christmas, but bleh. Not that I would have bought it anyway. :p Man, this sure makes the Wii U version of Mass Effect 3 look tempting!
  12. Yes! I thought that would be the easiest drawing to figure out. The Dig is all about using a shovel! ROUND OVER. Magnus - 62 Dog-amoto - 26 Captain Falcon - 23 Moogle- 22 Jonnas - 21 The Peeps - 13 Cube - 9 / nando / - 6 Coolness Bears - 5 Tales - 5 heroicjanitor - 4 bob - 2 Dannyboy-the-Dane - 2 Daft - 2 uəʌəsʎɐɾ - 2 Smeagol - 2 Ville - 2 Mandalore - 1 ShavenWolf - 1 Zell - 1 Ellmeister - 1 darksnowman - 1 EEVILMURRAY - 1
  13. Yes! I think you were overthinking my picture.
  14. Nope. No, I didn't see your edit, but that is, of course, correct.
  15. It is indeed! I knew the gecko would give it away. :p
  16. No, sorry.
  17. I nominate every thread I've ever posted in. Including this one.
  18. Aww, don't feel too bad. It probably had nothing to do with you. Maybe she died and her parents deleted her profile!
  19. "Wait a minute... that's not a tan!" *DELETE DELETE DELETE*
  20. Better to find out if she's a dud now than weeks from now, I'd say. :p
  21. They've said they're currently writing it like it's the final season, but they have a plan B in case the show gets renewed for another season. Hopefully this is the final season, though. I've had about as much padding as I can take. Oh, you always say that. Sometimes even about other TV shows!
  22. Great, now I don't know who to vote for.
  23. Do I - who's white and grew up in a place where white was the 'default' - think about my skin color? Erm, no.
  24. "What ethnicity do you find most attractive?" and "Would you much prefer to have children that weren't quadroons?"
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