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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Except applause, of course. Got to let Bruce Willis know he did a good job! I sometimes used to go to the movies with friends back in my foolish youth. Everyone always just wanted to decide on a movie when we got there instead of deciding beforehand. And I'd always think, "man, we're probably going to watch [good movie I want to watch]!" but then it'd turn out that everyone had already seen it and we'd end up watching something boring like Eragon or Mr and Mrs Smith. And afterwards I'd try to complain about the movie being bad and they'd just tell me that they liked it and I should stop being so negative all the time. It's no fun watching bad movies if you can't make fun of them during/afterwards. :p
  2. I'll be watching! It'll be interesting to see if the show can stay good after the events in the season two finale.
  3. Speaking of Picross, I wasn't expecting much when finishing Picross e, but it would have been nice if the ending message had at least been grammatically correct. "We hope you continue to have fun in world of Picross", indeed. I need more Picross now, Nintendo. It doesn't have to be that new 80x80 game, but something more ambitious than Picross e would be nice.
  4. Look at it this way, though: you just saved a bunch of money! :p
  5. But you know you're just going to fill it up with twice as much music and end up having the same problem! :p
  6. I forbid anyone to play this game, period. You'll save so much time! You're welcome. "Shoehorn" is a silly choice of words for a game that even the fans admit isn't much fun on your own. :p And while the Japanese may love local multiplayer, Westerners are a lot more spread out and generally seem to prefer/expect online multiplayer. Capcom knows that. And they have six months to add it.
  7. So is nobody watching the American version? Come on, N-E. Let's hear how awful it is.
  8. Bayonetta was critically acclaimed, so you should be happy they're releasing the sequel to a good game. :p
  9. "None of them are that good." Well, that's it. Thread closed. No one's going to top that. Let's all pack our bags and go home.
  10. I'm not sure it's really taken that long. At this pace, you'll catch up with Mike soon. :p
  11. 6 is Comix Zone.
  12. 1 reminds me of Deadly Premonition.
  13. 4 has to be The Typing of the Dead.
  14. The game froze for me after that boring SHMUP sequence and the second time I died against the final boss because I'd brought with me so many useless units. Oh, how I love the lack of save points during the endgame. But yeah, just hurry up and finish the game already. :p
  15. I'll never understand Nintendo's obsession with Miis. But I never understand Nintendo, period, so...
  16. I thought this game was pretty great! You need to get in on the Sleeping Dogs action, @Dog\-amoto. It'll make the wait for Grand Theft Auto V easier.
  17. Moogle just left, so there's no reason to lie anymore.
  18. But the hype, Rummy! The hype! I rarely pre-order games because I always tell myself that this time I'm going to be sensible and wait for a price drop, but then the hype gets to me. Which is silly, because I know that if I just wait a few weeks until everyone stops talking about how awesome [latest big gaming release] is, my urge to buy it will drop considerably and waiting until it's cheaper is much easier. :p
  19. Japanese is easier because there are more words to learn? Or Japanese is easier because there are less Chinese words to learn when you're studying Japanese? I'd study Japanese so I could play quirky Japanese games, but Chinese would probably be more useful outside of gaming. *Helpful*
  20. 10,000 girls?
  21. After finally having played the first Trine, I would just like to say that the people comparing it to The Lost Vikings have no idea what they're talking about and the game really isn't worth playing unless you enjoy games where every puzzle has one of only two solutions and every level has 30+ enemies. I think I'll continue to give Trine 2 a pass, even though I'm tempted by the colorful screenshots. :p
  22. I had over 40,000 posts on another forum, but yay, 10,000 posts. :p
  23. So only the really short games, then!
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