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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. @Supergrunch will be so excited.
  2. Um, I'm pretty sure you only need two. Three, if you want one in the collectopaedia. No wonder you've been playing this game for 5,000 hours.
  4. This was exactly my thought the moment I saw this thread. Remember Alcatraz, ReZ? Remember... The Killing? You killed it, ReZ. It's all on you. Though this is apparently on NBC, so if more than five people watch it, it may very well run for ten seasons! I had to google Revolution to remember that it's that show where there's no electricity anymore. I'm shamefully unaware of the new shows starting this season, but I've learned that it's better to wait a while to see what's good and unlikely to get canceled before you start watching.
  5. Nerds throw the best parties. ... Right? I like how modern all the furniture looks. That's exactly the kind of furniture I always go for when I play The Sims.
  6. She'd need to keep her clothes on, though. And then what would be the point!
  7. I didn't even have to google that name to know he was a member of Fun. But then I googled it anyway so I wouldn't make a fool of myself.
  8. I really don't see how Assassin's Creed would work with a Wiimote. A standard controller barely has enough buttons for these games!
  9. They did the same with season 5 of Angel, but that didn't stop it from being considerably weaker than season 4. :p Maybe at the end of the season, they'll just decide to leave. "You know what? I'm tired of always having to tape The X Factor and watching it when we're not having crazy adventures. Goodbye forever, Doctor." Just like in real life! *Doesn't watch Doctor Who*
  10. From now on, everything will be sparkly! I actually made the legendaries in my chess set out of sparkly clay, but I don't think they're as sparkly as some of those Pokémon.
  11. There's a thread you can use if you want to complain about achievements.
  12. I've pretty much given up on headphones and just use my inbuilt laptop speakers these days. At least they don't break every few months. You should consider yourself lucky! :p
  13. There are so many hilarious things about that post if you've ever heard Diego talk about his relationship. :p
  14. No excuses, Jay. :p
  15. I think open relationships can work if you're both open (teehee) to the idea, but they won't work if you want different things. If it's going to bother you whenever she goes out with someone else, then maybe it's not for you. Plus it depends on what your expectations are. Is this just going to be a fun thing where you go out/have sex with each other but it's nothing serious? Or is there the potential for something more serious where you're both exclusive to each other? Or maybe you'd decide to become a couple but still have an open relationship. Make sure you're on the same page. So, erm... do whatever feels right for you, I don't care. :p
  16. So I thought it was worth bumping this thread to say that this game is worth playing if you're the kind of person who can look past the flaws in a game and enjoy the things it does well. Basically, what Aimless has been saying all along. If you really like flaws, you can do what I did and play the PC version. Then you get to suffer through mouse smoothing and figuring out which of the Xbox 360 controller prompts correspond to which keys. There's no way to change the control setup in-game - instead you have to use a separate configuration file that hilariously resets the graphics options every time you open it. There's a patch that's supposed to fix most of these issues, but all it did for me was add an option for mouse speed. Very helpful! Anyway, my point is that I still enjoyed the game! The action is solid and the bosses are pretty satisfying. The loyalty system is very basic and a bit silly at times, but I still liked trying to be friends with everyone. It helps that the characters are likable. Whether or not your teammates like you also affects the ending somewhat! And speaking of the ending, the story was actually a lot better than I was expecting. I haven't played the demo, but I assume it's part of the first chapter, and that's easily the least interesting part of the game. It doesn't take long for the story to get more interesting, more characters to get introduced and the combat to get more fun. It's not as polished as Gears of War (not even close!), but I enjoyed this a lot more.
  17. You're paraphrasing. "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." I want to paraphrase, too. :p "All delayed games are good."
  18. While I'm sure the lack of achievements/trophies will somehow improve the sequel, the PlayStation 3 version of the first game was handled by a different developer, so they were focused on just one version back then too. :p
  19. Aww, but every single one of those games is better than Resident Evil 5. I'll leave the racing game suggestions to people who actually play racing games, but I will say that TrackMania 2: Canyon was released recently.
  20. Your enjoyment of Resident Evil 5 is entirely dependent on whether you play it alone or in co-op. You say you like games that make you laugh, so the Portal games should be a priority if you haven't played them already. Have you played Psychonauts? That's pretty funny too. If you don't mind something more serious, um... Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Bioshock, Batman: Arkham Asylum (so you're prepared for the sequel on the Wii U), Hitman: Blood Money, Skyrim, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Assassin's Creed 2 or Brotherhood... if you haven't ventured outside the Nintendo circle in seven years, there are probably another four dozen games you should play. :p Though I have no interest in it myself, I'm going to suggest Dark Souls before anyone else does. If you like challenging combat you'll probably enjoy it. The Mass Effect trilogy is mostly great if you like action-heavy RPGs, but three games in the same series may be a bit too much of a time investment if you only need to fill the void until the Wii U is released. I was going to suggest Sleeping Dogs, but you'll probably be tired of open-world games after Saints Row 3. It's a great game, though.
  21. I didn't play the demo, so I can only assume it's not representative of the full game.
  22. It probably helps.
  23. Nothing like abusing save states to get through a game! I've done that a few times in different games, but it doesn't usually endear me to them. (Edit: And at a certain point you may as well just use cheat codes.) I didn't actually need them in this game, but it was a pain to get through. Zelda 2 is the one Zelda game I can't stand, and the ridiculous difficulty level is a big part of the reason why. Go away, Zelda 2, and don't come back unless you bring your much superior handheld brothers and sisters with you.
  24. Maybe Chrome only accepts "films". Chrome is a bit pretentious.
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