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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. This is why nobody loves you. Except your girlfriend.
  2. I hope the game is Skyward Sword. :p
  3. Thanks for the point, Moog Moog.
  4. I agree with Twozzok about Beel.
  5. Gabriel Knight 3.
  6. Make it a Let's Play. Then you can tell me how awesome the game is while you're showing it! Maybe then I'd be convinced.
  7. I can live with that. Maybe I'll play them one day. The same day I stop making lame jokes, probably.
  8. This sounds like something ReZ would write.
  9. I still haven't played any of the Banjo Kazooie games. And now I kind of don't want to just to spite you. :p
  10. I'm not sure why you're so surprised. The test wasn't for mental retardation.
  11. Canand will be crushed.
  12. It's really more of a precursor to the Mario vs. Donkey Kong games, if that's more your cup of tea. Edit: Here's a comic that's partly about Donkey Kong on the GameBoy.
  13. When I finally got a wireless internet connection a few weeks ago, I downloaded Shantae: Risky's Revenge, Mighty Switch Force, Pullblox and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. So those would be my recommendations. VVVVVV I'd already played on the PC, but it's definitely worth checking out, too. I'm not a huge fan of the Super Mario Land games (not the first one, anyway), but it's your money. :p
  14. I tried to think of three N-E members to kill, but I just love you guys too much.
  15. If I were to list the things I hate the most about British television, bringing back TV shows ten-twenty years after they ended would be near the top.
  16. Ugh, who'd want to date someone who uses Paint for photo manipulation? "Magic wand... fill bucket to remove the background... and now to save it as a JPEG!"
  17. Are you a spam bot? Because you sound like a spam bot.
  18. There are games based on Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy, for anyone who wants to get their girlfriend with questionable taste in television into video games. Oh, and Project Runway. They're sure to love that. I wish I had a girlfriend. But only for co-op games. No funny business.
  19. God, Serebii.. Every time you complain about girls not being up to your standards, you sound so full of yourself. You could at least pretend that you just don't have much in common with them or something. :p
  20. I love how you always call him your 'cute boyfriend', like you have more than one. :p "Spent the weekend with my passive-aggressive boyfriend! Can't wait to see my doormat boyfriend again!"
  21. Oh, come on, RedShell. We all know you're only playing New Super Mario Bros. 2 more because it has that weird button layout you love so much.
  22. Too bad you didn't land on your face. Because chicks dig scars and I assume face scars are the most attractive kind, I mean. Obviously.
  23. I'm playing Just Cause 2 at the moment, and that screenshot just made me wish I was playing Grand Theft Auto instead. :p Their worlds are so much more interesting to explore.
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